You Don't Need To Be Scared Because Being Scared Is Useless.

She peeked at the nine males surrounding Miranda and without needing to guess, she knew their identities instantly.

The Motou Mountains was still included in the Beast World so males who could enter a female's cave in an imposing manner was definitely the female's partners. Did they leave the cave to gather around a bumpy rock after catching Gregory sending her up here?

Gu Mengmeng dusted her hands and questioned, "Obedient? Why do I feel that you're not so obedient?"

Gu Mengmeng did not beat around a bush too. She directly sat next to Miranda and placed her hand onto her stomach lightly, rubbing it as if she was deep in thoughts.

Miranda was so terrified that her entire body shook and her eyes were filled with tears. She stared at her partner pitifully, crying out a call for help, "Lucas....Lucas..."