Gregory To The Rescue

The wall collapsed, causing a large amount of snow to pour into the stone castle and almost burying Gu Mengmeng alive.

The sudden turnout of events was too sudden that Gu Mengmeng just stood rooted to the ground, not knowing how to react.

But it was only a short moment before a dark figure shadowed them and Gu Mengmeng felt herself being protected by something. Then she heard the sound of snow crashing down. It took her a long while before she regained her senses and a familiar voice came from above her. "Were you frightened?"

Gu Mengmeng looked up and stared blankly for a while, saying, "Gre… Gregory? Didn't you return to Motou Mountains? Why are you here?"

Gregory sighed and did not reply to her question. He forced open his wings and pushed the piling snow to the side. Gu Mengmeng then realized at this moment that Gregory had used his wings to surround her and protected her with his own body like a bomb shelter.