I Only Held Back As I Was Afraid You Won't Like It.

Joshua couldn't withstand the silent scrutiny of a fifth-level beast like Elvis. His heart was racing so quickly that it was nearly jumping out of his chest. Nevertheless, he still stole a fleeting glimpse at Gu Mengmeng, who remained nestled in Elvis' embrace and had not even glanced at him once.

He was not qualified to be a challenger but couldn't bear to give up.

Lowering his head, he dared not look Elvis in the eye. Even so, he spoke up in a trembling voice. "I like the Great Messenger. This is something that will never change. But I also know I am now unqualified to pursue her. So I will not do anything superfluous and make myself look pathetic before her."

"Ha." Elvis chuckled. He waved one hand. "What in the world made you think I will allow a piece of trash who is coveting my female to strut around in front of my Xiao Meng? I will give you two choices. Get lost now, or…"