Forget Everything

Lea tapped Gu Mengmeng's shoulder lightly and asked, "I didn't shout at you yesterday, right? Hmm?"

Gu Mengmeng knew that Lea had seen through her prank long ago but he was just not as agitated as Elvis so she was not as guilty towards him too.

But towards the dark and evil nature of her fox, Gu Mengmeng decided to not go rough against him so she pulled her lower lip down and flipped her wound out to let Lea see. She questioned him back, "Do you want to guess why Elvis fought with you yesterday? Hmm?"

Lea frowned when he saw the wound in Gu Mengmeng's mouth, feeling as if a needle was poking his heart.

"Hiss...….I bit you?"

Gu Mengmeng grabbed onto Lea's head and kissed him. Lea was taken aback initially but he instantly gain the active role as he held onto the back of Gu Mengmeng's head and deepened the kiss. At the same time, he used the tip of his tongue to sweep past the wound in Gu Mengmeng's mouth.