Chapter 2

As I walk to school as I always do, the season right now is spring. I suppose to see colourful flowers and plants around me, but it just seem colorless. I walk as normal, talk to my friend as normal, but it just feel like something is wrong. Maybe yesterday had such an impact on me. I feel pathetic.

Then, the recess bell shows that everyone shall take something to eat or just relax like me. I just sit on the bench at the school's park as enjoying the sky and nature as always. But today it just feel different.


The bell rang, ending the recess time. I walk to the class as usual and sit at my place. Then, I found something under my table. It's a letter coloured in pink with a heart sticker on it.

"Could this be... a love letter!?"

I slowly take the letter and read it. It says (meet me at the back of the gym)

What is the meaning of this. There's no way a girl would sent me this letter. Yes, this is just a prank, and i'm not fallen for it.


As soon as the class ended, I take my bag and walk to the gym. It's not like I'm going to meet her, I just feel like to watch sports. Then I go to the back of the gym. It just to enjoy the nature that beautifully presented at the back of the gym...

Okay, yes, I waited for the girl.

As I get there, there's no one in sight.

I wait there for ten minutes until a voice call my name.


I feel surprised to see a girl with a long black hair, and cute face unsuitable for her tomboy behavior.


"Well, hello there."

"You...remember my name."

"Of course! We go to same elementary and middle school, right?"

"I couldn't believe that you remember."


"So why you called me here?"

"Hmm..I just want to talk to you."

"That's it?"

"Yep! Hehe.." her cute voice really made my heart beat a little.

"Oh! did you remember yesterday? When you came so late to school?"

"Yes, you're also late too, didn't you?"

"Yep! I overslept."

" did you get past the teacher? Did you do it like me, sneaking around like a ninja?"

"What? Hahaha!"

"What's so funny?"

"Did you know that everyone watching you and thought that you are disable people? I almost laugh out loud at that time! Haha!"

"Don't laugh! How did you get past?"

"Walk up to the teacher and apologize."

"Damn it!"


I felt very happy right now. Suddenly the surrounding become brighter and more Colorful than before.

I hope this moment could last forever.

But, I want to feel more meaningful to her. I know this is selfish, but I want to be with her.



"For a very long time.."


"I had fallen in love with you."


"Please go out with me!" I bow to her, meaning that I accept whatever the answer.



As I look up, I see her eyes, dwelling in tears and said, "Why are you even ask now? That's my line right now. That's the actual reason I even ask you here."

"So, that means..."

"Yes. Please be my boyfriend!"

Then I run to her and hug her in my arm. And time pass by that even we don't know it is quite late. Then, we go our separate way and go home after that.


As I walk toward home, I heard a voice calling my name.

"Brother, wait for me! Let's go home together!"


"To all the readers, please keep reading and enjoy the story!"

"Readers? Story? What are you even talking about?"