Gentlemen, This Is As Far As I Can Help You Guys.

Mandy didn't disappoint Gu Mengmeng. Nothing happened the next morning but by noon, the atmosphere in Saint Nazaire was clearly different.

Because Elvis had already stocked enough food and no longer needed to go out to hunt, Gu Mengmeng let him accompany her as she made the rounds within the tribe. One, was to inspect the territory to see if there was still anything to be done. Two, was to check on Mandy's results.

The 16 valued females were gathered by the little stream and looked as though they were having a discussion. They all stood up and warmly greeted Gu Mengmeng when they saw her approach.

Gu Mengmeng waved at Mandy, who came up to her with a wide grin.

"What were you talking about? Smiling so happily." Gu Mengmeng asked even though she knew the answer. After all, with her current hearing abilities, she had already overheard their conversation from afar.