You're Finally Awake

Perhaps Gu Mengmeng was terribly tired because she had an exceptional sleep this time and only woke up the second daybreak.

There was a familiar warmth beside her and Gu Mengmeng frowned upon instincts.

It seemed like she slept lying next to Elvis but...

She wrapped her arms around Elvis's waist and touched him, this feeling....

Opening her eyes, she met eyes with Elvis's dark blue pupils, as warm and dotting as the deep sea. His lazy and husky voice, only unique in the morning, spilled over Gu Mengmeng's face with his warm breath, "Morning, my Xiao Meng."

After Elvis finished speaking, he lightly kissed Gu Mengmeng's forehead.

The corners of Gu Mengmeng's lips curved upwards and she hugged Elvis tightly, burying her face into his chest. Sighing, she said, "You're finally awake, you lazy bum!"