Saving the World from the angel's invasion


Luka, Alice, Minagi, and the Heavenly Knights were fighting against the invasors in the Monster Lord's Castle, after Luka and Alice fought against some enemies, they arrived in front of a red haired woman who wore a lab coat.

Alice: No matter how many we tear through, there's just no end to them… Let's take out the leader, and finish this.

Then a strange chimera came near Promestein, the red haired woman.

Arc-En-Ciel: Oh, this looks interesting. Then I'll be the Monster Lord's opponent…

Promestein waved her hand at the excited chimera.

Promestein: No… There are already countermeasures in place for the Monster Lord and Hero, I planned some for the Espada, but I didn't expected that Illias would personally intervene…

Well, I will just unleash Ragnarok somewhere else… She would be sad knowing that the Espada is not here anymore…

Arc-En-Ciel was scared when she heard about 'Ragnarok', it seems that whoever she is, she could easily frighten the strong chimera that is here.

Alice: ...Countermeasures? I don't know what you're planning, but you have underestimated me! I will make you all pay for what happened to Solo!

Then Alice leaped towards Promestein, and prepared a powerful attack

Promestein: Monster Lord, you will have the same fate as the Espada, the Dark God and the Six Ancestors.

When Promestein reminded Alice about Solo's sealing, she was enraged, but the moment Alice's blow was about to pound into Promestein, a similar magic seal to the one which was under Solo appeared on Alice, stopping her.

Alice: T-This seal…!

Then an intense electricity filled the air, and charged the atmosphere with magical power.

Promestein: Capture successful… Now for the transfer.

Then Alice vanished just like Solo did.

Luka was even more enraged and turned to Promestein.

Luka: You…!

Promestein: This is the most powerful magic seal barrier that exists. A seal I researched from ancient times, called the Six Ancestors' Great Seal. The ultimate seal, used to seal the Dark God Alipheese and the Six Ancestors.

It took several hundred years of study to reproduce it… But it is still weaker than the one used on the Espada some hours ago and it doesn't have enough holy energy to be activated… So I made another version...

Luka was angry from her and rushed to attack her, but Arc-En-Ciel easily blocked his attack, Luka tried to summon his spirits, but nothing happened.

Luka: What happened?!

Promestein: So you noticed… I sealed the four spirits too, so you would be weaker. But don't worry, I will have some uses for you, you will be a perfect guinea pig…

At this moment, Tamamo crashed in the room riding Giganto Weapon, but was immediately taken down from Arc-En-Ciel, making Tamamo fall on her butt in the floor, near Luka.



He was still trying to break the seal with his power, but the only thing that brought the biggest result was his Gran Rey Cero, which made shake the pocket dimension.

If he could use desgarron, he would easily escape from the seal, but since he entered this world, he was not able to use it anymore due to the distance between the world and the darkness of the garganta.

His hand was glowing once again in a black glow with scarlet outlines, and he fired another Cero Oscuras but it didn't do almost anything.

Solo: WHY!

He fired another Cero Oscuras

Solo: THE!

He fired another Cero Oscuras

Solo: FUCK!

He fired another Cero Oscuras

Solo: WILL!

He fired another Cero Oscuras

Solo: YOU!

He fired another Cero Oscuras

Solo: NOT!

He fired another Cero Oscuras

Solo: CRACK!?

This time he injured himself and fired another Gran Rey Cero, making both the pocket dimension and Hellgondo itself shake.

Solo was too tired to continue, and got unconscious, his Resurreccion is special, and it will never fall apart, because it is permanent.

Solo: 'I want to get out…'

The Hogyoku then started to glow, and a strange white substance was slowly covering Solo.

[1 day later]

Solo woke up, and found himself in the darkness once again, but unlike before, he couldn't move, the atmosphere around him was giving off a familiar sensation, it was just like when he was inside the cocoon.

Outside, there was a giant white ball, which seemed indestructible.

Solo felt really weak right now, as if he was a normal soul, so he closed his eyes due to being too tired and started to rest.


Tamamo was at the place where Solo was sealed, she helped Alice escape from the seal, and now was trying to do the same thing with Solo, but she is worried that something would happen since this is the same place where Alice 1st was sealed too.

She put an hand in the ground and closed her eyes, then she tried to use her consciousness to enter, but the moment her consciousness entered the seal, she retracted immediately and it turned back in her body, making her jump some meters away.

Her face wore a terrified expression, she was taking deep breaths, sweat was falling from her face like a waterfall, and her body twitched every second.

Tamamo: What… W-what was that…

In the instant her consciousness was in the seal, she felt a tyrannical pressure over her that was growing stronger at an alarming rate, and she doubted it was her Mistress' powers, if she was slower of another instant then her consciousness would be crushed under that power.

Tamamo: I… I-I need to warn the others…

Then Tamamo rushed out from the room to search the other 3 Heavenly Knights.

[Somewhere else]

Luka and Alice had gone through many things yesterday, from the disappearance of Solo, then a loli Alice appeared beside Luka, which was the result of Tamamo's help, even if she still had her powers greatly limited.

Then the assault on Illias Village, killing many people and monsters around(Even Lime), the revelation of Luka's lineage, which was 50% human and 50% angel, and made his power reach the level of the 2rd Espada if he would go 100% as he is now.

