
Chapter 91 - Lei XinYi's Resolve

In the morning.

Xiao Fang woke up next to Chun Hua and Xiao Hei, but they were both sound asleep. He was feeling especially happy to see Chun Hua again, but when he saw Xiao Hei, his eye twitched.

She was stretching her arms and legs as if the whole bed belonged to her. Seeing her like this made him want to push her off the bed.

He eventually left the room to check on his other girls, but besides finding Li Lian cultivating on her bed and Yu An sitting on the porch, he couldn't find Xun Wei anywhere.

Speaking to Yu An after sitting down next to her, he learned that Xun Wei had already left.

"Xiao Fang, will you be leaving soon?"

"Mn, it's about time I get back."

"I expected as much. In that case, take this with you," she said as she handed him a map.

'A map?' He thought, but upon examining it he quickly realized what it was a map of.

"It's a map of the Dual Cultivation sect before it was destroyed," she explained.

"Yu An... I visited the dual cultivation sect before I came back here, it didn't look anything like the way you described it."

Although he somewhat feared how his father would react to hearing that he got someone pregnant, the real reason why Xiao Fang took the long route back home was because he wanted to see the Dual Cultivation sect.

Yu An sighed.

"It's a shame, it used to be such a beautiful place. Anyways, you should still keep this map. Even if they took all the sect's treasures, there is one thing that will always remain."

Listening to her words, Xiao Fang became a bit excited.

"Once you become stronger, you must visit the Ancestral cemetery, here," she pointed at a spot on the map.

"There, you will meet the spirit of our ancestors. Should they have a favorable impression of you, you will certainly be rewarded," she explained briefly.

He asked her a few questions about it then thanked her before storing it in his spatial ring.

"Is it really alright to leave Chun Hua here with you."

"Of course. You should have more faith in me, Xiao Fang. I might only be in the Profound realm, but you'd be surprised how many tricks I have up my sleeve. I was a disciple of the Black Paradise sect after all."

Hearing those words, Xiao Fang felt a bit relieved.

In the next few minutes that passed, Xiao Fang and Yu An talked and laughed as they spoke about their past. Although she was being held prisoner in this lonely place, they still had plenty of memories together.




Later that morning, Xiao Hei came rushing out of the house when she heard Xiao Fang's voice.

"Fang!" She cried out as she jumped into his arms.

"Xiao Hei, you got even bigger. I was only gone for a little over a week and you already grew big enough for me to ride you."

"That's because you already broke through to the Profound realm!"

Hearing her words, Yu An became shocked. Xiao Fang wasn't even 20 years old, but he was already in the Profound realm. Who could believe such a thing.

However, before she could ask him herself, she watched as Xiao Fang jumped on Xiao Hei's back and rode her like a mount. The speed she was moving at was only possible for a Profound Body expert. If that wasn't enough, when Xiao Fang fell off her back he started chasing her. He was also running at the speed only a Profound Body realm cultivator could run at.

Yu An was speechless.

'Xiao Fang is the remnant of the Dual Cultivation sect, all our hopes rests with him, but still he can be so carefree,' Yu An smiled helplessly as she watched Xiao Fang try to jump back on to Xiao Hei's back.

Suddenly, Xiao Fang stopped chasing Xiao Hei and walked back up the porch as Chun Hua walked out of the front door.

"Chun Hua, you're awake."

"It's been awhile," she replied with a light smile.

"Xiao Hei, go tell Li Lian we're leaving."

"You're leaving already?" Chun Hua asked.

"Mn, it's time to go back. Our mission time is about to run out."

After saying those words, he took a knee then put his hands on her stomach.

"I hope you're listening, little one. Daddy will be gone for a while, so I'll need you to take care of mommy till I return. Grow up strong, eat lots, and remember how much your father loves you."

He then placed his head against it for a few moments then got up to give Chun Hua a kiss.

"Take care, Xiao Fang."

"Mn, I will."

Xiao Fang took a step back then formally kowtowed to the two of them like a good husband/son would.

When he got back up, Li Lian and Xiao Hei came out of the house. They finally said their final farewells then left.




Just outside of the 2 kilometre radius spirit array surrounding Yu An's house, Lei Xinyi stood patiently, waiting for Xiao Fang to come out so that she could speak to him.

Seeing Lei Xinyi waiting for him, he told Li Lian and Xiao Hei to wait for him at the front of the sect. He then approached Lei Xinyi after they left.




"Xinyi, did you come to see me go?"

"Actually, I came to tell you that Xun Wei went back to the Black Paradise sect. Where are you going?" Lei Xinyi asked.

"It's time for me to go back to the Black Paradise sect as well."

"Xiao Fang... why do you have to leave so soon? Can't you stay here in the Divine Sword sect? This is where you belong."

Xiao Fang didn't immediately reply. Instead he nostalgically touched his wooden walking stick before slightly opening it up to reveal the sharp blade hidden within.

Although his grandmother had recently given him a much better sword, he still carried this one around because his good friend, Lei Xinyi, was the one that gifted it to him.

After a few moments, he unexpectedly gave it back to her.

"Xiao Fang..."

"I appreciate the gift, but I won't be needing it once I return to the Black Paradise sect."

She refused to take it back.

"You... Those girls... they really changed you. The old Xiao Fang would never do something like this."

"That's because the old Xiao Fang never loved anyone."

"No one... not even me?"

Her voice and expression was calm so it didn't resemble a girl that was grieving. If it wasn't for the single teardrop that streaked down her cheek, he wouldn't have known how she felt.

Xiao Fang paused. Who was Lei Xinyi to him?

She was his first friend, first rival, and first sexual partner. For a time, there were even a few rumors going around saying that they were young lovers, and judging from how much time they spent together, that rumor wasn't far from the truth.

However, the Divine Sword sect strictly prohibited disciples from marrying the patriarch's sons or daughters. This was to deter Elders from trying to marry off their sons or daughters for a higher position in the sect.

For that reason alone, Xiao Fang could never love anybody, he could only have sex with them. This made him the sort of playboy that he is today.

"Lei Xinyi, you know how I feel about you, but you also know it can't happen."

"I know, I just... I can't help feeling the way I do."

She hugged him. Resting her head on his bosom.

"Don't go. Stay here with me. I promise, I'll always be good to you."

Xiao Fang sighed.

He wasn't fond of breaking hearts, so he always tried to avoid it.

"Do you really want to be with me?" He asked.

"Mn, I do. I really do," she looked at him with watery eyes.

"Then cultivate, train as hard as you can. If we are fated to be together, then we will meet again under different circumstances."

After saying those words he lightly pushed her off of him.

She became even more tearful.

Xiao Fang didn't leave. Instead, he stood still waiting for her to leave first.

After taking a few steps in the opposite direction, she eventually turned back and ran up to him.

She then stood up on her tippy toes and gave him a kiss. Feeling that, Xiao Fang eventually put his hands on her waist. They both experienced the same nostalgic memories playing out from that one kiss. They used to always kiss each other in the past, but this time felt different. It was possible that they'd never see each other again.

