
Chapter 72 - Ruthless Fiancé

Several kilometers from the Divine Sword sect, there was an elegantly dressed young woman with a violently hot and volatile aura walking down a long road leading directly to the Divine Sword sect. This beautiful girl was none other than Li Lian.

Many of the Divine Sword sect disciples often looked down on spirit cultivators for being frail and weak, but the few cultivators that ran passed her gave her no trouble because she was Xiao Fang's fiance.

Not too far behind her was a small group consisting of three 19-year old inner court disciples and one 33-year old core court disciple.

"Who is that girl?" asked the inner court disciple, Huang Yu.

"I can feel my body burning up when I try to see through her cultivation," said the female inner cort disciple, Yang Mi.

"I can feel it too, but she looks weak," the other inner court disciple named Zhu Chang commented disdainfully.

"Zhu Chang, you're too arrogant, why do you say every spirit cultivator you see is weak," yang Mi berated him.

"Arrogant? Fine, I am arrogant, but I have a reason to be. I've been training for nearly all my life to get to where I am, but people like her only started cultivating after the age of 18. It's only right that I look down on people like her."

Huang Yu agreed, "Zhu Chang has a point. Don't forget we're Divine Sword sect disciples, even other body cultivators in the same realm are no match for us, much less spirit cultivators."

"Of course I am right. She must be carrying a treasure or something to conceal her cultivation like that. Maybe I should go introduce myself," Zhu Chang said with a mischievous look on his face.

Before he could pursue Li Lian, the core court disciple, Hu Ning, grabbed him by the shoulder and finally spoke.

"Since when did you become a petty thief. Don't tarnish the Divine Sword sect's name," he said, giving him a stern look.

"Senior brother, she's a spirit cultivator, I just wanna have a little fun with her, that's all."

Zhu Chang's words made Hu Ning want to knock some sense into him. Zhu Chang wanted to bully that innocent girl, but calls it having fun.

The younger disciples in the Divine Sword sect always looked down on spirit cultivators because they didn't experienced the world yet.

Zhu Chang was Hu Ning's junior brother, that made him his responsibility. Hu Ning knew smacking him around wouldn't change anything, so he tried to think of something profoundly wise to say to change his worldview, but when he looked at Li Lian again he suddenly realized something peculiar about her.

'Isn't that... Who would have thought I'd meet her here,' Hu Ning thought.

He finally let go of Zhu Chang's shoulder.

"Do as you wish, but as your senior brother I should warn you that you are biting off more than you can chew."

"Senior brother, you seriously underestimate me. To not even be able to defeat a spirit cultivator-", he stopped mid-sentence when he saw Hu Ning gesture for him to go.

Zhu Chang clasped his fists then quickly ran towards Li Lian.

"Senior Brother, you must be joking, how could a spirit cultivator her age be any match for Zhu Chang? He's in the 1st stage of the Divine Sword - Body Refinement realm. Even if she's in the Spirit Refinement realm she would still be no match for him."

Suddenly, Hu Ning started laughing hysterically.

"Senior Brother?"

"Do you know who her fiance is?" Hu Ning asked with a terrifying smile.

Huang Yu interjected,

"I see, Senior brother is truly wise."

Huang Yu noticed that Yang Mi was still confused, so he clearified,

"If Zhu Chang provokes someone he shouldn't, that'll teach him to be less arrogant in the future. Am I right?"

Hu Ning didn't reply, he simply continued to watch Zhu Chang approach Li Lian from a distance.

"I think I understand now, but I've never seen her before, who can her fiance be?" Yang Mi asked.

There was a stillness in the air that made Hu Ning's next words sound incredibly clear.

"..... Xiao Fang."


Yang Mi and Huang Yu's eyes both widened in horror, and without hesitation Yang Mi immediately turned in Zhu Chang's direction and yelled in warning.

"ZHU CHA-!!!"

But before she could warn him, she suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood.

Arms crossed, Hu Ning only flexed his arms and looked at her from the corner of his eyes to make her fall to her hands and knees.

Despite not being the target of Hu Ning's oppressive might, Huang Yu was still affected by it. Although he could still stand, the pressure was too great for him to move.

'How can this be! Hu Ning should only be in the Solid Body realm with the Divine Sword method, so how is he doing this?,' Huang Yu thought in astonishment.

With great effort, Yang Mi was able to speak,

"Hu Ning, Zhu Chang is going to get us all killed."

Hu Ning didn't respond, he just continued to watch Zhu Chang approach Li Lian.

Although he didn't want to provoke Xiao Fang, this was a good opportunity to teach his junior disciples a lesson on arrogance. Plus, he was curious to see what Xiao Fang's fiancé was capable of.

Chapter 73 - Ruthless Fiancé (2)

Zhu Chang intercepted Li Lian's path.

Till now, everyone that passed her just gave her weird looks, so she was happy to finally meet someone that wanted to talk to her. However, when she saw the condescending look he gave her, she immediately knew that he wasn't here to have a friendly chat.

"Hey girl! What's a spirit cultivator like you doing on this road. Mind telling me where you're going?"

"Is your head full of shit or are you just stupid? This road only has one destination, so where do you think I'm going?"

"Y-you", Zhu Chang couldn't believe what he just heard.

Off in the distance Hu Ning, Huang Yu, and Yang Mi's jaws all dropped and thought, 'Is that really Xiao Fang's fiancé?'

"You're blocking my path. Move before I make an example out of you."

Zhu Chang couldn't believe his ears. He always thought the Divine Sword sect girls were crazy, but he just met this girl and she was already insulting him. The most shocking thing about it was that she was undoubtedly the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, but her venomous words didn't match her appearance at all.

"Y-you!" He was still at a complete loss for words.

"Y-Y-you. Is that all you know how to say or are you just a stuttering fool?" Li Lian continued to shower him with insults.




'Is she an idiot?' Huang Yu thought.

Hu Ning was starting to get a bit nervous, because he didn't think she'd provoke Zhu Chang to this extent. Knowing him, he wouldn't be able to take such insults for long.

"Hu Ning, he's going to kill her. He's definitely going to kill her. You have to stop him," said Yang Mi.

Hu Ning didn't respond, he was starting to suspect that there were more to it than it seemed.

"I can't listen to this anymore. If he doesn't kill her I will," Huang Yu said with his trembling hand tightly gripping onto the hilt of his unsheathed sword.

"Huang Yu, how could you say that. Don't you know who that is?"

"That girl is clearly in the wrong, so why should Hu Ning help her. If she doesn't have the strength to back up her words then I say let her die," Huang Yu said in a scornful tone.




Insult after insult, Zhu Chang was too shocked to reply to any of them before he finally snapped.

"AGHHH!!!!!! A mere spirit cultivator dares talk to me that way?! YOU'RE DEAD!!!"

He crazily undressed the top half of his body, letting his robes folded over his waist to reveal his young unscratched chest and abs.

"Not bad, your boobs are almost as big as mine. Could you actually be a girl? I apologize if I offended you ma'am" She teased some more.

Charging without thinking, he finally unsheathed his sword and attacked like a bloodthirsty maniac.


'Took you long enough,' Li Lian smirked.

She punched a few fist sized fire balls at him while jumping away, but he skillfully used his free hand to deflect the attacks he couldn't dodge, carefully handling the fire balls as if they were boiling hot water ballons on the verge of popping.

Li Lian already seen Xiao Fang do this countless times in the past so she assumed it was just one of their sects basic techniques, but in reality it was extremely difficult to pull off.

Zhu Chang felt extremely accomplished by what he was able to do, so he stopped chasing her to see the look of despair on her face, but what he saw was far from it. She was simply unimpressed.

Li Lian stopped as well. When she opened her hand, a ball of fire formed on her palm, then it suddenly began to compress into a shinning ball of white light.

[ Exploding Star ]

She quickly threw it at him and it sped through the air at a blistering speed.

It was way too fast for him to dodge so he tried to deflect it, but just before he could touch it, Li Lian's hands suddenly closed into a fist again and the white ball of flame exploded just before he could touch it.




"What!", Huang Yu said in surprised.

The fact that Zhu Chang couldn't deflect that attack didn't surprise him, but the sheer power behind that explosion could be felt from where they stood. They started to suspect that she was actually a master in disguise.

Hu Ning felt like he could vaguely gage at her cultivation realm now.

'Spirit Core realm? But even for a Spirit Core realm practitioner, that attack was way too strong.'

The more he thought about it the more suspicious he became.

'Could it be...'




As Li Lian waited for the smoke to clear she began to think.

'I practiced this technique so that I could use it against Xiao Fang. Though it's not very strong, it certainly has it's advantages,' Li Lian thought.

When the smoke cleared, she saw Zhu Chang laying motionless on the ground.

"Hmph, we just started but you already want to play dead. Do you still call yourself a man?"

Another ball of fire formed on her palm and it began to condense. She quickly whipped it at his laying body then detonated it, but this time when the smoke cleared the boy was gone.

"Come back you coward!"


Li Lian looked around but couldn't find any trace of him.

