There Will Be Meat for Us If We Follow Uncle Bi An.

Gu Mengmeng said in the manner of an obedient junior, "You might not believe in this, but my partners and I are fairly strong. If we are against anyone else but you… we can at least protect ourselves."

Bi An's smile was unchanged, but there was a slight difference to the aura. Gu Mengmeng could even clearly envision the haze that was dispersed by the sun cluttering back again.

"Naughty kids will be punished." Bi An's voice was cold, it was almost monotonous. He continued, "I don't like anyone disobey my orders, you understood?"

"Uncle Bi An you are absolutely right!" Gu Mengmeng said fawningly. "Who would want to compete with their own strength with such a strong strong backup here. There will be meat for us if we follow Uncle Bi An. Uncle, please protect us~"

"Good." Bi An chuckled, before turning around and continue walking.