The Passcode Is Birth Date.

Elvis and Snake were not bothered when it comes to money.

Anyway, it would be great to spend the money on Mengmeng.

As for who's spending it, why did it matter? Anyway, with both of them earning money from underground and legally, their family would not ever lack money to spend.

As such, Elvis and Snake both gave Lea a black card and said unanimously, "The passcode is the birth date."

Without mentioning it, it was obvious whose birth date it was.

Lea was also not at all embarrassed. Even though he had his own money, with even more money, who would complain? Right~

Gregory stood at the side the whole time without saying anything.

He felt uncomfortable and slightly awkward.

Even though his presence had never been prominent, it was the first time that Gu Mengmeng had neglected him like this.