When she finally pulled away, she began to smile. Not only that, she also had a strong sense of determination burning in her eyes. Even her voice sounded confident when she spoke:

"We'll definitely meet again."

In the next moment, her body shifted and then disappeared.

Xiao Fang lightly smiled. He knew her character well, probably even more than her own parents. When she put her mind to something she would definitely achieve it.

"Mn, perhaps we really will."




Inside the Patriarch's Hall.

Standing just outside of her master's door, Lei Xinyi announced her name then requested to enter.

Unexpectedly, the door opened and Wu Yue came out.

"Master," she said as she clasped her fist and bowed her head.

Wu Yue immediately recognized the fiery look in Lei Xinyi's eyes.

Since Wu Yue didn't answer her, Lei Xinyi quickly stated her reason for coming.

"Master, this disciple has been lacking, but I'm ready to put in the extra work to meet your expectations. Please, train me to the fullest."

Wu Yue knew the reason she was behaving this way had everything to do with Xiao Fang leaving the sect.

This was exactly the reason why she chose Lei Xinyi to be her disciple in the first place. She knew she would definitely not want to leave Xiao Fang's side and would work extremely hard to one day be with him again.

With a meaningful smirk, Wu Yue spoke.

"Very well, from today on your true training begins."

Chapter 92 - Followed

With Li Lian riding on Xiao Hei's back, Xiao Fang and Xiao Hei were able to leave the province in only a few hours.

Xiao Fang was having fun. Now that he broke through to the Profound Body realm he wanted to test how fast he could go and was pleasantly surprised by his own speed.

He ran a distance in 5 hours which would've taken him 36 hours if he was still in the 1st stage of the Solid Body realm. This took him by surprise, but he still hadn't gone all out.

"Xiao Hei, I'll race you to the next city."

Xiao Fang's feet started to lightly touch the ground as he was preparing to execute a movement technique.

Seeing what he was planning to do, Xiao Hei smirked.

{"Ha! You think you're ready to compete with me using that technique? You're delusional,"} she replied via spirit transmission.

[ Floating Leaf Rushing Tide ]

The two of them started moving so fast, Li Lian could only see a blur of the things around her.

Till now she thought she was finally catching up to Xiao Fang, but it turned out that she was still too far behind him in terms of strength. However, she refused to give up. She was his fiancé after all. She couldn't let the gap between them grow even larger, she wanted him to see her eye to eye, not someone he needed to protect all the time. She wanted to become stronger.

With this desire to get stronger burning in her heart, the flame within her dantian began to change.

Suddenly, her body began to glow a holy light as her fire attribute began to evolve to a much denser form.

Meanwhile, they were only 10 kilometers away from the next city, but Xiao Fang was starting to pull ahead.

Xiao Hei was surprised.

'He only practiced that technique for a few days, how could he already be so proficient with it?' She thought.

Suddenly, Xiao Hei felt her body being engulfed by a comfortably flame.

"Xiao Hei, I'll help," said Li Lian.

Xiao Hei was brimming with so much energy, she felt like she could even double her speed!

{"Thanks, Li Lian. Let's teach that Xiao Fang to never underestimate us!"}

Like a shooting star, they zipped through the air. Within seconds they already caught up to, and passed Xiao Fang.

"What!!" Xiao Fang's jaw dropped.

Actually Xiao Fang hardly had any spirit qi left to maintain this technique, so he was already slowing down before they passed him.

{"Eat my dust, slow Fang. Hahahaha."}

Xiao Fang didn't think of himself as a sore loser, but hearing Xiao Hei send her own laughter through a spirit transmission made him want to hunt her down like a tiger chasing a deer.

"You damn pussy, see how I'll deal with you."

Xiao Fang didn't want to resort to using his curse again, but he was just too unwilling to lose.

Suddenly his body was shrouded in a dark energy, then he started to speed up. However, he quickly realized even with the curse's power he wasn't able to catch up to her so he powered down.

The moment he stopped using the curse's power, he felt the familiar sting of the black mark spreading down his body. But since he only used it for a brief period of time, it didn't spread that much.

'My Death Reaper method is still only in the 2nd stage of the Spirit Foundation realm. I can't keep using the curse so recklessly or else it'll kill me before I can even breakthrough to the next realm,' Xiao Fang thought.




Less than a kilometer away from the city gates, Xiao Hei stopped upon seeing that Xiao Fang gave up. She changed back into her human form then looked back at Li Lian. They both smiled as if they successfully pulled a prank on Xiao Fang, but their smile didn't last for long.

Looking at the long line leading to the city gates, there were guards closely inspecting each person in the line. It seemed as if they were looking for a fugitive.

Upon seeing the posters on the wall, they immediately knew who that person was. It was Li Lian.

[ Wanted for the crime of killing her fiancé.


Capture ALIVE.


Bounty: 10,000 medium grade spirit stones ]




The currency in this province was different from the currency in Xiao Fang's province.

They went: copper, silver, gold coins, common grade, low grade, medium grade, high grade, royal grade spirit stones.

Although commoners often used coins or even common grade spirit stones to exchange goods, cultivators would need much higher grade spirit stones to buy something worth while.

Spirit stones themself were great cultivation resources for spirit cultivators, so 10,000 medium grade spirit stones were no small amount at all, but this was expected since it was one of the 4 major families in this province that was issuing this bounty.

<< Exchanging currency was extremely uncommon because they demanded too high of a commission. That's why Xiao Fang's father didn't bother giving him any money before he left. Xiao Fang was better off making money on his own >>




Suddenly a masculine voice sounded out from behind them, giving them a little scare.

"At least it doesn't say 'dead or alive'," Xiao Fang joked.

"You- Xiao Fang, that's not funny," Li Lian slapped his arm as if to scold him for sneaking up on her.

"Maybe we should avoid large crowds," Xiao Hei suggested.

"I agree. It will take a bit lot longer, but it will be safer," said Li Lian.

"Alright, let's go around it then," Xiao Fang said before leading the way.

Seeing him already leave, Li Lian and Xiao Hei quickly caught up and followed close behind him.

Since they just had a race, Xiao Fang was feeling exhausted, so they just walked as they slowly regained their strength.

A few minutes later, Xiao Fang began to frown.

Although Li Lian and Xiao Hei seemed carefree, Xiao Fang was starting to feel a bit anxious, because only he knew they were being followed.

Chapter 93 - Luo Jin's Retreat.

Li Lian was a wanted person, so they avoided cities, roads, and open fields as much as possible. They only traveled through dense forests and rough terrain.

Even though they ran into several beasts along the way, it was still better than being out in public.




Xiao Fang was frowning.

Since they left the city walls, he could sense that they were being followed. Not only that, but the people following them didn't seem ordinary at all.

Some of them wore special armour, while others wielded powerful weapons.

What worried Xiao Fang wasn't their strength, but their numbers. It was slowly increasing.

