Chapter 8

3 more days to go.

3 more days I can see her.

As usual, I go to school normally as yesterday. But it's different today. Xavier, my old friend, come to me and greet me as I step into the classroom.

"Hey Adam!"

I'm surprised at the time. not everyday he talk to me, but just then he suddenly change his attitude. I'm trying to act normal as usually I do.

"Hey, Xavier!"

He then smile at me with his angelic face. Instead of feeling happy, I feel very irritated, like, he wants something from me. That's why he just changed his attitude.

I know I'm not supposed to think like this, but I can't just ignore his change.

As I go to take a sit at my place, he sit at the chair in front of me. He change his position backward, facing toward me. He look at my face, and slowly, he said,

"It's almost time for you to meet your girlfriend, right? Aren't you excited to meet her? Do you feel like the clock can't go slower than this, after your heart beating so fast?"

I look at him weirdly. Of course, who wouldn't be weirded out if your friend talk about it like that.

"Xavier, what is wrong with you? You greet me all of a sudden and talk to me like this, if you want to cheer me up, stop it! You're creeping me out!"

He then look at me with a furious face. But after a while, he take a deep breath, and calm down. He then look back at me and said,

"Let me be straight with you. Adam, break up with Ana."

"What are you saying? Of course I can't do that!" I said while standing up straight, clenching both of my fists, looking straight at his eyes with a furious face.

"Are you sure?" Said Xavier. "What if I take her from you?"

I then grab his collar and drag him up, until he is standing.

" I dare you to say that one more time!"

He just keep , not saying anything for his cruel words just now.

We then get separated by our classmates to prevent the situation from getting worse.


The school ended, and I just go straight home, without even talking to Xavier. I just sick of him. He think he's the stuff and can talk whatever he wants.


While at home, I just laying down on my bed, staring at the ceiling, while thinking of the thing that had happened today.

Then suddenly, a knocking sound can be heard from the direction of my front house door.

"Brother, can you get it for me please? I'm doing my homework."

"Got it!"

As soon as I open the door, Xavier are standing in front of me.

I then close the door back slowly, like there is nobody there.

He then grab the door and trying to pull the door with his might. I pull the door from the other side with great effort too. He then said to me,

"Wait! Stop! Just listen to me!"

I finally give up because of his strength and lend him my ear.

"I need to talk to you somewhere else."

He take my hand and bring me out of my house. I ask him about the place we are going, but there's no response from him. I just let him lead me to wherever he take me.


"Here we are."

"Isn't this our middle school?"

He then enter the school, and sit on a bench near the

school gate. He call me over to sit beside him. I just do what he told me to do because I want him to give his explanation about this.

He just watch the school building quietly. Maybe he's in the past, feeling nostalgic about the school.

"It feels nice, right?" he said.


I lied. My middle school life was nothing to remember of. I spent my day alone. Just like right now.

The Xavier said, "This is the first time I fell in love with her."

By "her" I guess he means Ana.

"We actually a couple back in the days."

I just heard silently, without making a sound. He continues,

"But I know the person she love at the time was you."


"Every single time we had our date, he always talk about you. Your attitude, hair, shirt, and even your body."

Wow I didn't know that she was obsessed with me. It make me blush a little.

"But then, I was dumped by her. I know the reason, but still, I still love her. I love her so much that I started hated you."

"So that's why you start avoiding me?"

"Yeah. I guess that's the reason. I'm sorry for saying all those things about you and her. I let a girl destroy our friendship. I'm a foolish man."

Just a little, I think I understand his feeling. Love can make you blind. I've seen it in the movie.

"I guess..." I said, "That makes me the protagonist, huh?"

I'm trying to make jokes, but he didn't laugh. What is this situation, it's really awkward. That's what I thought. Then he said,

"You still think you are the extra? You know, I envy of you. You're not good looking, you're not that kind, and yet, you got a girlfriend that even me can't get."

"Wait, aren't you praising yourself too much?"

"No I'm not. I'm really handsome you know. It's like heaven and earth if you're trying to compare both of us."

Oh my god this guy. Now I'm feeling irritated with him even more.

"Honestly..." He said, "What does she see in you?"

"That's some cruel words you know."

"Yes I do."

We then stare at each other, and started laughing loudly. "Hahaha!!". After we calm down, He said,

"I'm not gonna lose to you. I'm gonna snatch her from you!"

Where have I heard this kind of dialogue before?

"Bring it on!" said.

He than said, "To the readers, which of us do you think the best?"

"Not you too!"


It's finally the day she released.

I can finally visit her at the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, I see a flower shop on the roadside. I thought of buying her some flowers. I enters the shop and see many beautiful flowers. The flowers really beautiful, it catch my eyes as soon as I open the doors. I buy a bouquet of roses, because it looks very lovely.

I arrived at the hospital. I ask the nurse about the Ana's room. She told me the room's number and lead me the way.

As I enter the room, I see a girl with a long black hair, sitting up straight on the bed, looking out the window. Her brown eyes really struck straight at my heart. My heart beating so fast.

As I call up her name, she turn to me. I said with a slow voice, considering that I currently at the hospital.

"Hey. Long time no see. I brought some flowers for you. Hope you like roses."

She look at me with a blank face. She said,

"What a gentleman you are. By the way..."


"Who are you?"