Chapter 26 (End)

It's been a month since then. We live together in a house on a hill. It's really grand house. It maybe too big for both of us living. Nothing really happened to Ana since then. We've been living quite happily.

One day, when Ana and I were sitting in the living room, I had a small talk with her.

"Ana, are you feeling okay?"

"Yes, I am. Everyday you just kept asking the same thing. If there some thing wrong with me, you're the first one to be know."

"Thanks Ana. Hearing that makes me feel relieved."


It's a sunny, bright, and hot day. Ana at the outside of the house. The weird thing is that she just stare at the town from the hill. The way people walk, behave, and trouble in the society.

I watch her from my room through the window. She looks like a lifeless doll. I wonder what she thinks.

I snuck up from her back to surprise her.

But then, she collapsed before I get to snuck up to her. I run to check up to her. She's out. Maybe she get a heat stroke, or the leukemia is taking effect. I pull out my phone from my pocket and call the ambulance.


I wait in the waiting room for three hours. I wait and wait, with anxiety flowing around my body, making me restless about her condition. I pray, for her. But then I know all that efforts are for naught when the doctor from the examination room came out. He look at me and shake his head left and right.

That's when I knew that her time is up.


Around four hours later, in the dead of the night, she regained her consciousness. I never get the chance to sleep, is currently sitting on a chair next to her bed.

"How are you feeling? Do you feel sick anywhere? Do you want me to get the doctor?"

She just kept quiet. She look at me with the eyes that looks like to cry. The tears dwelling in her eyes really make my heart filled with sadness.

She hold my hands. She smile at me. That just makes me couldn't held my tears anymore. I know she's trying to comfort me down. She know her time is up. I just keep crying while holding her hands tightly.

"Don't cry. You're a man aren't you?" She said.

"I... I don't want to lose you..."

"Do you have a great time being my husband?"

"Of course I am! I couldn't ask for better wife!"

"Hehe..." She giggled. "That makes me happy you know. I'm happy to see your face the last time."

"Don't... say that... Don't you wanna live longer? Don't you wanna live happily with me?"

"OF COURSE I AM!" She screamed. "I want to live longer than anyone else." The tears she held for the long time finally pour down on her face. "I want to live... make children... Raise them... See them grow... And passed away from the world as a happy person... Of course I want to live longer!"

I look at her. That's the real Ana right there. She resented her fate. She cursed the god for making her suffer like this.

"Of only... my body weren't like this... I could be with you longer.... But that doesn't seem the case." She said.

"Ana, do you love me?" I ask her. She seems confused. The question just popped out of nowhere. But she said,

"Of course I am!"

"Not as much as I love you!"

"No! I love you more!"

"No! I do!"


Then, silence just conquered the atmosphere for a moment. We look at each other and start to laugh together. "Hahaha!!!"

She continue to smile while looking at me, My hand that she never let go, tighten.

"Hey..." She breaks the silence. " look at the moon. What a pretty half moon, right?"

"Yeah, it is. When I think about it, it just like us."

"Why's that?"

"The moon never be complete without each other."

"Hmm... I think that's right."She said.

For a moment, we just stare at the moon together. The night wind is so breezy, the sound of owl really a good song to our heart.

"Hey..." She added. "When you look at the moon, please remember me. That's the last request from me."

"Sure, then I look at the moon every night."

"When you're feeling down, sad, just look at the moon."

"The last request, huh? That's not so hard."

"The most important thing for you to do is..."She said.


"Please remember me."

In the night, She died with a smile on her face.