A Gamble

All 26 men stared at each other, looking as if they wanted to speak but not daring to.

Elvis laughed mockingly. "I have never seen you all look so hesitant when fighting for your lives. Now that it's time for you to speak, you are all acting like someone has got you by the throat? You have traveled over such long distances just to play dumb here?"

Elvis' words incite all 26 men. All males were the same, no matter where they came from. They couldn't resist a challenge. Otherwise, the northeastern slang "what are you looking at" would not have become an infamous fight-triggering phrase.

One of the 26 men looked up and was the first to speak. "Great Messenger, we have indeed taken in some new tribesmen. But these people weren't the ones who went to attack the Snake King valley. They are innocent."