I'm Afraid That You Won't Dote On Him In Future

Gu Mengmeng did not respond to Elvis and only gave him a peck on his chin, then cuddled in his arms, as she watched the dance prepared by Melinda and continued to braid the bracelet.

She had worn the first one on her wrist. The second one had been given to Elvis, the third one to Lea, and the fourth one to Melinda. She had finished braided all the remaining coral and shellfish muscles together to form seven more bracelets.

She needed to keep five of them - four for her sons and one for the one in her womb.

She had to keep one for Sandy and the remaining one…

Gu Mengmeng glanced around and his eyes landed on Auretin's face.

Even though they really did not have a romantic relationship, but Auretin was still her guardian beast to other people. She should at least do it out of courtesy, so Gu Mengmeng really gave one bracelet to Auretin.