My Warmth Is Only For You.

The next day morning, Gu Mengmeng did not need Gregory to wake her up as she had already woken up early by herself.

The moment she opened her eyes she saw Gregory's neck and was stunned for a moment, then she smiled and said, "Hi, morning."

"Baby Meng, morning." Gregory returned a smile, then got up to add five ice cups into the pot. He turned back to adjust the beast skin on Gu Mengmeng's body, then said, "The wind is much weaker now, after you wash up and eat something, I will bring you on a flight around Motou Mountains so that you can view its scenery."

Gu Mengmeng smiled and nodded, saying, "I was just casually saying it the other day, and you really still remember."

Gregory smiled gently and said, "I remember every promise I made to you."

Gu Mengmeng lightly punched Gregory's chest and laughed mischievously, "Aiyo, you are really such a heartwarming guy."