Eight Days Left

The ninth day....

Gregory felt his chest stuffed up as if a sharp item poked his heart, the pain making it hard to breathe as he frowned upon instincts.

He did not say anything as he flapped his wings and flew again, towards the Melotti's rest place.

Throughout his trip, he was in a dazed state and was flying with his innate abilities. The scene of Lea 'unintentional' mention of the countdown kept replaying in his head.

Nine days, there were nine days left.

Can he finish making the feather fan?

If he could, that would be great....since she was anticipating this so much, what will be her reaction when he finish making it? Will her clear eyes be shining brightly? Will she be smiling like a kid?

If he caught all the Melotti for her, will there be a part of her smile.....that belonged to him?