Chapter 11

It was around 2 years ago when that happens.

It was sunny day like always.

But it was the day I lost my father.

And the day I become a murderer.

2 years ago.

It was such a frustrating life I've experienced. It was not at school, but it was at home I felt like that. Those days, I felt very scared and hated to go to home. Because at home, There's my father.

He used to be such a loving father. But one day he got fired from his job. Since then, He has become the freeloader in this house. He's always drinking, going out with another woman. My mom always work to her bone to cover our living expenses, but my father just spend the money earned by her on gambling and women.

But the worst part, he beat up my mom when she don't want to give him any money. I hate him. I hate him so much. But I can't do anything. I'm just a kid. I felt frustrated because of it.


One day, I came home from school as usual. When I step into the house, father was trying to force my sister to become a prostitute.

"You're old enough to earn me some money! Go make yourself useful!"

Gwen just struggling, trying to escape my father's grasp. But she couldn't. My father just tighten his grasp. Gwen just crying while begging her father to stop.

"Shut up you! You're not even my daughter!"

At the time I didn't understand what he meant by that because that time I didn't know that Gwen isn't my real sister.

I just watched the whole thing quietly, to make sure he didn't realised me. My sister looked at me. From her eyes alone I know she was asking for my help.

I want to help her. I want to. It just both of my feet just frozen up at the time. My whole body just trembling with fear. I couldn't move.

But then I remembered all the thing father did. How much he made my family suffered. How piece of trash he really is. I clenched my teeth, and take the scissor I my bag. I charge at him and stab him in the back. He scream loudly, feeling great pain in his back.


He tried to hit me, but I quickly stab him again in the shoulder. He let go of Gwen and trying to catch me.

I ran away from him. I ran to the kitchen and take the knife. I steadily pointing the knife at him. He looked at me. Feeling furious, he said,

"Come! Stab me! Just who do you think that raise you? Who make sure you live peacefully in this garbage family?"

I looked at him and said,

"Not you."

I jumped toward him and stab him the head. He's not moving and collapsed after awhile. My sister just sitting on the floor, trembling from the situation.

My mother just came home from work and saw the scene. instead of scared, she walked toward father and looked at him She lifted up her feet and stomp his corpse again and again, with a smile on her face.

"Die! Die! Die!"

Then the police came to the home because the neighbor called them after hearing all the ruckus.


After a while, I confessed to the cops and they put me in the Juvenile school for 2 years.


After I had been released, I came to school like usual, but not the classroom. As I step into the classroom, every single eyes were pointing at me. I ignore them and just walk straight to my place. The class were busy badmouthing me.

"Hey, that's the murderer right?"

"Yeah, I heard he killed his own father."

"What? No way. What a piece of trash."

My desk was filled with bad words and insult.



"Go away!"

I ignore it until the end of the school.


The school ended, and I waited in the classroom to make sure everyone gone home. I could not stand their gaze at me. So I wait until a few people in the class and I went home.


The sun was almost set, indicating the right time to go home.

As I walked, I realised I forgot my history book in the classroom. I turn back to the classroom. Then in the class, I met you, Ana.

You alone stayed in the class, cleaning my table that full of bad words and insult. I watched you without you realizing. As the sunset shine you black hair, you face with your brown eyes, really is beautiful.

That action alone, helped me to make through the life until now.

Ana... Thank you.