It Is My Own Fault That I Can't Make You Like Me, I Don't Blame You.

"Are you still angry then?" Gu Mengmeng pursed her lips with a "I will cry if you don't tell me what I want to hear" look.

Faced with Gu Mengmeng, Elvis would always be the one to surrender first.

Sighing in exasperation, Elvis forced a smile. But the corners of his lips betrayed a bitterness as he said in a low voice, "I am not angry."

Gu Mengmeng felt a tug at her heartstrings. Elvis had clearly said he wasn't angry, but why did she feel that she preferred him to just throw a tantrum and berate her?

Only then did Gu Mengmeng realize she might have been spoiled by Elvis and Lea, so much so that she now had the tendency to hanker after punishment?