"Hmph, how can that even be called a warm up. Knowing Xiao Fang, he could probably take a dozen of those attacks and not feel a thing. I need to find more people to practice on."

Li Lian eventually continued walking towards the sect.




Some distance away, Yang Mi was treating Zhu Chang's wounds when he suddenly regained consciousness.

He groaned in pain then spoke.

"What happened."

"That girl is ruthless, she wasn't even going to leave your corpse. Lucky for you, Hu Ning was able to pull you out just in time," Yang Mi said.

With great effort, Zhu Chang kneeled and bowed his head to Hu Ning.

"Thank you for saving me."

"I tried to warn you, but you were too arrogant. Next time I might not be able to save you."

"I promise, I won't make the same mistake."

"Good, we will leave after Yang Mi finishes treating your wounds."

Zhu Chang nodded, but Huang Yu suddenly complained outloud.

"She was too cruel! Zhu Chang was unconscious and unable to fight, but she still attacked, nearly burning him to ashes. Am I the only one disturbed by this?!"

Zhu Chang was too ashamed to speak, and Yang Mi didn't dare to talk ill of Xiao Fang or his fiancé, so Hu Ning broke the silence.

"If you are kind to your enemies, then you are just being cruel to yourself. The three of you are still new to the sect, but you'll soon learn that the first rule to being a swordsman is this: Be Ruthless."

"Ruthless or evil." Yang Mi finally spoke her mind.

Hu Ning suddenly became angry.

"Who was it that drew his weapon first, Zhu Chang or that girl?! He let her words get into his head so he attacked her with the intention to kill, right?! Are you telling me she can't kill the person that wanted to kill her?! The only reason he is alive today is because he is my responsibility, but if I were to uphold the sect's values then I should have let him die!"

The three inner court disciples bowed their head in shame because Hu Ning's words made sense, now the last thing they wanted to do was show their faces anywhere near Li Lian.

"Originally, I wanted you to become more aware of your arrogance, but what you learned today is far more valuable, and it's all thanks to her that you are able to learn it earlier than your peers."

"Hu Ning, what's her name?" Yang Mi asked.

"Her name is Li Lian. Remember it well."

Yang Mi looked at Li Lian again, but this time with a look of admiration and a burning desire to get stronger. She just found her first role model.

Chapter 74 - Decorating The Sect

Xiao Fang entered the Patriarch's Hall expecting to find his grandmother and the elders there, but it was completely empty.

'Maybe they ended early,' he thought.

With long furious strides, he quickly made it to her private quarters.

Before knocking on her door, he unclenched his fist, loosened his tensed posture, and took a deep breath in to clear his mind. He then announced his name and waited for her reply, but it never came. Xiao Fang wasn't feeling especially patient that day, so he eventually invited himself in.

Inside, he saw his grandmother sitting on a 2 by 4 gold cushion, and infront of her was a map of the entire Divine Sword sect. She was so focused on the map that she didn't pay any attention to Xiao Fang at all.


"Barging in here without permission, it better be important," she replied without sparing him a glance.

Xiao Fang paused. What was he supposed to say?

'Don't punish Xun Wei'?

Who's to say that she wouldn't immediately carry out the punishment once she got the hint that Xun Wei had broken one of her rules. If he brought it up he could end up implicating her, so Xiao Fang decided to not say anything about it.

"I'm a bit busy right now, how about we talk some other time?"

"What are you doing?"

"Someone special will be coming to the sect in a few weeks, so I'm redecorating the sect before they do."

"Is it grandfather?"

"Ha! Do you really think I'd do all of this for that old man. No, your father is bringing his wife and daughter to the sect."

Surprised, Xiao Fang asked, "I have a half-sister?"

"Your father never told you? She should be around your age, maybe a year older."

"I can't wait to meet her."

"Right... There are many - interesting - rumors about you in this sect, Xiao Fang. Should I be worried about leaving the two of you together? I assume even you have your boundaries."

"I wouldn't even dream of it," he smiled innocently.

They both laughed it off, but Xiao Fang had other thoughts.

'You think too highly of me, grandmother. I'd even cultivate with you if you'd let me,' he thought.

Although Xiao Fang smiled charmingly on the outside, he looked forward to the day that his grandmother was under him and submitting to the powerful thrusts of his naked sword.

He amused himself at the thought of fucking her infront of his grandfather and making her scream his name. He imagined elevating one of her legs and hugging it against his rock hard body as he pushed his dick in and out of her wet gilf pussy. He even began to wonder what she'd sound like with his dick brutally fucking her in the ass. Would she be embarrassed? Would she beg for more? The more he thought about it the more he wanted it.

His grandmother's voice suddenly snapped him out of his fantasy.

"Do you know why I never liked this sect? It's because it's so dull and boring. No beautiful scenery, no tourist attractions, no drama, just people cultivating all day. It's no place for a woman to live." She sighed, "There's just too much to do in so little time."

"In the Black Paradise sect there are plenty of tourist attractions and beautiful sceneries. If you'd like, I could help give you some ideas."

"Oh, you'd do that? It's unlike you to help me with something."

"Well, there's something I'd like in return."

"Alright, say it. What do you want?"

"I'll tell you when the time comes," he replied mysteriously.

His Grandmother looked at him strangely as if she was trying to figure out what he was thinking. If she knew what he wanted then she wouldn't have wasted so much time trying to find so many precious gifts to give him every year.

"Very well. If you help me this time I'll give you what you want, it should go without say that I won't agree to do anything embarrassing or dishonorable."

"Of course. You can rest assured that my request is harmless."

Xiao Fang then turned to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"They say stress can add 10 years to your age, so I'd like to make you some tea to help cool your nerves."




Although she was over 90 years old, due to her extremely high body cultivation she only looked like she was in her mid 40s. Her hair was as white as snow, her body was as fit as an athlete's, and her eyes were as blue as the sky.

From her posture to the way she spoke, everything about her gave off the impression that she was an elder, but from her appearance alone, she seemed as young as a mother after her first child.




"I didn't know you knew how to brew tea. Very well, but don't take long. We only have a few hours till I have to meet with the elders again."

Xiao Fang nodded then left.




Back at his house, Xiao Fang talked to his mother about seducing his grandmother.

"Is it really worth the risk? If you're caught she will cripple you."

"I understand the risks and I don't intend to overstep my bounds. I only wish to make her more comfortable around me."

"I don't have an aphrodisiac strong enough to bring your grandmother's defenses down, but there may be a way to do just that," Yu An said.


"Wait here."

Yu An looked through her drawers till she found a small vial of oil.

"With this."

"Body oil?"

"Not just any body oil. It's something I came up with back when I was a disciple of the Black Paradise sect."

Xiao Fang's mother was born into the Dual Cultivation sect the same way Xiao Fang was born into the Divine Sword sect. When she turned 18 she joined the Black Paradise sect the same way Xiao Fang joined it when he turned 18. This is how Xiao Fang knew where to find the dual cultivation technique 'Naked Sword Piercing Horn'.

"Once you apply this oil to her body, any physical contact you make with her will allow you to implant false fantasies into her head," Yu An explained.

"There's really such a thing?" Xiao Fang was extremely skeptical because it sounded way too good to be true.

"There's a condition. Only after she has reached a certain level of relaxation will her mind become open for manipulation. This means any kind of discomfort she feels, rather from the massage or your transmitted thoughts, will sever the mental connection you have with her."

"I see. So, she could just sever the connection whenever she feels like it."

"Right, but at least she won't suspect you of anything."

"This all sounds a little too good to be true."

"Lie down and I'll show you."




After a quick demonstration Xiao Fang was amazed. The fantasies seemed so real, and it felt like it was his own imagination at work not hers.

"Remember, this isn't an aphrodisiac. You must be patient with her."

Yu An finally put the small bottle of body oil into his hands.

"Thanks for the help, I'll see you tonight."

Just as he turned to leave, he heard Xiao Hei soundlessly sneaking up on him.

"Fang~," Xiao Hei said joyfully as she jumped towards him, but Xiao Fang reacted in time to catch her in the air.

Seeing her so full of energy made him smile.

"I'm going to be busy for the next few days. Don't cause too many problems for Yu An while I'm gone, okay?" He said after putting her down and patting her on the head.

"Okay," she replied obediently.

Xiao Fang put his blindfolds back on, then left the house with everything he needed.

Chapter 75 - Li Lian Brings Hell

Not long after Li Lian entered the Divine Sword sect, she began to hear all kinds of wild rumours about herself. Many of which insulted her appearance or cultivation practices. Some directly calling her weak or afraid for not making a public appearance like Xun Wei did.

Li Lian wasn't too bothered by this. Instead, she saw it as an opportunity to stretch her arms and legs a bit before seeing Xiao Fang.




The sect lacked many public hangout places, so many outer, inner, and very rarely even core court disciples would go to the sect's large open park during their leisure time.

Besides being a place to relax, disciples often went there to spectate fights between disciples in a higher realm to attain greater insight from their battles. However, Li Lian had other plans.

