She Was The Type Of Princess Who Should Be Loved and Cherished

Fei Rui finally managed to coax Melinda into stopping her tears. He then held her little hand and led her to Gu Mengmeng. Looking at Gu Mengmeng with some trepidation, he said, "Great Messenger, can my sister leave with us…"

Gu Mengmeng tilted her head. "I just came in to confirm that your sister is alright. You have to ask Carter whether we can bring your sister along with us."

Gu Mengmeng's words stunned both Fei Rui and Melinda. Even Carter was shocked.

The three pairs of eyes widened in confusion as they looked at Gu Mengmeng.

Gu Mengmeng shrugged. "Of course, no one can stop me if I decide to snatch her away today. But… do you want the reputation of being a thief to always hang over Melinda's head? Think carefully. If she were to leave with me today, it would be as good as admitting that she stole their treasure. She will never have the opportunity to clear her name in the future."