Ant Girl's Riot

While Solo and Luka's opinions about the King was worsening, he continued to talk.

King: You saw it, didn't you? The way humans and monsters live together here?

Luka: ...Y...Yeah…

King: Thanks to the monsters, no humans have to do any manual labor anymore. That's why we're known all over as the place where humans and monsters live together in peace!

Solo: 'Basically this is slavery… Who the fuck put him as the King? Barragan could make a better job than him, and he would just kill everything he doesn't like.'


Solo and Luka met with Alice, and explained what they found, but when Solo talked about the mental control that the Ant Girls may have, they were surprised.

Luka: How could they… This isn't coexistence, this is basically slavery!

Alice: Don't yell, maybe we can still fix everything without causing a chaos. No one controls my cute subordinate without my order… In addition, man-made monsters… The Magic Science used here had advanced quite far… But I can't admire it.

Luka: They leave everything to the monsters, and live a life of comfort and ease…

Solo: Can we stop being so sad about something and actually DO something?

Alice and Luka stood in silence for some moments before they sighed and Luka said.

Luka: You are right, then, let's go take a look around as we look for some information on Salamander.

Solo and Alice nodded and the trio separated themselves, later, they met again and talked about their findings.

Luka found informations about Salamander and something about Succubus Village, Solo found informations about Lady's Village and the place where the Queen Ant is imprisoned, while Alice just passed many food stands and bought some snacks… Too many snacks…

Then they noticed it was getting dark, and found an inn, they took 2 rooms, Solo and Alice were staying together while Alice was maintaining her promise of sucking him dry, while Luka was sleeping in another room.

Alice: I wonder how they could seal the Queen Ant… I doubt that even if all the soldiers were working together they could seal her…

Solo: Alice…

Alice: Yes?

Solo: You understand nothing, of humanity's infinite potential of evolution…

Alice: What do you mean?

Solo: In this world, angels and monsters live together with humans, then… After the Great Monster War, why humans are still alive, with monsters that hunts for them?

Alice: Because Illias protects them.

Solo: You are wrong, it is because they are weak…

Alice was surprised from Solo's words, and stood silent.

Solo: SInce they are weak, and know about it, they can specialize on other things to be stronger, who do you think created the towns, walls, and everything else?

Alice: ...The humans…

Solo: Correct, they could do it because they can outsmart the monsters, they can even be more evil than 'Black Alice', which you told me about, if you put them in the corner, they don't hesitate at killing their own family for survival.

Alice couldn't talk or retort, because she knew how evil humans could be, then she heard Solo talk again.

Solo: Probably they attracted the Queen Ant with an offer, and then they sealed her or betrayed her.

Alice: ...You are right… Well then, let's think about it later, now…

Alice used her tail to bind Solo, and he didn't resisted. He just sighed, and let Alice do all the work.


It was morning, and Solo and Alice were in the bed together, while Alice had her tail still wrapped around Solo, he could just moan in pain while dreaming, they just started to sleep half an hour ago.

Solo: Too much… No more… Stoooooop…

Then Luka knocked at their door, making Solo use sonido and jump out from the bed with a menacing look on his face, then he realized he was just dreaming, and kneeled in the ground while breathing heavily.

Solo: 'How!? It was literally 12 hours of sex! And she just didn't stopped even for a second!'

Luka: Can I enter?

Solo: Wait 15 minutes, I need to prepare myself…

Luka: Alright…

Then Luka got away, while Solo tried to stand us.

Alice: Oh? You are still awake.

Solo: You fucking ABUSED me as a toy for 12 hours!

Alice: Oh, don't be a kid, you liked it too.

Solo: Only for the first 4 hours… Then the pain started…

Alice: Still, good job on ejaculating all this time… I really liked it, and if you don't want to do it anymore for so long, then don't leave me with Luka alone.

Solo: Alright…

Then Solo and Alice made turns at cleaning themselves and dressing up, then they met with Luka outside the inn, and walked away.

Luka: Those poor Ant Girls…

Solo: Yeah… This is even worse than that time I worked with Tousen, that guy wouldn't stop talking about Justice…

Alice: Normally they only obey the Queen Ant's orders. But for the humans to replace her orders with their own, forcing them to work…

Right now a big explosion came from the streets.

Luka: Wh...What was that!?

Solo: It seems that the Ant Girls gone berserk…

Luka: Eh?

Indeed, the Ant Girls that were working silently before are suddenly attacking all of the citizens, then they lifted them and carried them somewhere else, not only them, even the Mud Golem Girls are attacking the civilians.

Luka: It can't be… A rebellion? The Ant Girls and artificial monsters are fighting back?

Solo: I would call it revenge than rebellion… Well, let's go away…

Luka: Wait what?!

Solo: This isn't our affairs, we were here to find informations about Salamander, you are free to help, but this time I will not do much, and if I do something it will result in death.

Luka: Tsk… It's true that I shouldn't meddle in other's affairs, but I can't just abandon them!

Alice: *Sigh* I knew you would say that… But how can you do it? The Ant Girls are going wild all over the town.

Luka: I know, I can't just fight them at random… You said that the Ant Girls obey the Queen Ant's orders, right?

Yesterday, Alice gave informations about the Ant Girls to Solo and Luka, and found out about the Queen, which was trapped in the castle.

Alice: Yes. right now it seems that the Queen has control over them.

Luka: So if I can stop the Queen Ant, it should stop everything, right?

Alice: Yes, her orders are sent out via sound waves all over the town, but if you want to stop it, then you must fight against the Ant Girls to pass through and enter the castle.

Luka: Yeah…

Solo: Don't worry, pal… I'll help you this time.

Luka: Really?

Solo: Yeah, just summon Gnome's powers around your body.

Luka raised an eyebrow while Alice found out what Solo was trying to do and put an hand over her mouth while giggling, then Luka used Gnome's powers.

Luka: Then?

Solo stood in silence and grabbed Luka's left arm, then he put himself in a throwing stance, Luka finally found out what Solo was trying to do and panicked.

Luka: W-Wait Solo!! Don't do it!

Solo didn't answered and threw Luka towards the castle while Luka let out a girly scream, Alice was rolling in the ground from laughing too much at the scene and the sound Luka made, while Solo used pesquisa to check the area around him, and found there wasn't any danger.