She walked up to the stage attracting a few stares, then announced her name,

"I am Li Lian, Xiao Fang's fiancé!"

If her, as a stranger, walking up to the stage didn't attract everyone's attention, announcing her name and identity as Xiao Fang's fiancé certainly did.

Seeing that she got everyone's attention, she continued:

"I've heard the rumors accusing me of being weak and cowardly, but here I stand before you today, ready to fight anyone who still believe such thing. Those of you who spread false rumors, come now. Let's see who among us is truly weak."

The crowd broke out into chatter. A few passing elders even came by to see what all the commotion was about. Some disciples left rather to call a friend or spread the news, but no one dared to walk up to the large stage.

"All bark, but no bite," Li Lian taunted.

"You spread false rumors but shy away when asked to back up your words. I didn't know you'd all be so pathetic."

Li Lian quickly enraged the disciples. It was bad enough for a spirit cultivator to be talking down on them, but she did it while hiding behind Xiao Fang's name. Was there anything more shameless?

Of course, Li Lian didn't come here just to taunt and insult them, she wanted to fight. She knew what was holding them back, so she made a crazy declaration.

"Whoever can leave a scratch on me will be personally reward by Xiao Fang."

With that, the disciples all ran onto the stage like hungry wolves.

Li Lian laughed menacingly, making the weak of heart hesitate their hasty approach.

As her eyes, hands, and hair began to burn a rosy-red, her aura made her body look like a violently burning candlewick. What she was waiting for had final come.

Suddenly, with an extension of her arm, hell descended onto the stage. She even attacked the disciples outside of it, targeting those who were smart enough not engage her so recklessly.

Clouds of smoke blinded the disciples on the stage, and deterred the disciples outside of it from entering.

People far enough away to avoid the catastrophe watched in horror as the park was being destroyed and listened to the screams of the inner court disciples that were being roasted alive.

The elders present wanted to stop her, but no one she attacked suffered more than minor injuries, she only attacked them enough to knock them out.

Eventually, the inner court disciples realized that they had provoked a monster so they began to run in the opposite direction, but they couldn't escape without being burned and bruised.

From that day on, Li Lian would be remembered as the 'Tyrannical Fire Demon' and no one would speak poorly about her ever again.




Meanwhile, Xiao Fang was on his way to his grandmother's place when he was confronted by a young inner court disciple.

"Xiao Fang, please help us. Your fiancé is going to burn down the entire sect."

"Li Lian is back?"

Xiao Fang almost laughed. She had just returned but was already causing so trouble for him.

'Just watch how I deal with you when I get home,' he thought.

"Please save us, Xiao Fang," the disciple cried.

"I'm a bit busy right now. If she's really destroying the sect then go report it to the elders."

"The elders don't want to get involved because it will look bad on the sect if they do."

Xiao Fang could tell that the inner court disciple was heavily exaggerating the matter. If Li Lian was really destroying the sect the elders would certainly make a move even if it was the emperor himself. Li Lian was a smart girl, so she was probably still playing within the rules, that's why the elders had their hands tied.

"What about the core court disciples? Why aren't they doing anything about it?" Xiao Fang asked.

"They said they don't want to offend you."

Xiao Fang scoffed.

'They don't want to offend me? Ha! More like they don't want to waste their time. Those core court disciples are becoming too cocky.' Xiao Fang thought.

His father made him in charge of supervising over the Core court disciples but also acted as their middle man when speaking to the Patriarch.

Xiao Fang thought for a moment then gave the young inner court disciple an order.

"Find Hu Ning, and tell him to resolve the issue," Xiao Fang said as he tossed him a special token to grant him access to the core court.

The disciple's eyes shined admiringly when he caught the token. He heard the rumors of the core court being like a Heavenly place full dense sword qi, so he couldn't wait to see it.

"I'll tell him right away!" He quickly said then left.




Xiao Fang was familiar with all of the disciples from the core court because for a period of time he was involved with the core court exam. Those that could leave a scratch on his body would pass the preliminary round.

It might sounded easy to fight against a young Xiao Fang, but once the lights were out he became every core court disciple's nightmare. It was a test of the disciple's swordman instincts, but Xiao Fang's instinct were so strong that he could practically see into the future. And of course, the dark was no hindrance to him.

The reason his father, the Patriarch, set this up was to allow him to get familiar with the core court disciples and their fighting styles. However, after the age of 15, his father had to exclude him from the test because he had already reached a level no core court disciples couldn't beat in the dark. It didn't matter how many realms they were above him, once the lights were out Xiao Fang was untouchable.

Having practiced against his father everyday, the sect's disciples felt like child's play. However, there was one person who caught his eye. His name was Hu Ning.

Although his father would eventually instructed Xiao Fang to go easy on the new disciples, Xiao Fang almost had to go all out just to leave a single scratch on him. It was as if he could see him in the dark too.

Xiao Fang found this suspicious. It was common for patriarchs to send their children to other sects, the same way Xiao Fang and Yu An at the age of 18 went to the Black Paradise sect, so Xiao Fang immediately suspected Hu Ning of that, but couldn't prove it.

If he belonged to a rivalled sect like the Golden Mountain sect then there would be a problem, otherwise there was nothing to worry about.

Strangely, when Xiao Fang brought this up to his father, he was told not to pursue the matter, but Xiao Fang was still curious.

Each time Xiao Fang sparred against Hu Ning they'd only use their sword to fight, so Xiao Fang could never learn more about him. However, sending him to suppress a spirit cultivator like Li Lian might require him to change his tactics. If he reveals anything infront of Li Lian, she'll tell him what it is, and that'll give him an idea of where he came from.

Chapter 76 - Massage

In Xiao Fang's grandmother's quarters, Xiao Fang was brewing tea as his grandmother was reading through a few scrolls. From time to time, she would curiously look up to see how he was doing.

'He's pretty good,' she thought.

She didn't think he would make the tea himself, she just assumed he would get a female disciple to do it.

As he gracefully stirred the pot, the flowery aroma slowly permeated the room, already making his grandmother feel a bit more relaxed.

He eventually poured the tea into two golden teacups, giving one to her and leaving one for himself.

"I'm impressed. Not many men know how to brew tea like you. Aren't you afraid what people might think if they knew?"

"Should I? As grandfather used to say, 'Care about what people think and you'll always be their prisoner'."

"Ho ho, even when he's not around he's still lecturing me. Don't think you can change your grandmother's mind so easily. There are certain things only women should do, just as there are certain things only a men should do."

Xiao Fang laughed.

"Grandmother, surely you don't believe that. If you did, then someone as beautiful as you would never have become a swordsman," he said before taking a sip of his tea.

She smiled at his words, because he managed to compliment her while pointing out her hypocrisy.

"Calling you're grandmother beautiful, I must be lucky to have a grandson like you."

She took a sip of her tea then nodded as she put it down.

"Very good."

"I'm glad you enjoy it. With grandmother's permission, I'd like to do something else for you."

"Oh? There's more?"

Xiao Fang walked behind her then lightly massage her neck and shoulders over her clothes.

"First tea then a massage. I suppose I should be telling people that I have 2 granddaughters from now on." She joked.

Xiao Fang stopped massaging her.

"Perhaps you'd like the taste of my sword instead," he smiled mysteriously.

"Ah, don't stop. I was only joking," she said, urging him to continue the massage.

He started massaging her shoulders again.

"We have a lot to do, so let's get started." Xiao Fang said.

She took another sip of her tea, then replied,

"Mn, let's begin."




Xiao Fang and his grandmother spent the next few hours jotting down ideas.

When it was dark, his grandmother left to meet the Elders and Xiao Fang went home.

He was only able to massage her neck and shoulders through her robes that day, but his mother warned him to be patient, so he didn't want to push it.

On the way home, Xiao Fang was approached by a tall man carrying a woman over his shoulder.

"Hu Ning, you look well. I take it that you were able to resolve the matter without any problems."

"I'd be lying if I said it was easy. She's quite the fighter," he replied.

"Despite that, you were still able to bring her to me in one piece, for that I'm grateful."

"No need to be grateful. It was my pleasure to be of assistance."



"Hu Ning... you don't need to be dismissed by me to leave. Could it be that there's something else you'd like to say?"

"Li Lian declared that anyone that could leave a scratch on her would be personally rewarded by you. There is something I want."

"She-", Xiao Fang felt like vomiting blood.

"Ah, it appears that you didn't know about it," Hu Ning could tell from his reaction.

"I didn't... Could this wait? There's somewhere I need to be. How about I meet you outside of your residence tomorrow morning?"

"Thank you, Xiao Fang, I'll see you tomorrow morning then," he bowed then left.

Xiao Fang frowned. He made an excuse because he didn't want to grant a favour to someone who might be from a rivalling sect. He needed to speak to Li Lian first to confirm his identity.




Later that night.

Li Lian slowly woke up and found herself laying next to a sleeping Xiao Fang.

Her eyes brightened up. They've been apart for more than 2 months, but it felt like an eternity to her. She didn't want to wake him up, but she could resist the urge to shake him a little to see if he was really asleep. Though she didn't shake him hard, it was still enough to wake him up.

