Why Didn't You Flee Then?

"What is… going on?" Gu Mengmeng asked timidly.

Elvis took two deep breaths before slowly speaking. "Why didn't you flee then?"

"Huh?" Gu Mengmeng stared at Elvis in confusion.

Flee? When? To where?

Lea continued Elvis' line of inquiry. "Wabei told us that after we were trapped in the vine chrysalis, you had the opportunity to escape but you chose to dive right towards the vines…"

Lea's tone was gentler than Elvis', but his voice was still full of reproach.

This gave Gu Mengmeng the false impression that she hadn't stayed on to rescue them, but to just charge in without thinking…

Wasn't their attitude the right opposite of how they were supposed to be behaving?

Shouldn't they be feeling extremely touched and be kissing and hugging and holding her up high?

Why were they acting like she had an affair and they were going to divorce her?