Explanations about Resurreccion

Alice and Luka were surprised from Granberia's answer, while Minagi had a brief resume about the current Monster Lord, Alice, and her subordinates, so she knew how heavy were those words 'I'll accept'.

It was basically a deal with the devil, if you made him happy, then you will live, if you made him disappointed, then he'll kill you, and Granberia accepted that deal.

Meanwhile, Solo smirked.

Solo: Fantastic, I sincerely hope you will not disappoint me, I liked your character…

Granberia smirked and said while unsheathing her sword.

Granberia: Don't worry, I will make sure that you will train me… 'This will be hard…'

Solo: Heh, you can even not worry about that, I'm sure that Resurreccion will surprise you even more… Come!

Granberia nodded and instantly used Serene Mind, she needed all the help possible for this fight, and Solo raised an eyebrow.

Solo: So you will play with instinct… I'll wait for your attack…

Granberia didn't said anything and rushed towards Solo, when she was in front of him, she disappeared and reappeared behind Solo, ready to strike him.

But Granberia, instead of using her sword, just bended her body backward, and the ceiling was destroyed, leaving a bigger hole than what Granberia made to come here.

Luka: W-what happened!?

While he didn't seen anything, the rest of the people clearly seen what happened, Solo swinged his arm towards Granberia, who was capable of dodging, and put back his arm in its previous position, and the force of the swing was great enough to destroy the ceiling.

Then Solo slowly turned, and his arm shot forward as fast as lightning, and Granberia used her sword to block the hit, the sword cracked a bit from the force Solo used, and she was flung towards a wall, but she was able to block his attack.

Solo: That was a good movement for a fight with this difference of power… But it isn't enough, get up!

Granberia didn't answered and used once again Serene Mind, while covering her sword in fire, and rushed once again towards Solo.

Granberia: I hope you will like this, it's an attack created from me… Vaporizing Rebellion Sword!

Then Granberia swung her sword countless time at a really fast speed, Solo was not even using hierro to block, and he used one hand to block all the attacks, both his hand and her sword were so fast, that even Alice couldn't clearly see them, but Minagi was able to watch everything.

Solo: This is a good sword technique…

Granberia didn't answered and attacked even faster, but Solo easily blocked all of the slashes, then she slashed upwards, and Solo jumped at her while throwing a fast punch towards her stomach.

But, thanks to Serene Mind, she was able to dodge Solo by sidestepping. Then Granberia took a familiar stance, and slashed downwards.

Graberia: Ryodan!

Her sword descended really fast towards Solo, who smirked, while his hand neared his zanpakuto's handle.

Solo: Now, let me show you something special…

Minagi, Granberia and Alice heard him, and raised an eyebrow. Then Solo's hand reached his zanpakuto, and took it out.

Solo: Hokori…

Suddenly, Solo's reiatsu pulsed, Minagi's eyes widened, because she had some difficulty to see what Solo did, and Granberia's sword was reduced in dust, surprising Luka, Alice and Granberia herself.

But it didn't end there, from the height where Solo currently stood, to the peak of the volcano, everything was reduced in really small pebbles, which slowly fell in the ground, Minagi raised her hand and protected them from the falling pebbles with a barrier made from her dark energy.

Granberia stopped moving while Solo balanced himself and stood up, but it seems that only Luka didn't noticed that Solo was heavily breathing, because that technique he just used was really tiring.

Hokori put everything in a single moment, and continuously slashing with a reiryoku-enchanted sword, which was capable of easily cutting through big mountains.

The most nearby targets would become dust, so the name Hokori was born, which means dust, and it was a technique which involved more than a thousand slashes, Solo was still standing in his feet only thanks to his willpower, since both the technique and the night activity tired him.

Solo: Hey… Could someone grab my body?

Everyone: ...Eh?

Then Solo couldn't stand in his feet anymore and slowly fell in the ground, and was catched from Minagi's ribbons.

Luka and Granberia were a bit worried about him and Luka asked.

Luka: W-what happened to him?

Minagi: That technique put him in his limits, and tired him. That, coupled with what he did this night, knocked him down…

Granberia just noticed her presence and asked.

Granberia: Another monster…? Can I know your name?

Minagi: My name is Minagi, and like you seen, I'm a succubus, I'm currently traveling with them, you should be Granberia, Alice talked a bit of you.

Granberia: Yes, I'm Granberia, the swordswoman of fire and one of the Four Heavenly Knights.