"Ah, sorry, Xiao Fang. I didn't mean to wake you," she whispered.

Seeing that it was Li Lian, he rolled to his side to face her.

"Don't worry, I was only half asleep," he smiled lightly.

Convinced by his words, she stopped being apologetic and smiled brightly.

"Xiao Fang, did you miss me?" She said as she moved closer to him.

Xiao Fang tapped her once on the forehead.

"Aiyo, what are you smiling about. First day back and people are already calling you a demon."

"Hehehe, at least I'm your little demon." She looked at him cutely with her green emerald eyes. How could he be mad at her when she's acting this way.

"Alright, this time I'll let you off with a warning. Just don't make a scene like that in the future."

"Mn, I won't," she said.

She moved closer to him. First laying her warm gentle hands on his body then burying her face into his chest.

Li Lian wasn't the cute type, that's why it was strange to see her acting this way.

'It seems she really missed me,' he thought.

"You know, I just wanted to get your attention, but instead of coming yourself you sent a core court disciple after me. Was it because you didn't think you can take me on yourself?"

Xiao Fang's eye twitch from her clear provocation.

"I was bit busy. I promise next time I'll welcome you home properly," Xiao Fang said as he gave her a playful look to let her know that he wouldn't back down from a fight.

"Oh yeah?" She replied playfully.

They wrestled a bit while under the sheets. They undressed and touched each other inappropriately, till Xiao Fang was able to restrain her arms as his free hand fondled her breasts.

She loved it when he restrained her like that. The feeling of skin on skin also turned her on, so she began to rub her warm body against his under the sheets.

He eventually reached down and began caressing her shy pink slit.

"Hah~ Fang, touch me."

A steamy breath escaped her lips as her lower body began to move. She closed her eyes tightly as he held her tight and squeezed her tits a bit harder.

"Fang~ you're making me wet."

Her heart started racing. She felt like if he dug his finger in her pussy she might squirt. This was the thing she missed the most, not just the feeling of pleasure, but climaxing while being held by the man she loved.

Just as sexual tensions were getting high, Xiao Fang suddenly remember something.

"Oh right. Speaking about the core court disciple. Did he do anything strange to you?"


"I meant in terms of cultivation, did he suppress you besides using his sword?"

Li Lian thought back to the fight.

'Ah, I got a little too carried away,' she thought as she recalled what happened.

She didn't tell Xiao Fang the details of the fight because she still planned to fight against him, but there was something she remembered that perplexed her at the time.

"Ah, that's right. He did do something strange! I don't know how he did it, but he was able to make me fall to my hands and knees. I couldn't even look up at him. It was as if I was standing under a waterfall, a heavy waterfall of qi," she explained as best as she could.

Xiao Fang only had to think for a moment before he knew what it was.

'Oppressive Might,' Xiao Fang thought in shock.

Though he never seen it before, he once heard about it from his grandfather.

'If Hu Ning has the ability to use oppressive might that means he's already brokenthrough to the Heavens realm,' Xiao Fang thought.

He couldn't think of any sect that could produce a Heavenly realm cultivator as young as Hu Ning, certainly not from any of the rivalled sects.

As Xiao Fang thought about what that could mean, Li Lian interrupted his thoughts.

"Where is Xun Wei and Chun Hua? I didn't get to see them yet."

"Xun Wei is out training with a friend of mine. She won't be back for a few day. As for Chun Hua, I asked her to leave the two of us together tonight," he said as his hand slowly slid up her thigh till he was lightly squeezing her round ass.

"I thought a lot about you, you know," he said.

"So, Xun Wei is out with your 'friend', huh."

The cute voice she had been using till now suddenly dissapeared as if it never really existed. She now sounded more like the real Li Lian as he felt her temperature slowly rise.

'...Fuck, why did I say it like that. Idiot!' Xiao Fang insulted himself before saying,

"Haha. On second thought, I'm feeling really tired. Let's continue this wonderful conversation tomorrow. Goodnight Lian'er."

"You-", she looked at him with her squinting fiery red eyes, but before she could say anything he was already fake snoring.

'Hmph, how could you be so shameless,' she thought.

Li Lian was prepared to blow the roof off the place, but then stopped herself. He already had to endure enough because of her, she didn't want to be a burden for him anymore.

During those 2 months of isolation, she had a lot of time to think about her relationship with Xiao Fang. She wanted to be happy like Xun Wei, but for that to happen she had to find it within herself to accept him for what he was, a dual cultivator.

Instead of attacking him, she released her spirit aura to cover the both of them as they slept.

Xiao Fang felt a familiar relaxing warmth engulfing his entire body.

He kissed her once on the forehead and thought.

'It seems my Lian'er has changed.'

She turn her body till she was facing in the opposite direction, then tucked his indecency between her sexy dumplings.

Xiao Fang smirked.

"That's my girl."

Chapter 77 - Li Lian's Hot Welcome Home (18+)


"That's my girl," he whispered behind her ear before kissing her neck.

He pulled his cultivation stick out and tucked it in between her buttcheeks, while burying his face in her fragrant hair.

"I knew you were awake," she smiled.

He had one hand massaging her twin mountains, while his other hand caressed her sensitive lower lips, quickly making it salivate.

Her body was hot, her breathing was unsteady, and her face was red.

Xiao Fang turned her body around so he could tease her twin mountains and grabbed her lower cheeks.

"Mymm~" she finally moaned.

She reached down and started stroking his dragon, but could hardly focus with everything Xiao Fang was doing.

He eventually kissed her tender body as he moved down her stomach, taking his time when he reached her pubic region.

"Fang," she said with that erotic look in her eye.

She was teased enough. He finally licked her pussy lips once then twice, both times making her body feel like it was jolted by lightning. He then stuck his tongue inside of her and started eating her out.

"Ahha~!" She screamed in pleasure.

The way he moved his tongue made her feel amazing.

After a few minutes, her body flexed and she pushed his head down as she quickly approach an orgasm.


Finally, her waters began to pour, and he quickly absorbed her qi.

She quickly got on top of him then guided his dragon into her wet cave. Feeling his dick sliding in and spreading her slippery inner walls made her gasp, but she tried to be strong and gave him a look he knew all too well.

Seeing that look on her face, he placed his hands behind his head and enjoyed the show.

Her beautiful hands pressed down on his muscular chest as she bounced up and down. The thing that surprised him was how hot she was inside, he felt like his dick was melting, but it in a good way.

Each time her butt squished against his crotch she huffed an erotic breath and her tits bounced beautifully. Xiao Fang was really enjoying it.

'It feels even better than I remember,' she thought as her hips moved.

As her fingers stretched, feeling more of his muscular body, her pace quickened.

"Fang, let's do it together."

"Ahha~ I'm cumming~"

In the next moment, she fell on top of him with her breasts pressed against his rock hard chest. Suddenly, she stopped thrusting and her legs began to shake.

Her hot pussy tightened, her lower body jerked, and her waters began to pour. She was climaxing.

Xiao Fang finally moved his hands from behind his head to grab her ass. He thrusted one more time then released his warm milk.


She felt him shoot his hot stuff into her, making her body squirm one last time. He slid his hand from her butt to her back to help her relax.

Xiao Fang eventually sat up.

"I missed this," he said before kissing her deeply.

She was still climaxing, so she couldn't kiss him properly, but it was all the same to him, he just played with her tongue inside of her warm wet mouth. Only when her climax was over, did their lips finally separate.

He eventually put her down on her back then started thrusting into her in that missionary position.

Her long sexy legs were on the side, flimsly moving through the air as he thrusted deeply into her hot narrow cave.

Their lower bodies made sticky noises as they began to sweat, and he squeeze her sweaty breasts as he teased their peaks.

"Is that all you got," she said trying to put on a tough act, but from the way she sounded she knew she had failed miserably.

She was quickly approached another orgasm. Xiao Fang put his hand around her neck and choked her lightly as his other hand rubbed her pink pearl.

"Ahk, Xiao Fang, harder."


Being pounded by his long hard dick now felt completely different . This wasn't just a simple cultivation session, it was a show of strength. Only Xiao Fang could make her feel this way, she was being completely dominated and pushed into submission.

She held onto his muscular arm that choked her and stuck her tongue out erotically.

"Yes yes yes I'm almost there~", she said in ecstacy.

'I can't hold on. I feel like I'm losing my mind,' she thought, but his dual cultivation qi still made her want more.

"Ah~ more, don't stop, ah- mmm!", she was silenced when his tongue entered her mouth and started kissing her.

Suddenly, she felt his naked sword pierce into her womb. Her whole body jerked, but he didn't stop fucking her deep and brutally.

She was slowly blacking out from being choked, but she also felt like she was going to blow. She began to heat up even more as he pounded her hot wet pussy even harder.


Suddenly, her legs began to shake, he then pulled her in by the waist.

[ Naked Sword Thrusting Heaven ]

She became tight, stiff, and mute as her waters began to spray. She was thrusted into heaven.

