They Had Stopped Seeking Trouble But Trouble Continued To Plague Them.

Gu Mengmeng paused before continuing. "There is only one each of the seven treasures. As long as you two each use up one of them, there will be no way anyone can gather them to open up the space-time portal."

Gu Mengmeng was making a lot of sense. The Tear of the Beast Deity was already within Gu Mengmeng, so if Elvis and Lea used the Heart of the Desert and the Spirit of the Rocky Cliffs to activate the bloodline of the Beast King, then anyone who wished to open the space-time portal had to kill all three of them to assemble the seven treasures.

Ha, one Beast King was already enough to dominate the entire Beast World—three Beast Kings would be like buying the most elite weapons in those freemium online games. They could roar across the skies: Is there anyone else who could beat us?!