It Was Really Unethical To Interrupt A Couple At Such A Time

Cole clenched his fists and smiled. "Never challenge the authority of the first partner. This is a rule of the family. I forgot in the heat of the moment, I apologize."

Elvis ignored him. Following the family rules? Ha, Cole didn't have that right.

Gu Mengmeng headed back to Sandy's, but Sandy and Collin were still going strong. Gu Mengmeng blushed as she approached the house… she was so eager to neutralize the hypnotism that she forgot all about how Sandy was still "making it up" to Collin.

"How about… tomorrow?" Gu Mengmeng asked Elvis while hugging his neck.

Elvis knew how worried Gu Mengmeng was about Sandy, while Cole was a dangerous and unpredictable element. Who knew if he would go back on his word to lift the spell later on?

"Not necessary." With that, Elvis shrugged his shoulders and emitted the pressure of a fifth-level beast.