The longer they waited, the more that came.

Originally, there was only 2 of them, but now they were a total of 5, so he assumed there was more on the way.

Xiao Fang didn't want to wait for them to gather their forces, so he decided to make the first move.




"Xiao Fang, Why did you stop?" Li Lian asked.

"It appears that we're being followed."

Li Lian was surprisingly calm.

"How many?" She asked.

"5, but I believe more are on the way, otherwise they would've attacked us already."

Xiao Fang told Li Lian and Xiao Hei what to do, but Li Lian was reluctant to do as he said.

"Xiao Fang, wait. We can just escape. Why must you fight them?"

"We don't have the energy to out run them, it's better if we eliminate them now before they make our situation troublesome in the future."

Xiao Fang sat cross-legged under a tree as if he was meditating.

"Be careful, Xiao Fang. If it's too dangerous, don't do anything reckless."

"Rest assured, I'll be fine," he smiled confidently.

She nodded to him once, then continued walking away with Xiao Hei.

Seeing them leave, Xiao Fang finally took out his old flute.

His father taught him how to play it to teach him how to calm his heart in any situation.

Calm music wasn't just good for relieving his anxiety, it also settled the tides and ripples in his soul, making it seem as still as a lake that had been undisturbed for thousands of years.

Killing people was much harder than killing beasts, but such hesitation could get him killed, so he took this time to calm his mind and clear his thoughts.

"It's been awhile, old friend," he spoke to the bamboo flute as if it were alive.

No matter how simple the bamboo flute looked, they had gone through countless trials and tribulations together, so there was a special bond between them only Xiao Fang could understand.

Xiao Fang brought it up to his lips then blowed softly. From it, a soothing melody resonated through the air, as it rode the coattails of the light summer breeze.




A few minutes later, the 5 bounty hunters silently approached Xiao Fang as he played his flute, but now there was 6 of them.

One man in the group waved his hand infront of Xiao Fang's blindfolded face as if to confirm whether he was really blinded or not.

"It seems you're being too paranoid Cao Hui. How could this cripple be a threat to us."

"It doesn't hurt to check," Cao Hui replied simply.

"Let's hurry up and capture that bitch now, my dick is getting restless just thinking about it," another man spoke with a disgusting grin on his face.

"Luo Jin and his gang will be here soon. We should have our fun with her before they arrive," another man spoke.

Cao Hui didn't want to do anything unnecessary, but he had to admit the thought of raping Li Lian was very tempting.

After saying those words, the man finally faced Xiao Fang again.

"Blindman, what do you know about the girl you were just walking to?"

"If I told you that, would you spare her from what you intend to do to her?"

"You..." Cao Hui realized that they had said too much infront of him.

Suddenly another man spoke.

"You damn cripple, you have no cultivation yet you dare speak to us that way!"

Xiao Fang didn't reply, instead he continued playing his flute, only this time with a different rhythm. A tune that made people who listened closely feel as if there was a crouching tiger sneaking up on them.

"Forget it, what would a cripple know. Let's go, I don't want to lose sight of that beauty."

Cao Hui gestured for someone to take care of Xiao Fang before he continued walking towards Li Lian.

Even if Xiao Fang seemed to be a nobody with no cultivation, he still heard their plan to rape Li Lian before turning her in. They could be in big trouble if the Gao family heard about this, so Xiao Fang definitely couldn't be spared.

One man approached Xiao Fang with a malicious smile on his face.

The melody Xiao Fang played changed again. This time, he only played 2 notes in rapid repetition, playing them faster and faster as the man approached. It was if a rattle snake was shaking its tail, just before a kill.

"Ha!" The man grunted as he threw a punch towards Xiao Fang.

Suddenly, the spine chilling sound of bones being crushed sounded behind the bounty hunters, but they just assumed the man killed Xiao Fang so they didn't even bother looking back.

Only Cao Hui looked back to see what kind of technique the man used to make such a horrifying sound.

However, just when he looked back, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his dantian, it was because Xiao Fang's sword had run right through it.

Not only was he brought to his knees, but another body fell with him. Xiao Fang had killed 1 and crippled 2 of them before they could even react.

Seeing 3 of their companions fall, the other 3 finally reacted, but the moment they took a step back, they were suddenly pulled towards him by a terrifying force.

[ Reaper's Grasp ]

He was already too close to them before he uses that technique so it was impossible for them to counter it.

With 3 swift strikes, the last 3 weakest bounty hunters fell.

It didn't even take a second to defeat the six of them.

Sure, it wasn't a fair fight, but Xiao Fang didn't care. When it's a matter of life and death, all is fair, the loser dies, and the winner survives. How you win doesn't matter.

After finishing off the crippled bounty hunters, a mysterious energy came out of their bodies and started seeped into Xiao Fang's skin.

Feeling this mysterious energy enter his dantian made his body feel rejuvenated. Almost as if heavy weights were slowly falling off of him.

'What is this feeling,' Xiao Fang thought.

Even the never ending pain from the curse marks were slowly fading.

Upon looking down at his body, Xiao Fang gasped in shock.

His curse marks were disappearing!

Not only was the mysterious energy easing his pain, he also felt that it contained spirit comprehension. He felt like if he cultivated it he would be able to easily breakthrough to the 4th stage with his 'Death Reaper' method.

'It seems this method requires me to kill cultivators to cultivate it. What a twisted cultivation method to have,' Xiao Fang thought.

Although it didn't actually require him to kill anyone, it just made it a whole lot easier to cultivate it if he did.

Xiao Fang looted their bodies, and collected a combined total of roughly 5,000 common grade, and a few hundred low grade spirit stone. He assumed the only thing of value that they had were their armour and weapons.

Despite being in the Profound Spirit and Spirit Core realm, they hardly kept any valuable stuff in their spatial pouches.

'It seems killing bounty hunters isn't as profitable as I imagined,' Xiao Fang thought.

After collecting all of their stuff, Xiao Fang gouged out their eyes then hanged their corpses as a warning for anyone that wished to chase after them.

Once he was done, he caught up to Li Lian and they continued on their journey back to the Black Paradise sect.




Less than an hour later, a small group of bounty hunters arrived at the gory scene.

Upon seeing the mutilated hanging corpses, a few of them puked, while others looked away. Only the man standing at the front of the group stayed calm as he looked at Xiao Fang's warning.

"Cut them down," he said.

Despite his words, there was a moment of hesitation amongst the crowd.

Xiao Fang's warning was clearly super effective on them.

"Luo Jin, perhaps it would be wise if we contact headquarters about this. Cao Hui was a Profound Spiritist, but look around us, there is no signs of a battle. Whoever is helping that girl must've been extremely powerful."

Luo Jin was reluctant to retreat, but he had to agree with what the man said. There was absolutely no signs of a struggle at all. It was unimaginable what kind of existence was capable of doing such a thing to a team consisting of a Profound and Spirit Core realm experts. One thing was for sure, Luo Jin didn't want to find out.

