Chapter 24

"Ana... are you serious?"

"I had leukemia 7 years ago. I had to move here because of the advanced technology they had."

"So that's why..."

"The treatment cost us a lot of money. My father and mother could not paid for it with their current salary. One day, a rich man proposed to me. He did that to share his property with me for the treatment."

I don't know what so say to her. Should I be happy? to hear that she's married, not because of love? Or sad that she had to stay at hospital, thinking about how to spend her days in meaning.

"I..." She added. "I've been thinking about you since then. About our date, How you laugh, How you hold my hand, How our kiss taste so sweet when we watch the fireworks... all of it..."


"That's why I'm so happy you came here... I want to see you at least once... before I'm gone..."

"Don't say that... Ana, Don't say such thing." My eyes just start pouring out.

"I'm so happy... That you're my lover..."

She collapsed on the ground after she said that. I called the ambulance and take her to the nearest hospital.


She's still unconscious after 3 weeks. Once a week, I take the plane just to see her. I always see her parents after coming out from her room so lifeless. They must be very sad to see her in that condition, just lying at the hospital bed with all those medical equipment.

It hurts me too. It makes me feel bad, making her stay outside for me.

Everytime I visit her, I hold her hands, kissing her forehead. Then I will tell her stories about me, some fantasy ones, or just talk about work, while sitting beside her and stare at her sleeping face.


The fourth week, when I came to visit her, I was informed by his father that Ana had gained consciousness.

As soon as I heard that, I run straight to her room. I opened the door just to see her looking out the window. The sunshine on her face really make her face look beautiful. It reminds me about the first time she had amnesia. Her look, Her face, just the same.

She turn to look at me because she heard the door creaking.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"Pretty bad actually. Thank you for asking." She said while smiling. I know that's supposed to be joke, but it's really hurt my heart.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you wait for me all this time. It must be cold for you since the night here is like ice."

"Don't be. That's what I want to do. So you shouldn't blame yourself." She tried to comfort me. But it didn't work. I still feel bad.

"You know..." added her. "I'm divorced now. it's what I want anyway. He said I should do whatever I want."

"Are you content with your life now?"

"Well, I regretted I've never been able to be with you."

"Well then what are we waiting for?" I said cheerfully.


"Let's get married!"