Eventually, Xiao Fang's throbbing penis final released his hot qi into her quivering pussy, making her recover from that transcendent-like state.

Because Xiao Fang was using his dual cultivation qi, she didn't feel any pain from his size, only pleasure and the unquenching desire for more.

Without giving her any time to relax, he immediately carried her off the bed then stuck his dick into her closed 2nd hole.

"Ah! Xiao Fang Wait. Ahhh~"

It was too late, he had already completely thrusted his large pulsating dick into her tight asshole. He started thrusting even as her hole gripped him.

"Li Lian, your ass is so hot and tight."

Not only that, Xiao Fang was feeling so good because unlike her pussy, he could also fit his entire dick inside of her ass without worrying about hurting her.

'Don't say embarrassing things,' she wanted to tell him, but from the way she shyly looked at him he already knew what she was thinking.

With her legs being carried, he tightly squeezed her ass cheeks as he smacked her lower body against his thighs at an increased pace.

[ Naked Sword Clapping Thunder ]

Eventually her pussy began to leak and make a small puddle under them as he was beating up her walls. A few minutes later she could feel his cum filling her ass, but his qi made her hungry for more.

"Lian'er, tell me want you want," he said as he rubbed his drenched dick along her sensitive pink slit.

"I want your dick inside me. I want you to fuck me, Xiao Fang," she replied before kissing him.

Worried that wasn't enough, she started squishing and rubbing her erect nipples against his chest like a cock hungry slut. She was practically begging for it.

'Consider this as punishment for causing trouble in the sect,' he thought.

He knew tomorrow when she woke up and had a clear mind she would certainly be upset that he pushed her to this state. Being as tough as she was, she didn't like it when Xiao Fang dominated her like this.




Because Xiao Fang was using his Dual Cultication qi, no matter many times he made her cum she would always want more. So, for the next two hours he used every technique he knew on her until her pussy finally went dry.

When they were done, his cum and qi were oozing out of her holes as she slept peacefully.

"Goodnight, Lian'er," he whispered.

Xiao Fang knew after a session like that, she'd probably have a good dream about him. So he tucked her in, blew out the candles, then left.

Despite how peaceful she looked now, he knew she woke up she'd come for his neck. Thinking about it made him want to avoid her for all of tomorrow.

He visited Chun Hua next, but she was already asleep so he left her room to cultivate with his mother for the rest of the night.




Xiao Fang approached his Yu An's bed, but when she saw him she smirked then removed the blanket that covered her beautiful naked body.

She rolled to her stomach then he climbed on top of her. He spread her ass cheeks apart then rubbed his dick that was drenched with Li Lian's pussy juice against her closed pussy lips.

When he finally pushed it in he nearly moaned. He put his hands on her hips till he had thrusted it all the way in, then hugged her as he squeezed her large tits. Every thrust he could feel her wonderful ass squishing against his groin, and the head of his sensitive throbbing dick rubbing against her squishy interior. Her body was soft inside and out.

Although the more Xiao Fang cultivated with a person the less effective their qi became, he still enjoyed accompanying her in bed because she made him feel so good.

"Xiao Fang, as you know, I've spent a lot of time with Chun Hua and got to know a bit about Xun Wei too, they seem like they'd make good concubines for you. I haven't properly talked to Li Lian yet, but I can already tell that she's different from the other two."

Xiao Fang slowed his pace so he could talk to her.

"Mn, she's different. Some girls like to play hard to get, but Li Lian is just hard to get."

His mother sighed.

"Men, always wanting what they can't have."

"Truth is, I think about her a lot. Even when I close my eyes she is there. I never told you this, but Li Lian was the first thing I saw when I opened my new eyes. Now I can't seem to get her out of my mind."

"Well you're going to need my approval first if you want to marry her, so you better wait for me."

"Mn, I will."

She turned her head to face him, but she didn't say anything. She just stared at him as if she was waiting for him to say something.

"Then, shall we get back to cultivating?" He said as he rubbed his dick against her tighter hole.

She closed her eyes, opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out just a bit. Seeing that, Xiao Fang accepted her invitation and stuck his tongue in her mouth as he kissed her beautiful lips. In the same instance, his dick slid into her taboo hole, marking the start of a long night of dual cultivation.

Chapter 78 - New Family

In the royal court, the council of Grand Elders chatted amongst themselves as they were exiting the grand hall.

Standing outside was Xiao Fang's father, Xiao Jianhong. He looked around trying to find someone till that person finally came out. It was his father, Xiao Fang's grandfather, Xiao Kong.

Before Xiao Jianhong could get to him, an elderly woman suddenly approached Xiao Kong first.

"Xiao Kong, you old bastard!"

She immediately attracted a few stares, but upon seeing who it was they all acted as if they didn't see anything. No one wanted to offend those two old monsters.

"You come into my province and you think you can do whatever you want. Do you really think you're untouchable!?"

"Oh ho, here I thought you came to thank me. A member of the Chaos sect had infiltrated your province, but I was the only one capable of stopping him," Xiao Kong calmly replied.

"Hahaha, you think I don't know that you were the reason he was there in the first place?"

Suddenly the look in her eye changed.

"If you don't give me a proper explanation, I will make you regret it," she spoke calmly.

Although her voice was calm, it brought a terrifying chill to the bone to everyone close enough to hear it. That was the voice of someone threatening to massacre his entire sect and everyone else he knew.

However, Xiao Kong simply didn't put her in his eyes at all. The moment he looked at her was the moment the atmosphere completely changed, she went from being a ferocious tiger to being a little baby kitten in an instant.

No one knew how strong Xiao Kong really was, because no one was crazy enough to poke a lion with a stick. But the moment he looked at her, she knew the rumors to be true. He was certainly not someone that could be provoked, just as she regretted her decision to approach him, he suddenly tossed her a spatial pouch.

Looking within the pouch her eyes widened.

"This should be enough to cover the damages, no?" He replied casually, as if what he was giving her was merely pocket change.

"Yes, yes, this should be enough," she unintentionally humbled herself. She was simply too frightened from his earlier gaze.

With that, she left.




"Father, what was that about?" Xiao Jianhong asked.

"It's nothing. I got a little carried away and accidentally wiped out a small city in her province." He spoke bluntly.

The few people that heard his words shuttered and cursed him in their hearts because they knew he wasn't joking. Contrary to their reactions, Xiao Jianhong didn't seem too surprised, he actually hardly seemed to care.

"I see. What about in the Main Hall, did you discuss anything important in there?"

"You know I can't tell you that. All you need to know is that I'll be gone for awhile, I'm sure you know what that means for our sect. The other powers will try to scare you, but you mustn't show them any weakness."

"I understand."

"Have you been eating the beast meat I've been sending you?"

"I have, but the more I eat the less effective they become and I still have some ways to go before I make a breakthrough to the Heavenly realm. If a Grand Elder decides to attack, I fear I will be helpless against them."

"I know, I've made many enemies in the past, but you shouldn't worry too much about them. Your mother will be there to help you, I also made an alliance with the Chaos sect, but if all else fails you still have that boy. No one will attack us as long as he's there."

"Hu Ning is only there for our 'Divine Sword' technique. Once he comprehends its texts he will certainly leave."

"I'm aware. We can only hope that he doesn't learn it anytime soon."

Hu Ning has been a core court disciple for more than 3 years, and each month a core court disciple is given 1 day to comprehend its texts. It's only a matter of time till he's able to fully comprehend the 'Divine Sword' technique.

"Ah, right. There's one more thing I want to tell you."

"What is it?"

"In terms of our alliance with the Chaos sect, your wife, Xu Xiulan, and your daughter, Xiao Jing, will be returning to the sect with you."

Xiao Jianhong hadn't seen his wife and daughter for nearly 15 years. However, Xiao Jianhong wasn't so naive to believe in miracles.

"And in return, what have they asked for?" he asked his father with a grim expression.

"They know you have a bastard son. They want you to disown Xiao Fang and give them his mother, Yu An."

"Disown Xiao Fang? Have you lost your mind?"

"If you want Xiao Fang to grow you must let him go."

"I HAVE let him go, he left the sect to find his own path."

"That is not enough. You must break him if you want him to become stronger."

"What about giving them Yu An. You can't expect me to believe that. If you were willing to let her go, then what was the point of keeping her a prisoner for all this time?"

"She has already served her purpose. I kept her alive for Xiao Fang's benefit, but now she is even more valuable to him dead than alive."

"Hold on. Dead!?"

"The Chaos sect never said they wanted her alive."

"You crazy bastard!"

In a fit of rage, Xiao Jianhong grabbed the hilt of his sword then began to pull it out, but Xiao Kong reacted fast enough to stop his hand and pushed his sword back into its scabbard.

"Be mindful of where you are."

The elder's around them looked in their direction. Wielding a weapon is illegal and punishable by death in the royal court.

Xiao Jianhong realized how close he was to losing his life and it sent a chill down his spine. However, it didn't cool down his temper one bit, he was still furious.

"You... you're too heartless."