"Alright, let's go back and report our findings."

After cutting the corpses down, they left.




Meanwhile, it took Xiao Fang, Li Lian, and Xiao Hei less than a day of running to reach the Black Paradise sect.

Although they would've arrived much sooner if they took the normal route, they didn't want to take any chances.

Xiao Fang crashed on the bed once he was finally home. It was a feeling that was hard to explain, but brought him immeasurable comfort.

Li Lian also fell on the bed in exhaustion, but when she looked at Xiao Fang she smiled brightly, and it warmed his heart.

Suddenly, Xiao Hei jumped directly on top of Xiao Fang's back, making him groan.

They had a long tiring journey back home, so Xiao Fang and Xiao Hei fell asleep shortly after returning.

Seeing them sleeping like this made Li Lian smile. She tucked them in then crossed her legs to cultivate the evolved flame burning in her dantian.

Chapter 94 - Xiao Fang Makes An Appearance (18+)


Early in the morning, Xiao Fang woke seeing Xiao Hei sleeping next to him and Li Lian meditating on the bed upstairs. The one person he didn't see was Xun Wei.

Before getting up to look for her, he found a letter on the bedside table. It was from Li Lian.

After stashing his blindfold into his spatial ring, he read the letter. In the letter, she told him not to disturb her since she was going into closed door training. So, before leaving the house, Xiao Fang told Xiao Hei not to disturb her while she was cultivating.

With that settled, he finally left the house to start looking for Xun Wei, but after searching just about all the places he thought she would be, he eventually gave up.

She wasn't in the sect.

Xiao Fang didn't worry, because he knew at her current speed it would've take her at least 4 days to run here, but that's not including any breaks she likely would've taken.

Since Xun Wei was nowhere to be found, he decided to have a little fun...




Lecture hall.

Xiao Fang's appearance immediately caused a large commotion. A few girls directly shouted his nickname just to get his attention while others came out of their seats to welcome him.

They treated him as if he was some sort of idol.

Xiao Fang smiled bitterly. Not even the girls back home treated him this well.

Well, swordsmen had a certain level of reserve and self-control that most spirit cultivators didn't have. So seeing this sight wasn't too surprising for him.

He found a seat near the back of the class, but he was still being swarmed by his 'fans'.

Sitting on his left was someone he recognized as a previous client, while the person sitting on his right was a man he never met before.

The man was actually fairly handsome but the natural frown on his face gave him the impression of being extremely arrogant. Even after being surrounded by women he didn't even spare them a glance.

'A bunch of disgusting sluts,' the man thought.

He then looked to his left and sized Xiao Fang up. He was disgusted by the women shamelessly trying to give themselves to him, but he didn't envy him because there wasn't even a single loli among them.

He scoffed, then got up. He gave Xiao Fang one last look before he left.

Seeing the vacant seat, the women all fought to get to it first.

'Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all,' Xiao Fang thought.

He could feel a few hands stroking his long dick through his robes and saw a few girls even flashing their tits at him. Where these really the same girls that treated every man in this sect like trash?

Xiao Fang finally took his dick out and watched as a few girls immediately fell to their knees. He started to feel a few warm wet tongues licking his shaft as if it was a cultivation treasure. Most of the other girls just watched since they weren't shameless enough to do such a thing in public.

Suddenly, one girl did the unthinkable, and put her hands on his chest as she raised her leg over him. His spearhead was touching her little pink cave.

"Nnn~" she moaned as she slowly sat down, making his dick stretch her tight pussy walls apart.

The girls were all shocked that someone was desperate enough to actually do it with him in public, but the crowd got even bigger because they wanted to see Da Long in action. So Xiao Fang gave them a show.

He put his hands on her ass as she was trying to adjust to his size and licked and sucked her exposed supple tits. Once she was comfortable with it being all the way in, he got up and laid her down on the desk.

He stripped his top half, letting his robes hang over his waist to expose his muscular body. Every girl that saw it wanted to feel him.

Guys in this province were mostly spirit cultivators so girls didn't see bodies like this very often. Xiao Fang wasn't just a body cultivator, he was a Profound Body realm cultivator. So his physique was something they never seen before.

He then put his hands on her waist then started thrusting his dick inside of her.


Seeing him flexing his muscles, the girls that were enchanted by it before were now shamelessly touching him.

Earlier they were ridiculing the disciple that was shameless enough to do such a thing in public, but now they were jealous of her. They'd do anything to be fucked by this sex god-like man.

"Yes~! ahhh~! ahhhhaa~!" she moaned loudly.

She was feeling way too good.

Her moans were loud enough to be faintly heard from the next lecture hall.

There wasn't a single person in that class that didn't know what they were doing, but even if they wanted to see, they couldn't because it was way too crowded.

Her moans got louder and faster, it was clear that she was already approaching an orgasm. The girls that were close enough to see it were getting hot and wet, but no one was more hot and wet than the pussy Xiao Fang was currently fucking.

Her pussy tightened, her toes curled, and she was gritting her teeth in pleasure.

She was climaxing.

In the next moment, he pulled her in by the waist.

[ Naked Sword Thrusting Heaven ]

Her body went tight, stiff, and mute till he finally released his Yang qi.

Watching this, the girls gasped, some even came in their panties, but they all had a similar thought in their mind: They wanted to be next.

However, the Elder suddenly arrived, so the disciples all quickly returned to their seats. Once the elder saw the man they were crowding around, her eyes almost lit up, but she managed to conceal it before it could show. However, nothing could escape Xiao Fang's ears. Under that cold facade of hers, he could hear that her heart was beating rapidly.

Throughout the lecture, the girls would silently try to get Xiao Fang's attention. Of course, the elder saw what they were doing, but she couldn't blame them for it. Xiao Fang was extremely popular in the outer court.

Eventually, the cute girl sitting on his left finally started to whisper to him.

At first they only whispered, but then Xiao Fang put a hand on her inner thigh as she slightly spreaded her legs.

He then slid his hand up her thigh till he was touching her shy little pussy.

"You're already this wet?" He teased.

"How could I not be after watching you fuck that girl right beside me."

They started getting touchy with each other. Xiao Fang eventually slipped his hand under her ass and squeezed it a few times.

"Is it just me or does it feel even better than I remember."

"Mm, stop it. How could you even remember something like that. It's been so long since you visited me."

"It's hard to forget someone as beautiful as you. Do you think it was a coincidence that I sat next to you?"

If she wasn't burning up before, she was certainly as hot as a furnace now.

The girl sitting on the on his right saw that he was being touchy with the girl on the left, but she didn't want to give up so easily. She took Xiao Fang's free hand and guided it into her drooling pussy.

"Mymm~" she hummed her moan.

To her surprise, the moment he touched her pussy he immediately took over.

She let go of his hand as he started fingering her, then she took his dick out and started stroking it.

'It's so big, and it's still wet with the other girl's pussy juice on it,' she thought as she slid her hand up and down his erect shaft.

