Stealing the Treasure

[Hueco Mundo/Las Noches]

In this realm made completely of white sand and trees of crystal, under the eternal white moon drawn on the boundless black sky, There was a gargantuan white fortress, no one knew what was inside, except for those who lived in.

In a white corridor, there was a white dressed man with a sword that was slowly walking, the man seemed 19 years-old, he had short black hair and brown eyes, and had a sort of white collar at the base of his neck.

But the most noticeable thing of him is the 0 right over the collar and under his chin.

The man was silently walking towards a certain direction.

Solo: 'It should be near… That bastard thinks he could kill me because "I may betray him", I'll show you what happens now… I don't care if it may kill me, at least I will take it with m-'...

He was interrupted when he sensed someone coming nearby, and right now someone appeared right in front of him but his expression didn't change.

?: What are you doing here, Solo Virtuta.

Solo: 'This fucking emo… Now I know what Grimmjow feels when Ulquiorra is near him… Every time you have a bad mood, he comes.' Let me pass.

Ulquiorra: I can't do that.

Solo: it isn't a request, it is an order.

Then he used his reiatsu at him, making Ulquiorra kneel.

Solo: do you think I didn't know? About your second transformation? You can stop worrying, even if you use that it will not be enough to defeat me.

Then he took something from the pocket and penetrated Ulquiorra's clothes, where his hollow hole is, and put something inside.

Then he was covered in a black box and disappeared from the world.

Solo: 'Tsk… I have only another Caja Negacion… *sigh* I can't kill them, they were good friends, except Barragan, he's an asshole.'

Some seconds later he arrived in front of the door where he should arrived and took a deep breath.

Solo: 'ok, I take it as fast as possible and then run away… I can do this, Aizen should be away from here right now'

Then he extended an hand towards the door and blasted it away with a cero, the alarms immediately activated, but Solo just used Sonido to appear in front of a little pillar and destroyed it with one hand.

Then he used desgarron, opened a garganta while holding something small in his hand and jumped inside, but before he could create a reiryoku path, one of his legs was cut off, surprising Solo, who turned and seen Aizen, who held his sword and wasn't smiling.

Aizen: You thought that you could escape with the hogyoku with ease? I admit it, it was an error of mine to not put you in Kyoka Suigetsu, and your plan was good, if it wasn't for the sudden disappearance of Ulquiorra's reiatsu.

Now, if you give me back the hogyoku right now, I can promise a painless death.

Solo: Fuck you Aizen!

Then he fell towards the garganta he created, but for Aizen's surprise, he didn't create any reiryoku path and fell in the void with the hogyoku and the cut off leg.

Aizen: Solo… You!!

Solo: I will take it with me inside the grave, goodbye bastard!

Then the garganta closed while Aizen was enraged, he couldn't risk to fall in the void with him to get the Hogyoku, if it was any other Espade he could do it, but even if he is currently stronger than him, he couldn't follow him because his Resurreccion can give him some problems.

Meanwhile Solo was falling in the void while smirking.

Solo: I can't leave from here without a shinigami or arrancar who senses me. Mh, I always wondered what would happen if someone fell in the garganta, it's time to find out…

Then he disappeared with his leg and the hogyoku in his hand.

[?? Time later]

Solo had his eyes still closed but he couldn't feel anymore the dark presence of the garganta and the sensation of falling disappeared, he opened his eyes to find himself under the blue sky of the human world, he raised an eyebrow and got up while using his sword as a support.

Then he looked around but could find only trees, so he used pesquisa and felt some weak signatures nearby, but he ignored them, then he found his cut off leg and smiled.

Solo: thanks god I still have a bit of regeneration.

Then he walked towards a tree and attached the leg to his body while laying in the ground.

Solo: in 6 days it will be ok…

Then he started closing his eyes and used all of his reiryoku to completely attach the limb.

He stood like this for some time, without even moving a muscle and concentrated everything on his injury.

He had a really weak regeneration compared to hollows, and he needed to cut off all of his senses to reattach a limb and enter in a pseudo-coma state, so he didn't noticed, that at his third day, someone, or something was smiling after seeing his unconscious body.

?: better not make any sound…

Then the 'creature' slowly 'crawled' towards Solo while leaving behind a slimy blue substance, and when she arrived in front of him, she touched him to see if he was awake or not, but he didn't reacted.

She smiled and got over him, while he was healing, she noticed the injury at his leg that was slowly regenerating so she decided to help him a bit with her 'liquids', then she slowly removed his pants and took out his 'thing', and started working.

Even if his consciousness was in pseudo-coma, his body worked like a normal arrancar, that is really similar to one of an human, except for their need to eat and pleasure, some arrancars lose even their need to sleep, like Ulquiorra.

But even if they lose the need of pleasure, they could still do it, but no one knew about it since no one ever did it and they couldn't reproduce, just like sleeping without being tired or eating without being hungry. So, the creature passed the entire day to 'feed' herself with him and helping regenerating his leg.


Solo finished healing his leg, since his consciousness was cut off, he didn't knew that he was raped or that the days that he needed to regenerate were shorter than what he thought.

Now he opened his eyes and stretched his body, but he felt a slimy sensation all over his body, so he looked around and seen that his body was completely dirty with blue gel and that his pants were lowered enough for his 'thing' to come out, then he felt a presence at his left and turned to find a blue slime that was shaped like a woman that was sleeping at his side.

Solo: "What" are you?

The slime heard him and opened her eyes, which was a bit strange since her eyebrows were transparent, and smiled.

Slime: Good morning, Darling.

Solo: ...What?