Let Her Experience The Wrath Of The16 Valued Females

Leanna snorted. "Did you think our little trick could have gone unnoticed by the Great Messenger?"

"You mean…"

Leanna continued. "With the Great Messenger's high intelligence level, the moment Mandy asked her to leave with her, she must have known what we were up to. If the Great Messenger wanted to help that half-beast female, she could have refused to leave or asked her along. But the Great Messenger just left with Mandy without even a backward glance. She was obviously indicating that she wouldn't side with Maya?"

"Mmm… you have a point." Another female agreed.

Leanna carried on. "Maya is not Sandy. Even if she really goes to complain to the Great Messenger, we can just deny everything, and she will not probe further. But… ha, if Maya really dares to badmouth us in front of the Great Messenger, I will let her experience the wrath of the 16 valued females."

The females all laughed before each coming out with ideas on how to make Maya suffer.