Then there was the secret of Micaela and Enrika, Micaela revealed herself to be a Seraph, and Enrika was now housing humans and some monsters that survived in Illias Village.

Then Minagi and Micaela explained a bit of the past to Luka and Alice, telling about Illias and Alice 1st, which was unknown to them that she died in Solo's hands, and when Alice heard about Solo being sealed with her, she gained a despaired face, thinking that Alice 1st may have killed him.

Right now, Alice, Luka and Minagi were going around to free the towns from the chimeras and angels, which was going good for now, except for the usual moments where the group would remember about Solo, and the atmosphere would get a bit depressing.

They were flying to Sentora to fix the things around there, Galda was taking them there at a really fast speed.

Luka: If Solo was here… He would be already destroying everything…

Alice: Yeah…

Minagi: Damn Illias… Sealing him with Alice 1st… And now… He's… He's dead…

Galda: Kweh?

Minagi: What?

Galda: Kueee! Kweh Kweh!

Minagi: He's alive?!

Alice/Luka: What!?

Galda: Kweh!

Minagi: Something strange is happening to him?

Luka: Wait, you can communicate with her?

Alice: Yes, it seems that Galda is connected to Minagi and Solo, so she may know what would happen to them, but defeating Alice 1st… Resurreccion! He has Resurreccion! He may have defeated Alice 1st… But if he isn't free from the seal…

Minagi: The Six Ancestor's Great Seal can't be simply be destroyed from the inside, there are 4 methods to escape from the seal.

Either you do like Alice and Tamamo did and seal one's consciousness in a smaller body.

You make a special ceremony that is used to break the seal, like it happened to me.

The seal will receive enough dark energy to deactivate the seal like it happened to Kanon.

Or just made it so that the seal can't receive enough magic to support itself, otherwise, killing anyone who is sealed inside.

Luka: Then… We could just put Solo in a smaller body like Tamamo and Alice!

Alice: We can't… If Solo really used Resurreccion, then his power could unconsciously kill whoever gets nearby him… He is even stronger than the Six Ancestors in his normal form, but if his powers really get so strong, then we can't do anything except for making Illias remove the seal…

At least, I am really happy knowing that Solo is still alive and safe…

Minagi and Luka nodded, then they reached Sentora.

[At the Navel of the World]

There were two figures there, one was a really big monster with many wings and tentacles at the end of its body, and at the to of it there was the upper half of a woman, she was the Heaven's Gate, invisible to anyone except for angels.

While near her there was another woman, she had a pair of white dragon wings, and a white angel halo on top of her head, she was 2 meters tall, and her limbs seemed mechanical, she didn't have any clothes, so her body was completely naked to the world, she has black long hair, and a face that is capable of charm anything.

But the aura she was releasing was strangely similar to the Solo's reiatsu, because she is using reiryoku instead of holy energy, and she emitted a quantity of it that would be able to scare even the Six Ancestors.

She was Ragnarok, the 'Countermeasure' made from Promestein against Solo, even if she is weaker than Solo in resurreccion due to Promestein not possessing that information.

She was there to protect the Heaven's Gate from any strong intruder.

Heaven's Gate: How do you feel about that?

Ragnarok: About what?

Heaven's Gate: About the Espada.

Ragnarok: Oh, well, it's a strange feeling… It's like you were created for a certain objective, and then someone else completed it… I couldn't even see how he looked…

Heaven's Gate: Well, I get a bit that feeling… Before being the Heaven's Gate I was a Cherubim… I feel like I was created for something stupid like this…

Ragnarok: Nn… I wonder what would happen if Solo and I would fight… I still could feel that he is alive, but something strange is going on, maybe it's the seal that is interfering the connection between us…

Heaven's Gate: Connection?

Ragnarok: Yeah… I was created from the energy that was accumulated at where Plansect Village was once, then with the help of Promestein, I was born, you can even say that I am Solo's biological sister… It's a bit depressing…

Heaven's Gate: Why?

Ragnarok: I am literally a part of someone, like a sister for that someone, and I am created to suppress or kill him…

Heaven's Gate: Yeah… That's a bit fucked up…

Ragnarok: Nn, but even if he is in front of me, I will do everything to destroy him… So what if I am his artificial sister? I will not let him do whatever he wants… Heh, I wonder how he would feel inside me…

Heaven's Gate: Don't get wet, he's sealed now…

Ragnarok: *Sigh* Unfortunately… I even planned the order in which I would play with his body… I was thinking about cutting off his limbs… one after another… While I ride him… But first of all I will kill everyone that is his friend and lover… He is only mine… No one else…

While she was giggling at her words, she released a incredibly dark aura.

Heaven's Gate: 'Oh Illias… Promestein put me with a Yandere….'

[In the seal]

Solo, while he was sleeping, his body was changing inside the white orb, but its power was slowly breaking the wall of the reality, but the orb was containing it, Solo's powers were still increasing at an alarming rate.

If Illias would see what was happening to Solo, she would immediately prepare everything and leave from the world as soon as possible.

Soon, the evolution phase will end… And transcendence would be achieved, capable of easily destroying anything.