Chapter 6

That's right. Nothing to fuss about. She's gonna back and everything will be back to normal.

2 weeks.

That's the time it takes for her to be released from ICU, then I can see her by visiting her at the hospital. But still, 2 weeks is a very long time.

I feel lonely without her. Go and back from school, everything just feels so lifeless. But every time I get home, my sister, Gwen, would cheer me up with her smile. I know it sound weird, but just, seeing her remind me of Ana.

At school, I never mentioned this before, but I don't have that many friend. In fact, I only talk with one person only, my childhood friend, Xavier.

He's always been nice to me. He's also the one that tell me the news about Ana. He is half American and Germany. That makes him the super handsome boy in my class. But then, he also a very friendly guy. That's what make him always surrounded by girls and boys alike, especially when we enter high school early of the year. Because of that, we didn't talk much. it's not like I hate him, I just didn't really care cause nobody really talk to me and made me wonder, "Did I really exist in this class?"

But then I just realized that this is who I am, a boy who's just an extra in this story. The protagonist isn't me, but the boy named Xavier.

But I don't really intended to talk about him. I just want to say that I feel lonely, without anyone to talk beside my sister. Maybe that's why I grown closer to my sister now.


7 more days to go,

until I'm able to see her.

Today it doesn't feel as bad like I feel last week. Maybe I just get used to it. Maybe it's because of my sister. She made me feel not so lonely by talking to me regularly.

One sunny day, I come home like usual. As I make my step into the house, my mom call me from the living room. In the living room, I see my sister and mom is sitting on the couch, next to each other. My mom told me to have a seat on the chair in front of them. It's been a long time that I see my mother has a serious look on her face. on the other hand, my sister had such a relaxed face.

With a stern voice she said,

"Adam, there's something that I have to tell you."

"Umm... What is it, mom?"

My sister just kept quiet and look at both of us.

Then my mother said,

"Actually, Gwen, is not your real sister."


"What's with your bland reaction, you could really get married you know?"

Just then, my sister finally open her mouth, and said,

"Just stop mother. He really doesn't think me as a woman."

Her face gets a little red. I guess even her would get embarrassed in this situation.

Then, I said,

"Well, actually I do. In fact, I really feel embarrassed to talk to you right now. Maybe I do think you as a woman. Haha..."

I'm trying to laugh a little to make sure the situation didn't get more awkward. I thought I would like to take a look at my sister's embarrassed face,

But instead, her eyes filled with tears. And those tears, just came running straight down on her cheeks.