He Did Not Like Any Sounds Other Than The One She Made.

"You enjoy the bustling noise? Then I shall bring you to Saint Nazaire next time. When the 16 valued females are all gathered… oh my, the scene was practically like a large-scale wholesale market." Gu Mengmeng laughed as she said.

Gregory smiled and nodded, as he said, "Okay."

He did not tell Gu Mengmeng that he was still more used to silence but he felt delighted when she was making the noise.

He did not like any sounds other than the one she made.

After having breakfast, Gregory gave Gu Mengmeng ten Xue Ling fruits that he had freshly picked that day.

It was quite greasy for her to eat grilled meat in the early morning, so it was quite refreshing to eat some fruits.

"Next time bring me along when you pick the fruits, I want to spend some time admiring the scenery on Motou Mountains." Gu Mengmeng said as she ate.