Looks Like I Guessed Right

Gregory glanced worriedly at Gu Mengmeng. He didn't say anything or make any moves.

Lea chuckled. "Don't worry. Xiao Meng doesn't cherish her own life but values Elvis' and mine. For the two of us, she won't do any foolish again.

Lea sounded so confident that Gregory felt both comforted and insanely jealous at the same time.

Gregory didn't linger but just morphed into a vulture and used his claws to carry Lea out of that cave and into another one on another mountain.

This cave was completely different from Gu Mengmeng's present cave. It was full of peculiar rocks and jagged edges, looking very much like the open jaws of a demon.

But Lea didn't care. It was just a place to hold a discussion. It would do as long as Gu Mengmeng couldn't hear them.