If Only There Could Really Be If Only

"I often thought about it. If only I had begged him to take me away when I was pregnant, my children would not have died."

"If only I had remained obediently by his side right from the start, not kicking up a big fuss or trying to escape—perhaps my partners would still be alive."

"If only I had not so resolutely ripped off a piece of my own skin after he raped me, without even giving him a chance to explain. If I had not ended our partner relationship and turned him into a stray beast, perhaps I might still be living peacefully in the tribe, with a powerful and caring partner, and adorable children."

"If only I had been able to overcome the fear in my heart right from the beginning and patiently listened to his confession of love—perhaps he would not have been forced to use such a method to become my partner."

"If only… there could really be if only, all that would have not happened. It's my fault, it's all my fault…"