I Am Merely Following The Arrangements.

Melinda held back Gu Mengmeng's hands. With a sincere and gentle smile, she said, "Did the Great Messenger forget? Bridges is your subsidiary tribe. Yours words are like the deity's decree and we can never decline."

Gu Mengmeng shook her head and said, "I am not giving orders with the identity as the Messenger of the Beast Deity. I am requesting your help as your friend."

Melinda did not understand the difference between these two identities. Gu Mengmeng was just Gu Mengmeng, she was both the Messenger of the Beast Deity and her friend. Regardless of which identity she used, she would still be Gu Mengmeng. So long as it was something Gu Mengmeng said, Melinda would not reject.

But she did not argue and only smiled and nodded. "Alright, as your friend, I shall agree to your request."

With the matters finally settled, Gu Mengmeng could finally relax.