Meanwhile, back on the other side, Xiao Fang continued to speak naughty things into the girl's ear, each word making her feel like she was losing control of her ability to hold back.

"Da Long, let's schedule a time. You should take responsibility for making me feel this way," she said.

"First, prove to me that you want it."

Seeing what he meant, she moved her hair behind her ear then put the head of his penis in her mouth as the other girl beside him was still stroking his dick.

She skillfully sucked him till she felt his hand on the back of her head.

Feeling his hand lightly pushing her head down, she knew what he wanted to do, so she stopped moving and waited for him to cum while she was deep throating his dick.

Finally, he coated her throat with his sweet butter, and she swallowed it without hesitation.

"Did I prove I want it yet?"

"Mn, you did."

As they started to schedule a time together, Xiao Fang suddenly felt the girl on his right start sucking his dick. Whoever she was, she was certainly going the extra mile so he had a favourable impression of her.

He didn't cum in her mouth. Instead he let her keep sucking him for the rest of the class, not only because it felt good, but also because it seemed that she really wanted to do it. Suddenly she guided his hand out of her pussy and pushed it into her asshole.

Xiao Fang's eyes shined.

'This one is a freak,' he thought.

He eventually scheduled a time with her too.

Even though the 3 of them were quiet the whole time, the Elder knew exactly what they were doing. The reason she didn't stop them was because she knew who Da Long was. She knew the reason he came her class was for her. The thought of it made her wet.

Watching the girls suck his dick was making her horny and distracting her from teaching her class, so she sent Xiao Fang to 'detention'.

Although elders would usually kick someone out if they are disturbing the class, they would only send a disciple to their office when they did something deserving of severe punishment.

Speaking in an authoritative tone, she told Xiao Fang to wait for her in her office. He wasn't allowed to leave till the lecture was over.

Hearing this, Xiao Fang chuckled to himself.

'It seems I finally made her break,' he thought.

For the rest of the class the girls were silent.

When the lecture was over, they all left dejectedly because they knew their idol was going to be punished by the elder, but they were unable to do anything about it.

Some pleaded on his behalf, but it only made the elder angrier, so they eventually stopped in fear of making things worse for him.

When the girls were finally gone, the elder untied her hair as she walked towards her office.

Seeing Xiao Fang sitting on her desk, she frowned.

"Do you know what you did, young man?"

"I have a pretty good idea," Xiao Fang smiled charmingly.

"It seems you still don't know the position you are in. Since you disturbed my class, I can punish you any way I want."

"Oh? How exactly do you plan to punish me then?"

Suddenly her robes dropped, exposing her curvy body and massive tits. She then proceeded to walk towards him with her L cup titties bouncing with every step. They were certainly the largest tits he ever seen.

"I missed you, Da Long."

"Mn, I missed you too, Jiang Mei."

Chapter 95 - Elder's Taboo (18+)



Inside of Elder Jiang Mei's office, Xiao Fang was giving her the fuck of her life.

Luckily, the door was closed, otherwise the whole sect would know what they were doing.

He cleared her desk with one swipe and threw her naked body on top of it before he continued to savagely fuck her little slippery cunt.

"Ahh~ ahh~ ahhhhy~" she moaned to his deep hard thrusts.

She eventually squirting in that position.

Without anytime to rest he moved her again, this time pinning her against the wall.

Xiao Fang pulled her hair, restrained her arms, then spread her legs open a bit more.

Her sex juices were still dripping from her last climax, her knees lacked structural integrity, but Xiao Fang didn't care.

He shoved his fat cock straight up her tight quivering pussy, and continued fucking her senselessly, making her feel like she was a helpless little girl getting her pussy stretched.


He pounded her from behind as he fondled her large jugs. They weren't the kind of tits anyone could be satisfied by just looking at them, they were the kind of tits that needed to be touched, caressed, and squeezed by hands like his.

Her face and hands were planted on the wall, but her thicc white ass stuck out for him as he pounded her pink slippery pussy, ruthlessly.

The way she moaned sounded like she was pleading for more. She didn't want to just have sex, she wanted to be fucked by a man like him.

The way he usually did things was to first show women his passionate side, then show them his dominant side in the second cultivation session.

He already showed her his passionate side in the past, now was the time to dominate her. To make her never forget the only person that could make her feel this way.

[ Women like a man who knows what he wants, but they love it when he has the strength, commitment, and ambition to get it too ]

When he was a wanted man, he still revealed himself to her, when he knew it was risky to enter her house he still invited himself in, and now he was out strengthening her as if to say that he was strong enough to take care of her.

He wasn't just a boy to her anymore, he was a very daring, ambition man that wanted to make her his and had the ability to do so.

They constantly changed positions, making her cum several times around the office. Eventually she was sliding against her own cum, but she didn't care because she was feeling so good from being fucked so hard by his majestic pleasure rod.

She was hugging him as he carried her by her plump ass, squishing them tightly while thrusting upwards into her tight thirsty pussy.

He occasionally spanked her butt, making her tight pussy grip his penis as he thrusted it inside of her.

Her huge tits jiggled, her legs dangled, and her face accurately expressed the intense pleasure she was currently experiencing.

She was being brutally fucked and dominated by a young disciple's long hard dick, but she couldn't get enough of it.

"More, I want more ahhh~"

"Da Long, make me cum harder~~!"

He clenched her plump white ass even tighter in his strong masculine hands as he prepared to execute his dual cultivation technique.

[ Naked Sword Clapping Thunder ]

*Clap... clap.. clap. clap*

"Ahh~ ahhh~ ahhaaa~"

Each thrust clapped her lower body against his. She moaned to each clap till he was drilling her pussy so fast and hard she could only moan once to all of his thrusts.


She hugged him tightly, her pussy squeezed, and her waters began to spray.

She was climaxing intensely.

[ Naked Sword Growing Pillar ]

Suddenly, his dick started to grow even longer inside of her.

In the next moment, Xiao Fang pushed his dick deeper into her squirting fuck-hole till it was kissing her womb.

He pushed harder and harder till his dick finally peeked through, it was now in her womb

[ Naked Sword Thrusting Heaven ]

His naked sword started to emit a strange, but pleasurable aura.

[ Naked Sword Climbing 9 Heavens ]




[ 7th Thrust ]

Finally his cum gushed into her womb, filling her to the brim.

His dick was so deep, his cum was so warm, and her climax was so intense that her eyes rolled back in defeat.

He put her down on her feet, but she couldn't stand up. She slowly slid down the wall till her butt was on the wet floor.

Feeling something on her lips, she instinctively opened her mouth then felt his dick sliding in.


This was the dick that was pounding her pussy just now. His strong erect dirty dick was in her lewd mouth, but she couldn't resist from sucking it.

She sucked his dick as if she was trying to clean all of the cum and pussy juice off of it till there was nothing left but her own thick warm saliva.

When she was done, she tapped it on her red slimy tongue and looked up at him with a clear message from her gaze. In the next moment, she got what she wanted. Xiao Fang started cumming on her face, but she didn't even blink.

