Gregory The Vulture

The moment they entered the hall, Gu Mengmeng felt something was not quite right with the atmosphere.

Lea and someone unfamiliar were facing each other. That person looked chilly and stern. He was wearing the typical animal skin skirt worn in the Beast World, but possessed an elegant and distinguished aura. It made one feel like kneeling before him and calling out. "Master, I am Xiao Gu!"

The feathers on his two ears affirmed his identity. Yeah, he was a bird.

Those feathers were different from the eagle-owls. They were a deep gray with dark patterns running through. Gu Mengmeng couldn't recognize which type of birds had such feathers, and so had no idea which race he belonged to.

The smile on Lea's face was very warm and genial. So genial that Gu Mengmeng felt goosebumps all over.

Lea was smiling in such a manner as he was obviously furious with the bird beast facing him.