Minagi: Nn, do you want to come with us until Solo wakes up?

Granberia nodded and threw away the handle of the sword that was reduced in dust, then she, Luka, Alice and Minagi, who was carrying Solo, left from what remained of the volcano and camped somewhere, waiting for Solo to wake up from his sleep.

[5 hours later]

Solo regained all of his stamina back, Alice was training Luka about his new spirit, while Granberia was gone somewhere to clean her body and Minagi was guarding him from any possible intruder.

Solo stood up and looked around, noticing that he was in a camp made from his group.

Minagi: Finally, you are awake.

Solo: Mh? Oh, hey Minagi, where are the others?

Minagi: Alice and Luka are training together and Granberia is cleaning herself in a nearby lake.

Solo: Granberia is with us?

Minagi: Yes, she wanted to wait for you and followed us.

Solo: Alright, tell her to come here is she isn't busy now.

Minagi nodded and walked towards the location where Granberia currently is, meanwhile Solo looked us, and watched the sky.

Solo: When will I know how the Hogyoku works… 'It seems that it gives me instant regeneration, and it changed the color of my eyes… What else can it do…?'

Some dozen of minutes after thinking about the Hogyoku, Minagi and Granberia came back.

Solo: So you arrived…

Granberia sat in the ground, some meters away from Solo, who sat, too.

Granberia: How did it go?

Solo: ...You passed.

Granberia and Minagi were surprised from his words.

Solo: You were able to copy my technique, Ryodan, from the first fight with Luka, and were able to master it to a certain degree, your swordsmanship was really good, and your instinct is excellent, I'll train you myself for some time… But first…

Solo used his reiatsu to tell Luka and Alice that he was awake, and they walked back to the place where the rest is currently located.

Some minutes later, Solo, Alice, Luka, Minagi and Granberia were grouped together, and Solo said.

Solo: It's time to talk about my Resurreccion, Crisalida… Minagi, Alice, can you create a barrier around us so there will not be external interferences?

Minagi and Alice nodded and used their magic to cover them in a black dome, no sound could enter or leave.

Luka: So, it means that Granberia passed the challenge?

Solo: Yes, now… Resurreccion is an ability of every Arrancar, but first, let's talk about its mechanism, when Hollows become Arrancars, their mask breaks, leaving only some pieces, while the rest of the mask, is used as the base to create the Arrancar's Zanpakuto.

An Arrancar's Zanpakuto is made of the piece of the hollow mask, and the nuclei of one's abilities, in short… If I use Resurreccion, I can use my capabilities at 100%, which is 10 times more than what I can currently do.

Everyone: What!?

Solo: Yep, but my Resurreccion is a bit special compared with other and Espadas… FIrst of all, my Resurreccion makes me stronger if you compare me with any other arrancar at my same level…

But this gives me a flaw, I need to wait 1 full minute before I can enter my Resurreccion form, and I can't return back to normal once I used it, so I still never used it, and during that time, I'm really vulnerable, but I still have an infallible plan for this… I finished here.

'I still can't tell anything about Caja Negacion… I said I would tell anything about my Resurreccion, but I gotta be retarded if I said really everything about it… At least I will intimidate them with the plan'

The others wore a serious expression, because that thing about the flaw was really important, and it was for this reason in particular that Solo wanted a barrier around him, to avoid that Illias or anyone else would hear it, then Solo turned to the four in front of him

Solo: Alice, Luka, Minagi, Granberia… I am trusting you to not tell anything to anyone without my permission… If you really do it, even if you are really good friends, I will kill you, because you betrayed me. Got it?

The four gulped and nodded with a serious face, then Solo sighed.

Solo: Alright, Alice, Minagi, you can remove the barrier…

The two monsters nodded and stopped using their magic around them, to remove the barrier.

Solo: Well, we done, now… Granberia, if you want we can start your training right now.

Granberia stood up and nodded, then Solo turned to Luka and Alice.

Solo: Alice, train Luka, he needs to know how to use his fire spirit and water spirit, teach him some techniques too, he is too weak to use Hokori, after 2 weeks, we will go to Gold Port, any questions?

Everyone else stood silent, but Luka suddenly raised his hand.

Luka: What about the journey?

Solo: You will not make 3 steps at the Monster Lord's Castle as you are now, you are the one who requires much training.

Luka nodded and all of them stood up and made 2 temporary groups, Luka with Alice and Granberia with Solo, while Minagi was free to go to both the groups.