She wore his thick milky qi on her beautiful face as if it were an accomplishment.

It eventually started to dissipate then he helped her up. Just when she thought it was over, he turned her around.


Suddenly, she felt him rubbing his saliva-coated dick against her closed butthole.

"Jiang Mei, I want to make you mine. What do you say?"

She didn't immediately answer, because everything was still a blur from her last climax.

"Da Long. I am yours and always will be. Please accept me as your woman."

She reached back and spreaded her asscheeks apart as if she was begging for him to do it. She want his dick inside of her tight virgin asshole.

Xiao Fang smirked.


In the next moment his dick peeked inside of her asshole and it hugged his tip nicely. Just from this, he knew this was going to feel amazing.

He moaned as more of it slid in and he grabbed her heavy tits as he pushed.

"Fuck, this feels too good," he couldn't wait to cum inside of this virgin hole.

Her knees gave in, but he held her up.

With a bit of effort, he pushed the rest of it in, then started thrusting while flooding her senses with his dual cultivation qi. She moaned like a lunatic with his dick fucking her in her ass.

It was tight and difficult to break her in, but in no time, she wasn't just begging for more, she was cumming from it too.

His sticky butter coated the walls of her tight asshole, but she couldn't have enough.

Although it was because his qi made her horny and feel pleasure instead of pain, she also loved the feeling of his fat dick rubbing inside of that taboo place, and the idea of a disciple fucking an elder in the ass.

They kept fucking in several alternate positions and holes. By the time he was done with her, she had cum pouring out of her pussy and gaping asshole as well

She came so much her office was in a complete mess, and it was all because of the disciple known as Da Long.

"Da Long, will you visit me again?"

"Leave your lights on after midnight, and I'll be there."

After saying those words, he left.




After Xiao Fang left her office, he found a place to cultivate her qi.

Though it wasn't nearly as good as Wu Yue's, it was surprisingly stronger than Yu An's so he benefited greatly by cultivating with her.

When he was done, he pulled out his old list of girls he hadn't visited yet, then decided to go pay them a visit.

To their surprise he didn't charge them anything because he didn't need anymore merit points.

He didn't take anything from them, not even their referrals. He hardly gained anything by absorbing their Yin qi, he was only doing it to fulfill his promise to them.

Chapter 96 - Purple Rank Beast Core

After cultivating with a few disciples, he visited the place Chun Hua used to work. It hadn't even been a week yet, but he was already missing her.

Xiao Fang stood outside of the library to reminisce the times he would visit her in the morning. She'd always welcome him in with a warm smile, and comfortably talk with him about anything.

'I didn't realize how much she meant to me until she was gone. I suppose it won't be forever, but I can't stop thinking about her,' Xiao Fang thought.

Since she was no longer here, he assumed the doors would be locked, but he was surprised to find that they were open.

After opening the door, he immediately found Xun Wei reading inside.

'So, this is where you've been hiding,' he thought.

He sat across from her as she silently read her book, and that's when he noticed the vertical scar going down her left eye.

"You're eye..."

Hearing his voice, she looked up at the man sitting across from her. The moment she saw Xiao Fang, her eyes lit up.

"Xiao Fang, you're back!"

She climbed the table to give him a hug, then while sitting on his lap, she pulled away to give him a kiss.

"Xun Wei, were you hurt?"

He said, referring to her left eye.

"I'm alright. It's just a scratch. How does it look?" She asked as she cutely moved her hair back behind her ear.

"Your eye? It looks good, and it reminds me of home, but you should try to take care of your appearance. You'll make Chun Hua and I worry if you come home one day with a bunch of scars."

She smiled from his compliment, and took his words into consideration.

"I'll be more careful from now on."

Xun Wei then explained the events leading to the scar. At the end, she took out her purple beast core.

"You weren't kidding. It really is purple," Xiao Fang said with a bit of shock in his tone.

"From that response, I take it that you've never seen something like this before," Xun Wei said.

"I haven't, but I think we might know someone that has."





Back home.

Li Lian was still cultivating on the guest bed upstairs, and Xiao Hei was resting on the main bed in her feline form.

Xiao Hei was nearly 2 meter long. Seeing that, Xun Wei became shocked.

'Doesn't that mean she got even stronger? Then that means Xiao Fang also...' Xun Wei thought.

Seeing them arrive, Xiao Hei transformed into her human form then jumped off the bed. She was still under 5 feet tall and incredibly cute, but since entering the Profound Body realm she had a much more imposing air.

"Xiao Hei, were you really asleep all this time?" Xiao Fang asked skeptically.

"Hmph, what else can I do. Li Lian is busy cultivating so I have no one to play with..."

Xiao Hei paused when she noticed Xun Wei standing next to Xiao Fang.

Xun Wei still looked at her as condescendingly as usual, but as soon as Xiao Hei mischievously looked down at her breasts, Xun Wei lost her composure.

"I see you found Xun Wei." Xiao Hei said as the corners of her lips curled up into a grin.

"D-Don't try it you little demon, or else," Xun Wei threatened her unconvincingly.

Xun Wei stepped behind Xiao Fang while covering her breast in retreat. If Xiao Hei really got stronger, it will be impossible to fight against her wandering hands.

Naturally, nothing escaped Xiao Fang's eyes and ears.

"Xiao Hei, I told you before to leave Xun Wei alone. If she doesn't want to play with you, then you should respect her personal space."

"I wasn't going to do anything, I was only teasing her."

Xiao Fang squinted briefly at Xiao Hei because he felt more than a tease from her earlier stare. There was certainly intent behind it, but Xiao Fang didn't want to pursue this matter.

"Whatever, there's something else I want to ask you about."

He showed her the purple stone, and the look of astonishment appeared in Xiao Hei's face.

"Purple rank! I can't believe you actually got your hands on a purple rank beast core."

"Purple rank?"

Seeing the look of confusion on their faces, Xiao Hei explained.




There was only a one in a 10,000 chance that a human could be born with a special body. Similarly with humans, beasts can also have a special body, but they are separated into 5 ranks.

The ranking for rarity is as follows:

Black, Blue, Purple, Red, Gold.

Corresponding names are:

Ordinary, Saint, Demon, Legendary, Celestial.

Ordinary beast cores are used for spirit cultivating or to make weapons. However, if rare beast cores above the ordinary rank are cultivated and absorbed there is a chance that it could provide cultivators with a special ability.




"So, that's how it is. It seems you really had a fortunate encounter, Xun Wei," Xiao Fang congratulated her.

Xun Wei had a complicated expression on her face. After a brief pause, she suddenly extended her hand as if to give the purple rank beast core to Xiao Fang.

"Xun Wei, what are you-"

"You've given me so much, but I haven't been able to give you anything in return. I know this isn't enough, but I hope you can accept my gratitude."

Xiao Fang looked at her with a gentle gaze then lightly pushed her hands back to her.

