I want to touch those fluffy tails


They arrived at the Treasure Cave, yesterday Alice taught meditation to Luka, and both Alice and Solo were scared from Luka's newfound healing abilities.

After that, Solo explained that it was really important to be able to heal in a fight, and talked a bit of Ulquiorra, who had the same ability, even if stronger and a bit limited, which scared even more Alice from the Espada.

Now they were entering the cave, and Alice unconsciously sniffed and got a disgusted look.

Alice: It smells like a fox.

Luka: What does a fox smell like…?

Alice: Thin fried tofu.

Luka and Solo raised an eyebrow from her comparison and shrugged before they walked again.

Alice: If pirates really did hide all of their treasure here, there is sure to be a lot of traps.

Solo: There is even the probability that someone who came here before us deactivated some of them, but it doesn't mean that we can relax…

Luka: Yeah… But it's odd… If so many came in here without coming out, where are all of the corpses? Somehow, it seems like ghosts are going to come out at any second…

When Solo heard his last words, he smirked and turned to Alice, who had a frightened look.

Alice: G...Ghost?!

Luka: Hmm? What's wrong?

Alice: N...Nothing…

Then she unconsciously got right behind Solo, who raised an eyebrow at her behavior.

Solo: Oi… I need my personal space too…

Alice: It's not my fault! You were the one who got too close to me… And why would I be afraid of something like this.... You know? I mean, ghosts are so unscientific and everything.

Solo: ...Am I a joke to you?

Alice: Eh? 'Oh right…'

Solo: Still, there's someone nearby, prepare yourself, Luka.

Luka: Right…

Then Alice disappeared from Solo's back, and at that moment, a little girl with fox ears and two grey tails appeared in front of Solo and Luka, and looked surprised.

Kitsune: Wawa! Two humans appeared! Wh...What should I do… I got separated from Tamamo, and now two humans shows up…

Luka: I don't really get it, but if you're attacking humans I won't forgive it!

Kitsune: She told me to not let a human take Poseidon's Bell! I won't let you by me!

Luka: ...Who told you not to?

Kitsune: ...That's a secret

Luka: That name you said… Tamamo was it?

Kitsune: Auu…

Solo smacked his forehead with his hand and said.

Solo: Congratulations, you found someone even more dumb than you…

Luka: Shut up!

Then he turned to the Kitsune.

Luka: I need to get by… If you won't let me pass, then I won't go easy on you!

Kitsune: Then… It's time for a match!


Solo: How the hell did you struggle against such a weak enemy, you fucking dumbass?!

Solo was insulting Luka about his fight while Alice was watching with an exasperated look.

Alice: Let's go…

Solo: *Sigh*...Yeah…

Then Luka, who had his head down in shame, Solo and Alice walked deeper in the cave.


They encountered 3 more monsters, a strange creature, a spider and a mimic, which was a fake treasure chest, while against the first two monsters Luka won, at the last, Solo broke the chest with a Bala, saving Luka's ass.

Right now in front of them there was another kitsune, but she had 7 tails, Solo let Luka fight again while he watched from the sidelines with the fox that was the two tailed kitsune of before, Solo was petting her while watching the fight, and the two tailed fox enjoyed it.

Nanabi: I am Nanabi.

Luka: Eh? 'So she isn't Tamamo?'

Nanabi: Past this door is the treasury… So I can't let you pass. If you choose not to return…

Luka: I'll advance, even if by force!

Nanabi: Understood… I'll show you the power of Tamamo's aide!

Then the fight started, Luka continued to either dodge of use Ryodai and Onibi, dealing heavy damage to her, but she still resisted, then used her 'Seven Moons', by using all her 7 tails to make Luka feel pleasure, while Solo watched with a blank look.

Then he noticed Nanabi charging magic in her eyes and making Luka sleep with hypnosis.

Solo raised an eyebrow, not due to his situation, but due to the sudden change in Luka's soul, and started to dodge Nanabi's tails with a really good footwork, surprising both Solo and Nanabi.