"Must feel bad to feel, doesn't it? Maybe you should learn to let go of those feelings and become 'heartless' like me, or else your emotions will get you killed, like it almost did today."

"I don't care. If anything happens to her-!"

"Lower your voice, and spare me the sentimental talk. You're not a child anymore. You think I don't know that you haven't been spending time with her like you used to? That can only mean that your feelings for her have already faded."

"Still, you can't do this. She is the mother of my only son. Didn't you teach me that a man must protect his family, but now you want me to disown my son and kill his mother?"

"You can always make more sons and have more wives, but this opportunity will only come once in a lifetime. If not for the sect, then do it for Xiao Fang's future. One day you will understand."

Xiao Jianhong was trembling in rage and he couldn't take his hand off the hilt of his sword. He didn't want to understand because he didn't want to be a monster like his father. Isn't this the kind of villain that should be slayed by his righteous sword?

"Calm down, son. Don't make a scene."

"This time you've crossed a line. Taking Xiao Fang's eyes was one thing, but now this... Xiao Fang will never forgive you."

"Good, let him hate me. The greatest motivator for success is revenge. Why do you think he picked up a sword only a year after I took his eyes. Why do you think he remembers everything I tell him as if he's studying me. He always wanted to kill me, that's why he is becoming stronger. If he one day becomes strong enough to kill me wouldn't that mean that I was right?"

"No matter what, I can't kill Yu An, and I won't let anything happen to her."

"Don't worry, you won't have to. Your grandmother should have already received my letter. Yu An will be dead before you get there."

"No...", he said with a defeated expression.

"As the people from the Chaos sect like to say, 'You can break my bones, but they will only grow back stronger'. If you want me to lecture you on this it will have to wait. Chin up, your new family has arrived."

His heart bled for his bastard son, Xiao Fang, and his forbidden lover, Yu An, so he vowed to one day avenge them no matter what.

Xiao Kong looked at his son with a discerning eye and knew exactly what he was thinking.

'Too predictable.' Xiao Kong thought as he sighed.

Everything was going exactly as he planned, because people's emotions made them easy to manipulate.

Even Though, Xiao Jianhong was a huge disappointment to Xiao Kong in terms of talent and ambition, he was still his son, so he took care of him. Xiao Fang on the other hand was Xiao Kong's pride and joy, he meticulously planned everything in his life to make him exactly the man he is and will be. No matter what, he wasn't going to fail with Xiao Fang as he did with Xiao Jianhong.

Xiao Jianhong wanted to mourn the death of his childhood lover, but now was not the time for that. As difficult as it was, he composed himself and wore a fake but convincing half smile as he waited to meet his wife and daughter for the first time in nearly 15 years.

Although they were his new family, they were already feeling more like his enemies.




In the Divine Sword sect, Xiao Fang's grandmother, Wu Yue, read her husband's message scroll with trembling hands. She was unable to believe what he was asking her to do.

Xiao Fang was finally starting to open up to her. They've talked more in the past 2 days then they have in the past 10 years. If she did this, wouldn't he never be able to forgive her? All she wanted to be was a loving grandmother to her grandchildren, she didn't want them to hate her.

'There must be another way.'

She finally left her quarters and discreetly entered Yu An house. When Yu An was alone Wu Yue took her somewhere private.

"Yu An, there's something I need to tell you."

Chapter 79 - Massage 2

Early in the morning, Xiao Fang visited Yu Ning at his residence.

"Xiao Fang, I didn't think you'd come so early."

"I apologize if I woke you up. I tend to wake up earlier than most people."

"No worries, I tend to do the same."

Truth was, Xiao Fang just didn't want to be around when Li Lian woke up.

"So, you had a favour to ask of me?" Xiao Fang jumped to the point.

"Ah, yes. It's quite simple actually, I was hoping you could give me a month to study the Divine Sword technique."

Xiao Fang's face darkened.

"That's worth more than 200,000 merit points. Don't you think you are asking too much from me?

"Then can you at least give me 2 weeks?"

"How about you tell me which province you came from and I'll give you 1 week."

"..." He didn't reply.

Xiao Fang sighed, "Alright 10 days, but I'm not going any higher than that."

"Deal! I come from the capital. I will say no more."

Judging by his sudden change in expression, Xiao Fang felt like he got played. However, what surprised him was that by listening to his heartbeat he could tell that he was telling the truth.

'The capital, huh... Could he be from the Royal court?' Xiao Fang wondered.

If that was the case then there was nothing for Xiao Fang to be worried about.

The 'Divine Sword' technique's profound texts were carved into the face of a large ancient wall at the center of the sect, so if Yu Ning wanted to study it he would need access to it first.

"Alright, 10 days. Follow me." Xiao Fang said before running towards the heart of the sect.




Wu Yue's Quarters.

In the middle of the day, Xiao Fang was massaging his grandmother's naked shoulders, neck, and arms, as she occasionally took a sip of her tea. Yesterday she wouldn't even let him touch her skin, but today she didn't resist when he casually exposed her shoulders. That only meant she was becoming more accepting of his touch.

"You know, your grandmother might be old, but she certainly isn't weak." She referred to herself in the 3rd person.

Catching the hint, Xiao Fang press a little harder.

"Ah, there we go. Much better."

She turned her attention back to her notes then continued to show him what she had drawn since his last visit. When she was done, she looked back at Xiao Fang to get some feedback.

"What do you think?"

"It could use some work," he replied nicely.

"Alright, then tell me what you have in mind."

Xiao Fang thought for a moment then said, "Water."

"Hm?", she hummed as she took a sip from her cup.

"Geographically speaking, the sect is well guarded by mountains from 3 fronts, deterring rival sects from attacking. Although it is effective in keeping enemies out, it also makes the people within feel trapped."

"Well, there's nothing we can do about that."

"What I'm trying to say is that we should give people something other than rocks to look at. Make a lake, add some fish, construct a bridge, build a water park, but most importantly you should construct a public unisex bathhouse for the disciples to cool off in. I'm sure my half-sister would love that." Xiao Fang said as a lustful thought crossed his mind.

"Aish, what are you imagining right now. You had me till you said unisex. At least try to make an effort to conceal your thoughts."

Xiao Fang continued to give her some decent ideas, but her hand didn't move, she just continued to stare at the blank piece of paper trying to figure out how she could draw all of it.

Xiao Fang stopped massaging her shoulders then casually reached for her right hand as his head hovered over her left shoulder.

"Allow me," He spoke softly.

His hand lightly rested over hers making her let go of the writing utensil, but not before feeling him gently touch the back of her hand.

After pulling her hand away, Xiao Fang began to draw.

"Let's start with a garden here..."

Xiao Fang was so focused on drawing that he didn't even notice her looking at him instead of the paper. She eventually fell deep in thought.

'When did he get so good at this sort of stuff. What's even more surprising is that he can draw blindfolded. I practically watched him grow up and every years I'd watch him accomplish something impossible, and he'd do it all blindfolded. I suppose there are a lot of things I should be amazed about.'

As she was staring at his blindfolds, she remembered a saying her husband often told her:

'Hate is the greatest motivator for success.'

She started to become remorseful.

'I want him to grow strong, but I don't want him to hate me,' she thought.

To distract herself from feeling this way, she started talking to him.

"You weren't like this last year, the Black Paradise sect must've really changed you."

"You noticed?" He smiled handsomely.

Xiao Fang realized it too, but the Black Paradise sect wasn't the cause, it was the Dual Cultivation method that changed him. By comprehending it's method, it taught him how to see and appreciate the beautiful things in life.

"You know, grandfather often said that if you're depressed that means you're living in the past. You can only be at peace when you're living in the present."

"Xiao Fang, I always think about what I did to you back then. Can't you forgive me?"

Xiao Fang lightly sighed through his nose. "You can't take back an arrow after it's been shot. Certainly not with words."

"Then, what do I do?"

"Be sincere."

"What do you mean by that?"

"All you can do is wait for an opportunity to present itself, an opportunity for you to show your sincerity. Till then you can only wait."

Although he hinted at something, she didn't catch it. She wanted to say that she'd do anything, but he stopped her then turned her attention back to his sketches.

"Enough about that, what do you think about my ideas?"

"It looks great."

"I wrote a few notes on the side in case you needed help to explain what I drew."

"You've done more than enough. This should keep them busy for another week."

Xiao Fang took his hands off her shoulder, which she understood meant that he'd be leaving now.

She began to panic.

"Xiao Fang, is there somewhere you need to be? We finished a lot earlier than I was expecting, so I have a lot of time on my hands. Do you think we can spend some time together?"

Xiao Fang was surprised by her request, but he knew an opportunity when he saw one.

"Now that you mentioned it, maybe there is something Grandmother can help me with."

Her eyes widened a bit because she wasn't expecting him to accept her request. However, there was something wrong about his words that made her feel a bit hesitant.

"Sure, anything."

"As you know, I've been learning the art of massaging. Would you like to help me practice it?"

She was a bit taken aback from his words. She thought he wanted to train with the sword, but if she really knew Xiao Fang, then she would've know that would been the last thing he wanted to do with her.