"Xun Wei, do you remember why I didn't tell Li Lian how much that Spirit Attribute cost?"

"Because you didn't want her to think that she owed you anything."

"Exactly. You are also my woman, if I give you something, then I naturally wouldn't want anything in return."

"Xiao Fang, I'll feel guilty if you don't accept this gift. Please take it."

"I already made up my mind, right now you need this more than I do."

Despite only knowing him for a year, she knew once he made up his mind, it was impossible to make him change it.

"Hmph, you're too stubborn. Don't regret it after I surpass you," Xun Wei finally smiled.

"Hahaha, good luck with that."

Although his words were arrogant, she knew he must've already reached a much higher cultivation since Xiao Hei's feline form had already gotten so big.




In the middle of their house, there was a large open roofless space full of grass, flowers, a bench, and a small tree.

Sitting in the center of it, Xun Wei found a spot under the tree then started absorbing the purple beast core under Xiao Hei's supervision.

As soon as she started, there was already such an enormous change taking place in her dantian.

Seeing her like this, Xiao Fang nodded to himself in approval then found a spot on the grass to start cultivating himself.

Since he absorbed the mysterious qi from the corpse of the people he's killed, he still hadn't used it to start cultivating the Death Reaper's method yet.

Xiao Fang crossed his legs then started cultivating the Death Reaper method.

'Still as miserably slow as usual,' Xiao Fang frowned.

However, the moment he tapped into the mysterious qi in his dantian, he felt his comprehension and cultivation start to rise like never before.

He almost instantly made a breakthrough, but he didn't break his concentration.

Within the next few hours, Xiao Fang had used up all of the qi he gained from those corpses.

When he checked his cultivation now, his Death Reaper method was no longer in the 3rd stage of the foundation realm, but had broken through to the 8th stage!

5 successive breakthroughs in such a short period of time and he could feel that he was close to making another breakthrough too. It was unbelievable.

Xiao Fang assumed it was because the cultivation of the people he killed were so high, that's why he was able to make so many breakthroughs in such a short period of time.

It's not everyday that Xiao Fang met a Profound or Spirit Core realm cultivator, even less that he deemed necessary to kill.

As fast as his breakthrough are, he'll need to hold off from cultivating this technique for the time being. However, he couldn't wait forever, or else his curse will devour him whole if he doesn't breakthrough to the next realm in time.

Xiao Fang got up and looked to his left.

'It seems Xun Wei still isn't done.'

Since there was no one to talk to, he went back to work. With a sect full of women, his attendance was expected elsewhere.

Chapter 97 - Jiang Mei's Disciple

One by one, Xiao Fang visited the houses of the girls he promised to sleep with.

To their surprise, he didn't accept their merit points after their cultivation sessions. That was because he already had more than he needed since Chun Hua gave him hers.

Xiao Fang quickly discovered how popular he got while he was gone, but he didn't accept any more new clients.

There was only a month left till the inner court exams, so he wanted to prioritize practicing his Heaven Realm movement technique, cultivating the Death Reaper method, and spending his time with his 2 lovely women (and Xiao Hei).

Since Xiao Fang wasn't charging merit points anymore, many disciples assumed it was because he had enough merit points to attempt the inner court exam.

This rumor quickly became their worst nightmare, but it was even more terrifying for the men in the sect that were planning to attempt the inner court exam this year.




In district 33, there was a small faction of men that was secretly expressing their hate for Da Long.

Till now, they never cared about what he did in the sect because they were only focused on reaching the inner court. That was the place where every man dreamed about.

The rumors tell stories about the countless fairy-like beauties in that place. Just seeing them once was enough for any man to die happy.

However, since learning that Da Long would likely be participating in the inner court exams, this naturally didn't sit well with them.

Xiao Fang could play with the girls in the outer court all he wanted, but they certainly wouldn't allow him to taint the beauties in the inner court!




Late at night in Jiang Mei's residence. Xiao Fang was knocking at the door at the expected time.

"Da Long, you came."

"Were you waiting long?"

"No, not at all. Please, come in. I made some tea."

After sitting down, they talked about a few things. That's when Xiao Fang told her about his plan to attempt the inner court exam.

It was no surprise that he would be attempting the inner court exam. She also knew that they wouldn't be able to maintain their unusual relationship for long, but it was still saddening that they had to end it so soon. However, his next words surprised her.

"What's required of you to become an inner court Elder?"

"Huh? Why are you curious about that?"

"I'm curious because I want to take you with me."

Xiao Fang grew up in the Divine Sword sect, and his father was the Patriarch, so he was knowledgeable about many things regarding the sect rules, including requirements for Elders to move up the ranks.

In the Divine Sword sect, if an Elder in the outer court can nurture at least 2 disciples to pass a special test, then not only will the disciples become inner court disciples, but the elder that nurtured them will also move into the inner court as well.

Xiao Fang didn't assume that the Black Paradise would have the exact same rules, but he did assume it to be similar.

Elder Jiang Mei stared blankly at Xiao Fang for a few seconds.

"Do you really... want me to go with you?"

"Mn," Xiao Fang nodded.

She nearly became teary, but she held it in.

"I appreciate what you said, but it's not easy for something like that to happen."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure we can work it out."

"Well, the only way for me to become an inner court Elder is if I can nurture a disciple into passing a special test."

'As I expected,' Xiao Fang thought.

"If you only need one disciple, then I can do it," Xiao Fang said.

"You underestimate the difficulty of the test. It will take me years to teach you the cultivation method, but we only have less than a month. If you fail this test you will also fail the inner court exam."

"I'm not worried about failing. I'm confident that with your guidance I'll be able to accomplish anything."


"I've already decided to take you with me, I won't change my mind on that."

She frowned almost cutely.

"You're too stubborn."

"I know. Once I see something I like, it's impossible for me to resist," he smiled charmingly.

Xiao Fang put down his tea and moved closer to her.

"Da Long, y-you haven't finished your tea."

"The tea was good, but you taste better."

He leaned in and gave her a kiss. Feeling his lips, her body began to relax then she slowly opened her legs for his hand to touch her little girl spot.

He immediately noticed that she wasn't wearing any panties.


His fingers caressed her inner cave till she was nice and moist.

Finally she reached into his robes and grabbed his long limp dick then started stroking it.

Once their lips separated, she got up.

With his thick long dick still in her delicate hand, she walked towards her bedroom and he followed close behind her.

Their robes fell, her massive tits dropped, then she fell back on the bed.

Xiao Fang crawled on top of her then kissed her again while fingering her pussy skillfully, but he didn't kiss her lips for long before he started moving down her body.

Finally, he was kissing her lower lips as his finger slowly thrusted back and forth inside of her soft pink tunnel.

"Ahha~" she moaned beautifully as her fingers ran through his hair.

When she was wet and ripe for fucking, he finally got up and rubbed his fat hard dick against her messy pussy, making her crave penetration.

"Da Long, put it in."

Despite its size, the head of his penis was nice and wet, so he was able to easily slip it right into her small entrance.


