I Have A Gift For You.

"Then what plans do you have from now on?" Gu Mengmeng sighed and asked softly.

Barete smiled and answered, "Join the Fiery Flames and protect you with Elvis. There's nothing much that I want, I just want things to be the same as before."

Gu Mengmeng stayed silent for a long time and eventually nodded.

It was not that she did not want Barete to forget about her, but how many times had she advised him in the Beast World? When did he ever listen to her?

In the past, he did not listen to her advice and pursued all the way here even after experiencing death, now if she wanted him to give up, how would it be possible?

Barete was very clear of his position. Regardless of how much he desired it, he would never approach one step closer towards Gu Mengmeng.

Because he knows that if he takes that additional step closer, the four males around her and even Gu Mengmeng herself might push him further.