Nanabi: What the…?!

Then Luka rushed towards Nanabi to use a skill Solo never seen, but he decided to stop this and appeared right in front of Luka, blocking all of his slashes with a bit of difficulty.

Solo: 'This is interesting… 3rd Espada level…'

Then Solo's arm shot out and grabbed Luka's head before he slammed him in the ground, stopping him, while Nanabi watched everything with shock.

Nanabi: Who are you?!

Solo: Let us pass…

Nanabi: I can't let you pa- Guh…

Then she felt an immense pressure over her, which made her kneel in the ground.

Solo: It's an order, not a request…

Then Solo sighed and grabbed Luka's sword before he swung it to Nanabi, cutting both her and the door behind her, then she became a fox.

Right at that moment, Luka woke up and found his face in Solo's hand.

Luka: Hey Solo, what's happening? Why am I here?

Solo: You got all crazy when you slept, and I stopped you while sealing Nanabi, I thought that it wasn't necessary killing her so I used your sword.

Alice appeared near them and talked too.

Alice: Yes, I can confirm… Still, thank you to not kill the monster, even if it was a Kitsune…

Solo: It's nothing, let's just go…

He was interrupted when he sensed someone getting near them from the door, and turned to see a nine tailed kitsune.

Luka: She looks weaker than Nanabi…

Solo: Don't underestimate her, she is even stronger than Granberia.

Luka: For real?!

Alice: He's right, she is really strong…

While they were talking, the nine tailed kitsune turned back the two tailed kitsune in her monster form, who hid behind her, and the seven tailed fox bowed to her, now she turned to face the trio.

Tamamo: Hum… So you're Luka and Solo? I admit, Luka, that when you were asleep you could win against Nanabi, but you… Solo… You are really strange…

Then she walked towards him and sniffed him around his body, after that, a strange glint in her eyes appeared.

Tamamo: Hey, can you be my mate?

Solo: No.

Tamamo: Ehhh? Why?

Solo: Why should I accept?

Tamamo: *Sigh* At least I tried…

Luka looked down and noticed a bell in Tamamo's hand.

Luka: Is that…?

Tamamo: Indeed, this is the Poseidon's Bell. Crossing over to Sentora is so annoying, so I'm taking this. Honestly, it doesn't really matter to me. But Alma Elma is so annoying…

Luka: Alma Elma…?

Alice: She's one of the 4 Heavenly Knights as well, causing a storm that blocks the route.

Luka: Do the 4 Heavenly Knights have a reason to block the route…?

Tamamo: Saying, that… If you want this bell, what are you going to do?

Solo: Either that or I am going kill Alma Elma myself.

Tamamo: You? Are you sure you could do it?

Solo: I seen some pretty strong guys before, and I am sure that even if Illias herself would come right now, she can't beat me. So, are you going to give it to us or not?

Tamamo: Well, you are going to fight for it.

Luka: Then I'll fi-

Solo Stop.

When Solo said that, Luka turned at him with shock.

Luka: Why?

Solo: You will never beat her, even if you fight asleep… '2nd Espada… But her real power is a bit higher to the Primera's normal form… Still, I can beat her without using Resurreccion, even if it will be a bit difficult…'

Luka, Alice, go out, otherwise you might get damaged pretty bad.

Luka was confused while Alice used her tail to bind him and leave from the cave, Tamamo did the same with her servants.

Tamamo: Well, if you win, I'll hand over the bell, but if I win, you will be my lover for the eternity.

Solo: No.

Tamano: ...Eh?

Solo: If I win I'll get both the bell and I can pet your tails.

Tamamo: ...What?

Solo: You heard me, the tails looks so fluffy, I want to pet them

Tamamo then started laughing loudly, some minutes later she calmed down and said.

Tamamo: Alright, if you win, you will get the bell and can play for a bit with my tails, if I win you will be my lover for the rest of your life, ok?

Solo: Yes, and we will start now.

Then the fight between the 0th Espada and one of the 6 Ancestors created from the first monster lord started.