I Don't Know If I Should Say The Swear Word?

So, when Gu Mengmeng started to frown, he immediately knew what to do.

"Elvis, original form."

Elvis panicked and was in a daze. His mind was empty and could not process anything. He could only rely on his rapport with Lea and immediately transformed into his original form once he heard what Lea said.

Lea placed Gu Mengmeng on Elvis' back and did not rush him to return to the cave. Instead, he said, "stand steadily and not move. Wait for Mengmeng's first labor pain to subside first, then immediately carry her back to the cave."

Elvis did not even dare to nod and only blinked once to indicate his understanding.

He did not forget the Beast Deity… Oh, no, the labor pain that Wang Xiaoxin had made him experience in the dream realm.

At the thought that the pain was torturing Gu Mengmeng now, he felt as though his heart was being stabbed over and over again by a knife.