First Day Of His New Marriage

Gu Mengmeng thought about it before shaking her head. "No need. Cole is very dangerous. Avoid him in future."

Lea stroked Gu Mengmeng's brow. "Stop worrying. Just leave everything concerning Cole to me."

Gu Mengmeng nodded without another word.

Gregory noted Lea's gaze and didn't say anything either. He just quietly took up his chopsticks and continued eating.

There was no way he could compete with the level of capability and trustworthiness that Lea stood in Gu Mengmeng's heart. He still had a long way to go before he could cultivate a good impression of himself in her eyes.

After lunch, Gu Mengmeng asked Elvis for a wolf bristle, before getting Lea to pierce a hole in her earlobe with a fish bone needle. Thereafter, she fashioned a feather earring by using the bristle to penetrate the base of Gregory's feather, and then looping it through her own ear hole and tying a knot.