Lily's Merciless Death and Gnome's Trial

When they got in the depth of the dungeon, they started to hear the sound of metal clanging ahead of them, so they walked to see what it was.

Luka: I-Is there someone else fighting?!

Solo: We'll see…

Then they walked towards the direction of the sound and found a soldier fighting a metallic monster.

Soldier: You fucking monster!!

The Soldier and the metallic monster were inside a jail, fighting each other, while Solo watched with an indifferent look.

Luka: We have to help him!

Solo: *Sigh* I'll do it…

Then Solo grabbed a bar with each hand, and easily moved them, making a passage for him to enter in, surprising the soldier.

Soldier: S-Stay away! T-This thing will eat you!

Solo: Close that mouth and leave…

Then Solo walked towards the Iron Maiden, who was smiling and opened itself, showing an ominous thing, but Solo didn't cared and punched right in the mid of the two lids, shattering the Iron Maiden in two parts, and killing it.

Then he pointed two fingers towards Luka, and charged a Cero Bala, Luka got a frown and got out from its way before Solo shot and hit another Iron Maiden right behind Luka, piercing it, Luka noticed it and sighed in relief.

Both the Iron Maidens didn't moved anymore, and Solo confirmed that they are dead, then he left the jail, and met with Luka and the soldier.

Solo: You, leave… Luka, come…

Both the soldier and Luka nodded, the former left hurriedly while Luka followed Solo in the depth of the dungeon.


Solo was in front of a door, and knocked it down with a kick, he found a laboratory and Lily, who was smiling.

Lily: Really… How savage. Shouldn't you knock before opening the door?

Solo: Shouldn't you give me a cup of tea since 25 minutes ago to entertain your guests?

Lily: ...Touchè…

Lily's arms then transformed in countless tentacles, that rushed towards Solo, he took a step forward, and was in front of Lily, shocking her and Luka.

Luka: 'It wasn't sonido! He just walked there!'

Then Solo grabbed both of her arms, that had many tentacles, and put a foot over her abdomen, then he did something that would freak everyone watching, he ripped off both of her tentacle arms, leaving her with none.

Lily started screaming in pain while rolling in the ground, and Luka flinched at the scene and looked with horrified eyes while taking some steps back.

Solo: Now… Your last word?

Lily: Yes… I'll cu-

Solo: Bala

Then Lily's head exploded and was reduced in ashes.

Luka: B-But you said you would give her a last word!!

Solo: And 'Yes' was a word, moron… Now let's go, we finished our job.

Luka tried to recover from the gruesome scene he witnessed and nodded, then he and Solo left the Mansion, and met with Alice.

Alice: You two did it?

Solo: There isn't a head anymore, so unless she can live without one, then we ended it.

Alice: Nn…


The villagers were thankful for what Solo did… And they started a project about a statue of him… Solo didn't cared so he let them be, then he, Luka and Alice left the village and walked towards a random direction.

Alice: Where are we going now?

Luka: I think now it's time to meet Gnome… But we don't know where she is…

Solo: Don't worry, I will search her, like I said some days ago, just give me at least 1 day or less.

Luka nodded and Solo put himself in a stance, then he charged his body with reiryoku and used Sonido with as much speed he could do while using Pesquisa.

[2 hours later]

Solo already returned back and informed Luka and Alice about Gnome's position, they nodded and walked there.

[1 week later]

They arrived where they should be.

Luka: Is this the place where Gnome should be?

Solo: Yep, she's moving under the sand… Come out, kid.

Then from the sand in front of them, a small girl appeared, and was holding a mud doll.

Luka: So you are Gnome?

Gnome slowly nodded.

Luka: Um… I'm here because I want to borrow your power...

Gnome nodded again and summoned many mud dolls, that attacked Luka, he defended with all of his might and attacked the mud dolls, while Alice and Solo watched him, then, when Luka destroyed all the dolls, Gnome panicked a bit and unconsciously unleashed 'Wrath of the Earth'.

The magic attack created a giant wave of sand that was going towards Luka, Solo raised an eyebrow and appeared right in front of Luka with a sonido, and swinged his arm with as much strength he could muster and some reiryoku, destroying the attack.

When the sand fell down, Luka and Solo looked around to see Gnome's head popping out from the sand, and when they dig her out, she was unconscious.


Gnome gained back her consciousness, and silently congratulated Luka for his victory while apologizing with gestures about what happened before, then she vanished in Luka's mind.

Alice: It looks like you finally got Gnome's power.

Luka: Yes, and Solo, thank you for protecting me before.

Solo: It isn't much, still, it was a pretty strong attack…

Luka: 'If even Solo thinks it's a strong attack… Then I wonder what would happen if it would hit me…' Well, there's two more left… Undine and Salamander.

Alice: Sylph and Gnome have powerful magic, but no combat experience.

Solo: You don't say? One could cast only a wind shield while the other couldn't even use decently her mud dolls…

When Solo said that, in Luka's mind, Sylph and Gnome got a bit ashamed, until they sighed.

Alice: Ahem… But it won't be the same with Undine and Salamander. Undine is quite skilled, and Salamander is…

Luka: Salamander is?

Alice: ...Well, I'll let you find out. I don't want to terrify you, it might make you mess up.

Luka: Hey… That just makes me even more worried!

Solo was giggling at the scene in front of him

Luka: *Sigh* Well, Undine is the closest right now… Let's head to Noah. Shall we just start walking East from here?

Solo: Yeah…

Then they walked to east, towards Noah Region.