"You want to massage me?"

"It seems that makes you uncomfortable. In that case I'm a bit busy, so I'll see you tomorrow."

"Ah no, wait. I'd be happy to help you practice."

"Alright, please lie down on the bed."

She did as he asked, and laid faced down on her bed with her head resting on her hands. He then carefully remove the top half of her robes to expose her smooth, slender back.

She was glad that he didn't go any further because she wouldn't have agreed to take everything off. However in the next moment she felt him sitting on her thighs just below her butt. It was a bit awkward at first, but she quickly got used to it.

His oily hands started from her lower back then slowly slid up towards her shoulders. With a single movement he had already oiled up her entire back and from there the massage began.




Xiao Fang spent the next few hours massaging her neck, shoulders, arms, back, and eventually even her feet and calves too. Despite how comfortable she seemed, he wasn't able to send any of his thoughts through to her, till he eventually did.

Xiao Fang's hands were on her waist and trailing up her sides making her feel like she was melting into her bed from comfort. When his hands were just under her armpits, it happened.

He knew it worked because her arms jerked out of reflex.

Meanwhile in his grandmother's mind, she just imagined that Xiao Fang had slid his hands down from below her armpits to the sides of her breasts. However, the moment she opened her eyes, she realized it was just her imagination.

"Grandmother, are you alright," Xiao Fang asked with a curious tone.

"Ah it's nothing, I'm fine. The elders should be on their way to the Patriarch's Hall soon, so I should get going."

"Mn, I need to go as well. I'll see you tomorrow," Xiao Fang said before he left.

Although he didn't get as far as he'd like, he still made significant progress from where he started, so he was satisfied.

Meanwhile, back in his grandmother's room, she kept thinking about the massage and how it made her feel. She hadn't felt that relaxed in decades, so of course she enjoyed it. However, everytime she thought back to it, she also thought about him touching her forbidden area.

"Ouf, why am I imagining such things. Besides, he wouldn't like them compared to those younger girls, right? Ahhh stop thinking about it already." She argued with herself.

It was a very strange day for her, but despite how weird it all was, she couldn't help feeling excited to do it again.

Chapter 80 - Li Lian's Surprise Attack

Xiao Fang was on his way home when he sensed a bright white ball of fire zipping through the air towards him.

'Who would be so bold to attack me in my own sect,' he thought before turning to face it.

He reached out his hand to deflect the attack, but before he could touch it it suddenly blew up. Xiao Fang jump out of the way.

[ Floating Leaf Rushing Tide ]

The flame still caught his arm, but it wasn't strong enough to burn him, only inflicting a minor wound.

The moment Xiao Fang sensed who it was, his expression suddenly changed.

'Dammit, I almost forgot about her.'

She had flames coming out of her hair, eyes, hands and feet, but her whole body burned from her fierce fiery aura. Some in this sect call her the Tyrannical Fire Demon, but to Xiao Fang she was none other than Li Lian.

"Li Lian, you attacked me with my back turned to you, if you wanted to exchange pointers you should've just asked."

Li Lian knew he'd get stronger but she didn't think he'd also get faster .

"You know what you did yesterday, it's only natural that I seek revenge," she tried to justify her sneak attack on him.

"Ha! Seek revenge? With what ability," Xiao Fang intentionally provoked her.

He was curious to see the just how much she improved over the past 2 months.

Without wasting time with words she immediately attacked throwing flaming fists and kicks in his direction, but Xiao Fang effortlessly dodged them then charged towards her.

Hand to hand combat was unwise against an opponent like Xiao Fang, so she needed to make space between them. Luckily, he held back considerably, not even pulling out his sword against her.

"Your attacks are strong, but they lack speed. What good are strong techniques if you can't land them?" He angered her some more.

Just as he finished saying those words, he sensed a powerful attack coming straight towards him with a frightening velocity.

It was the same attack she used on him at the very beginning, but this time it was several times bigger.

He didn't attempt to dodge her attack. Instead, he raised his arms to shield his body and curiously waited to feel the strength behind her new technique.


The explosion was so great it could be heard from miles away.

Once the smoke cleared, Xiao Fang was seen standing as still as a statue in the defensive stance. For a moment she believed that she had won, but just as she was about to mock him, Xiao Fang finally put his arms down to dust off his dust-covered robes.

"Is that it? You didn't really think you could defeat me with such a mediocre technique. If so then it seems I had nothing to worry about."

He was clearly hurt, but he still decided to tease her anyways. Xiao Fang's words made Li Lian pout for a moment before speaking.

"I almost felt bad for you, but now I'm glad I prepared it."

"Did you prepare something for me? Go ahead and show me. I'll stand right here and accept whatever you have to offer." Xiao Fang said mockingly.

He was surprised and a bit skeptical that she still had something up her sleeve, especially considering how exhausted she looked.

Through her heavy breathing, she smiled innocently then pointed up at the sky.

Because he was blindfolded, he couldn't see the blinding white lights in the sky but now that he was focusing his hearing he could sense what she was pointing at.

"You- have you lost your mind!?"

Xiao Fang took a step back. He was genuinely terrified.

Seeing him take a step back she decided to mock him.

"Oh ho, didn't you say you would receive it standing still? Could it be that you are going back on your words?"

Hundreds of feet in the air, there were several dozens of bright white lights blanketing the sky above them.

"Hahahaha, didn't you call it a mediocre technique. Are you scared now!?"

"Are you trying to destroy the entire sect!?"

"Hmph, if you just apologized then I would've forgiven you, but instead you chose to mock me. You brought this upon yourself."

Despite her words, the malicious smile on her face showed that she had no intentions of holding back from the start.

"You look like you're enjoying this. If you stop now I will consider sparing your ungrateful life."

Despite his words, Xiao Fang was clearly sweating nervously.

He could only use his movement ability a few more times, but there was nearly a hundred 'Exploding Stars' above them.

'I need to stop her,' he thought in panic, then quickly rushed towards her.

However, before he could reach her, he watched her do the impossible.

She jumped high in the air, but using the fire beneath her feet she didn't come back down. Instead she continued to rise.

"You must be kidding me..." Xiao Fang was shocked, amazed, but also terrified.

"Today is the day you finally submit to me, Xiao Fa-" She suddenly felt her heartbeat beat once exceptionally loud, then felt herself falling straight down towards Xiao Fang.

[ Reaper's Grasp ]

Xiao Fang calmly had a hand raised in her direction. Seeing that, she quickly understood he was behind it.

Flying was even more exhausting than her 'Exploding Star' technique. It could even be said to be her strongest technique, so she needed to end things quickly.

She quickly shot down the white balls of flame as she tried to fly against his Reaper's Grasp, but the moment her exploding stars descended past her, she felt Xiao Fang release his hold on her.

'Dammit,' Xiao Fang thought.

He stopped trying to pull her down and just focused on dodging her attacks.

[ Floating Leaf Rushing Tide ]

Successive explosions could be heard, as Li Lian opened and closed her fists. Out of the few that she exploded, most of them at least got a piece of him.

'Dammit I need to go faster. Go faster!' He motivated himself.

Xiao Fang could easily have ran away from Li Lian, but what man runs from his wife?

Xiao Fang had only used his technique 3 times, but was already reaching his limit. Each time he pushed himself further, he would receive a backlash, but he didn't care. He wanted to push his boundaries to master the technique.

On the 5th execution, he felt like his spirit qi had been completely drained. Though he was in the Solid Body and Spirit Core realm, his Body cultivation was 7 stages ahead of his spirit cultivation.


Suddenly he felt his spirit qi was completely exhausted, so he started moving with his body cultivation alone.

When Xiao Fang could no longer use his movement technique, Li Lian's eyes widened.

'Now!' She thought as she directed all of her attacks towards Xiao Fang.




Xiao Fang was being knocked around by her exploding stars, but all he could do was try to dodge.

"Faster! I need to go faster!"

Suddenly, Xiao Fang felt his spirit qi returning to him, but at the same time he felt an unbearable burning sensation on his chest, slowly spreading down his body.

He didn't think twice about it, he simply reactivated his technique and went back to dodging her attacks.

[ Floating Leaf Rushing Tide ]

Li Lian was surprised, but what surprised her wasn't the fact that he was moving even faster than before, but she could feel that his qi had significant changed. There was something sinister about it, and it made her feel extremely uncomfortable. Because of that she didn't want to return back down to the ground, now more than ever.

Despite how she felt, she knew she couldn't keep herself up for long. She needed to end things quickly.

Despite all that's happened since she started flying, only a few seconds had gone by.

Meanwhile, Xiao Fang was feeling better than ever, he felt like he had unlimited spirit qi at his disposal, it was great. He could always feel this power inside of him, but it felt extremely ominous so he never tried to use it in the past. However, now that he was using it he felt free and unstoppable.

As he was using his movement skill, he started to also use his Reaper's Grasp technique on her as well.

Feeling the familiar pull, she began to panic.

"Xiao Fang... no."

Something didn't feel right. For some reason she was feeling scared, but not from losing, she was scared of his qi.

