Put This Life Of Yours On Tab With Me For The Time Being.

Gu Mengmeng smiled as she took a deep breath. "Since you don't want it, give it to me. From now on, your life belongs to me. You must obey all my commands for the rest of your life. Give up all your personal notions and follow me without question. Mmm… this is what I call a proper compensation. If you die just like that, I won't benefit at all—what kind of lousy compensation is that?"

Barete was dumbstruck by Gu Mengmeng's logic.


Was a person who had betrayed her.

She was still willing… to trust him again?

She was also willing to give him another chance to remain by her side?

He thought she would never forgive him and would never wish to even look at him again.

That was why he said he would go up the Platform of the Deity's Punishment and never come down again.

Only then might she be appeased.

But she was saying… he belonged to her?