She tried to fight it, but couldn't keep herself up for long. Finally her flames disappeared and she began to free fall towards him.

At the speed she was going, if she hit the ground she would definitely be severely injured, but she didn't think about herself for even a moment.

Suddenly, only moments before she could hit the ground she gathered the dozen or so 'Exploding Stars' to surround her, and with the extension of her arms they all shot straight down surrounding Xiao Fang.

'Now!' She screamed in her head as she closed her fists.


The shockwave from that massive explosion created a massive crater and cushioned Li Lian's fall, but being completely drained of her strength she still fell unconscious upon hitting the ground.

Xiao Fang's body was steaming and his robes were ragged and torn, but he still stood upright as if he was unfazed by it, but in truth his body was in a much worse condition than Li Lian's, it was a surprise he was still standing at all.

Coated in an ominous black aura, he looked down at her with a blank expression. Despite looking at his fiancé in that state, he didn't feel anything. He was neither happy for his victory, nor worried for Li Lian. His indifference to everything almost gave him an air of arrogance as if nothing could be put in his eyes. Almost as if he was a peak immortal looking down at the weaklings in the mortal realm.

Suddenly, as he was staring at Li Lian's unconscious body, he heard a deep rumbling demonic voice echoing in his head.


His dark aura reached out to her body, but the moment it touched her, he stopped.

Xiao Fang raised his head slightly, forcibly retracting the black aura that creepily engulfed his body. Xiao Fang's expressionless face changed to something that could only be described as one thing, disbelief.

'I... I definitely didn't imagine that, did I?' He thought.

No matter what it was it certainly wasn't good, because for a moment he felt like he wasn't looking at his unconscious beloved fiancé, but any old corpse. With that new power, he felt nothing, and that terrified him. He never wanted to feel like that again.

Either way, it was dark out. So he picked her up and carried her home to recover. As he carried her home he continued to ponder about where that power really came from. It was only after he got home that he learned the truth.




While he was home he undressed before slipping into his bed, but when Chun Hua saw him, the first thing she said was something he didn't expect.

"Oh, did you get a new tattoo? It looks good on you."

The moment Xiao Fang looked down was the moment everything made sense to him.

Seeing the black markings on his chest and upper abs, he couldn't help wishing that he was imagining it.

The curse mark was spreading, and it was spreading fast.

Chapter 81 - New Technique (18+) (optional)



Last night, Xiao Fang waited for Yu An to come to bed, but she never came. So he cultivated with Chun Hua and Xiao Hei till they eventually fell asleep.

In the morning when Xiao Fang woke up, he was lying between Li Lian and Chun Hua when he felt someone gripping his morning wood. It only took one look to know it was Xiao Hei.

Watching her cutely bring her hair behind her ear, she guided his strong meat into her mouth then started bobbing her head up and down, letting her saliva drool down his shaft till it completely coated his little brother.

Feeling the way her tongue massaged his 2nd head, Xiao Fang rested his head back down on his pillow. It felt so good, this was exactly what he needed in the morning.

She eventually got up then spread her little pussy lips apart before she started touching herself. She liked the way he looked at her when she rubbed her pussy, and frankly Xiao Fang enjoyed it too.

She eventually squatted over his dick while spreading her cute little pussy lips, then rubbed his tip along her drooling pink slit. Unable to resist anymore she finally sat on it, letting it slowly slide in.

"Ah~" she moaned lightly when she felt him begin to spread her tight inner walls apart.

"Xiao Hei, you're so tight down there," he said as he put his hands on her little waist.

Inch by inch he could feel her getting tighter and tighter but also wetter the deeper it went.

"Daddy, I'm a big girl now. Feel,"

She then took his hands off her waist then put them on her little mounds.

"Mn, you've grown a lot, Xiao Hei," he exaggerated to make her feel happy.

Finally, their lower bodies kissed. With little hesitation she began to move her hips back and forth, up and down.

As her small hands pressed down on his lower abdomen, she had a tensed face that was a mix of extreme focus and pleasure. She moved her bodies as if she was trying to prove to him that she wasn't lacking behind the other girls. In truth she was actually just as good, if not better, than most of the girls he slept with.

"Eh~ eh~"

She whined everytime Xiao Fang took his hands off her little breasts. She liked it the most when he teased her little nipples.

Now, looking at the expression on her face he could tell she was really enjoying it.

She began to speed up.

"Daddy, does it feel good?"

"It feels great, Xiao Hei. Keep going."

She eventually collapsed on his chest, but her lower body was still hard at work. As she moaned he could feel her little breath tickling his chest.

"Hah~ hah~ hah~"

"Daddy, milk~"

In the next moment, Xiao Fang spanked her then palmed her cute little ass in each hand as he squeezed them tightly. He started pounding her little pussy, quickly making her lose control.

"Ah~ ah~ ah!~"

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm- nnn~ ahhaa~ ♡"

She crossed her eyes, stuck out her tongue, and scratched his chest with her pretty little nails as she closed them into tiny fists. Her tunnel squeezing, her waters began to pour, and her little toes curled. She was climaxing,

A few seconds later, Xiao Fang released his warm milk. She finally moaned one more time as she felt his sticky cum rushing in.

He finally sat up and gave her a kiss. Feeling his tongue in her mouth as he was sucking on her tongue made her hands unclench and slowly wrap around him. Once their lips finally separated, a thin strand on saliva remained connected as they stared into each other's eyes.

Once their climax subsided, Xiao Fang eventually gently changed positions, making her lay on her back before pushing his dick back inside of her. She stretched her little legs up in the air then rested her feet flat on his chest as he started thrusting.

Her chest heaved with every slow thrust.

With their bodies perpendicular to each other, he watched as the bulge in her stomach moved up and down in a stable rhythm.

"Haha, daddy's dick," she giggled as her hands pressed down on her stomach, making it even tighter inside of her.

"Xiao Hei... if you do that- ahk!"

Xiao Fang began to rub his cultivation stick against her G spot faster and faster as his load quickly rushed to his tip.

"Daddy, I'm cumming~"

Xiao Fang pulled her in by the waist before releasing his cum deep inside of her pussy. Feeling the cum rushing inside of her she moaned pleasurably.

Xiao Fang had to admit, although releasing his Yang qi was convenient, nothing was like cumming for real inside of a woman.

"Xiao Hei, I love cumming inside of you," he admitted.

"Daddy, can cum inside of here too," she said as she began to spread her asscheeks apart.

Catching the hint, he slowly slid his denched dick out of her slimy narrow tunnel, then pushed it into her closed taboo hole.

"Ahha~" she whined as she raised her arms.

Seeing the invitation, he brought his body down to hers and kissed her as slid his rod deeper into her small tight ass.

"Mhmm," she hugged him tightly as she moaned.

Eventually, he was all the way in.

Without hesitation he started thrusting, and they spent the next hour cultivating in that position. Only taking his naked sword out to stuff it back into her tight pussy to shoot his milk.

"Xiao Hei, you make me feel good. You know that?"

"Daddy makes me feel good too."

Hearing that, he squished her ass as he shot his cum deep inside of her before pulling out. He altered with each hole after every climax.

Their cultivation session finally ended after Xiao Fang tested his new technique. It still needed a lot of work, but right now only Xiao Hei and Yu An were capable of handling it.

When they were done, she crawled down to let him use her mouth and throat. He pounded her mouth pussy to his heart's content till he eventually came deep inside of her throat. After they were done he carried her to the bathhouse to wash and enjoy her there too.

Although she didn't like the water very much, she still enjoyed playing with the bubbles as he fucked and cleaned her little body.

As he was rubbing his dick inside of her slippery inner walls and cleaning her back, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Fang'er. When I didn't see you in bed, I was worried you already left."

"Yu An, I waited for you last night but you never came."

"Mn, I was helping your grandmother with something. I should be done with it soon," she said as she stripped and walked into the very shallow pool.

"You helping grandmother?"

"Don't worry, it's not something you should be concerned about," she said as she climbed over Xiao Hei.

She spread her asscheeks apart to give him a good view of her two unfucked holes.

Xiao Fang smiled bitterly.

"Mother I really need to get going, Grandmother will be waiting for me."

"Oh, just a little bit. I had a really hard day, so I really need this right now," she pouted.

How could Xiao Fang say no when she was acting this way. He finally guided his dick to her pussy, then he put his hands on her hips as he began to push it in.

"Ssss ahh~" She gasped then moaned comfortably.

"Ah~ that's good, that's exactly what I needed. Keep going."

Her massive tits rubbed against Xiao Hei's back as she cleaned her little body and caressed her little pussy.

The two girl's moans, the splashing of the water, and the occasional spanks echoed through the bathhouse during their short cultivation session.

Xiao Fang joyfully squeezed her plump breasts and fucked her in the ass as well. This was as much of a release for him as it was for her.

As Xiao Fang stuffed his dick back into her beautiful vagina to perform his new technique, Xiao Hei was under her licking her clit.

Xiao Fang pulled her in by the waist.

"Xiao Fang, that's..."