He didn't stop there. The head of his dragon explored deeper into her wet cave, tightly pushing through her soft wet interior till it was all the way in and threatening to pierce into her womb.

He lifted her thicc thighs then started fucking her horny fuck-hole, rubbing his colossal dick inside of her so hard it was as if he was trying to rub the pink off her pussy walls.

He made her moan like a cock hungry slut as his dick repeatedly pounded her little cunt. She told him to move slower because she was going to cum too quickly, but it felt so good fucking this big breasted beauty, so he only picked up the pace.

"Ahha~ I'm cumming~~!"

Her pussy tightened, she bit her lip, and her waters poured.

She was climaxing.

Xiao Fang buried his face between her gelatinous tits, clenched her ass, then released his Yang qi into her womb.

He loved the way she moaned while being fucked so hard by his long dick, he also loved the way her body made him feel, so he immediately started thrusting again after they climaxed.

Just like that, a long dual cultivation session between a naughty disciple and his horny sexy elder began, and he came inside of her hot tight pussy and made her cum on his fat throbbing dick countless times throughout the night.




Meanwhile in the Black Paradise sect's Matriarch's Hall, the matriarch had finally arrived from the Royal Court and was being greeted by several Elders and Supreme Elders.

Once they were all gone, a core court disciple wearing all white robes requested to meet her. Considering her status, she was welcomed right in.

The Matriarch greeted her first.

"Yu Qiuyan, how've you been? Last I heard, you were practicing a difficult technique. Did you come to ask for my assistance?"

"No, that won't be necessary. I actually came to ask for permission."

"Permission for what?"

"I would like to become a mentor this year."

"So soon? You only became a core court disciple last year, there are many things you still need to learn."

"I've already passed the mentorship test. This is something I've been looking forward to since becoming a disciple of this sect. Please allow me to be included in the selection," she said before she was about to kneel, but the Matriarch immediately stopped her.

Despite being the Matriarch of the Black Paradise sect, her status still didn't compare to the young lady standing in front of her. Even if the young girl told her to kneel, there was nothing the Matriarch could do but obey her command.

"Very well, I'll grant your request."

"Thank you, Matriarch."

With that, Yu Qiuyan left just as elegantly as she came in.

Once she was gone, the Matriarch sighed, then called for someone to fetch Elder Yao Wu and Supreme Elder Bai to the Matriarch's Hall.

After they arrived, they immediately bowed and clasped their fists to the Matriarch.

"Matriarch, you called for us so late at night. Is something the matter?" Elder Yao Wu spoke.

"I called you here because I want to talk to you about your girls, Zhao Pan and Bai Fan."

Upon hearing her granddaughter's name, Supreme Elder Bai immediately started to panic.

"Matriarch, if Bai Fan did something wrong, please spare her and punish me instead," Supreme Elder Bai said without hesitation.

"Don't worry. She didn't do anything wrong. In fact, I have something in store for them," the Matriarch said before telling them the news.

"Are you serious?" Elder Yao Wu asked.

"Aren't I always?" The Matriarch replied.

Hearing that response, the Supreme Elder Bai became excited.

With that, she dismissed Supreme Elder Bai, but she didn't leave before expressing her deepest gratitude first.

Once she was gone, Elder Yao Wu expressed her concern to the Matriarch.

"Shi Lan, isn't it too soon?"

"If I could convince her to change her mind, I would. Let's drop this matter for now. Have you found him yet?" the Matriarch said, referring to Xiao Fang.

"Not yet."

The Matriarch frowned.

"It's unlike you to take this long to find someone, are you delaying it on purpose?" the Matriarch raised an eyebrow.

"No, I believe he's still out on a mission. I will continue my search in a few days, he should be back by then."

The Matriarch sighed.

"How long can an Outer Court mission take? Let me know as soon as he returns. Don't forget, this stays between us."

With those words, Elder Yao Wu bowed and then left.

Chapter 98 - Incomplete Method

The next day, news of Xiao Fang's return quickly began to spread.

There wasn't a single person in the outer court that didn't know who he was. The frightening thing about it was that his name was even reaching the inner court.

Some stories painted him as a saint, others described him as being a domineering badboy. Either way, he was advertised so well that even the Elders wanted a piece of him.

Out of all the rumors that was said about him, there was only 1 rumor Xiao Fang was interested about. It was the rumors saying that his semen (actually his yang qi) improved their cultivation immensely.

No one believed this rumor, and it was even less believable to the Elders that heard it.

Of course, Xiao Fang was aware that his Yang qi really did provide benefits to their cultivations, what he didn't know was how much they would benefit from it now that he broke through to the Spirit Core realm with his Dual Cultivation method.

Turns out, it was quite a bit.




In the Inner Court.

Early in the morning, Xiao Fang and Jiang Mei visited the inner court to officially be recognized as Master and Disciple.

Since he was with Jiang Mei, no one gave him any trouble for being in the inner court, but they all stared at him because he was certainly the most handsome man they ever saw.

With a tall stature, a sharp jawline, elegant brows, alluring eyes, and a general indifference to the things around him, he was eye candy to all the women that laid eyes on him.


After walking into the small building, Xiao Fang and Jiang Mei walked up to the front desk where an Inner Court Elder was stationed.

Jiang Mei did all the talking, Xiao Fang just needed to confirm that he was her disciple.

After the Elder handed Jiang Mei a scroll, she looked at the two of them with scornful look.

Despite what Jiang Mei said, they hardly looked like an Elder and disciple, they seemed more like a couple that just finished spending the entire night fucking.

The Inner Court Elder already had a poor impression on the outer court disciples and elders, but seeing them together just made her feel sick to her stomach.

"Hmph, quickly scram. I can't stand looking at the two of you," the Inner Court Elder said with a condescending tone.

Jiang Mei stopped smiling at Xiao Fang when she heard the elder's furious voice. She bowed respectfully to her then turned to leave, but Xiao Fang stood his ground.

He didn't bow, nor did he immediately leave. He just stared at the elder with a curious look in his eye till she finally looked back at him.

She felt that it was beneath her to look at an outer court disciple, even more so since he was a man, but because he was being so arrogant she looked at him so that she could put him in his place. However, the moment she looked into his violet eyes her heart actually skipped a beat.

Inner court disciples and elder were far more cold hearted and prideful than the notoriously prideful outer court disciples, but the man standing in front of her was actually making her feel in such a way.

"Da Long, aren't you coming?" Jiang Mei asked.

Xiao Fang slightly turned his body as if to leave, but paused for another second to leave a lasting impression on the elder staring into his eyes.

Suddenly his curious gaze changed back to indifference as if there was nothing interesting left to see. He then completely turned his body around and followed Jiang Mei out.

The elder instinctively raised her hand as if to tell him to wait, but he was already gone. The way his gaze changed made her feel heartbroken. She couldn't understand it, but the feeling was so strong.

"Da Long," the elder repeated Jiang Mei's words.

'How can there be such a handsome man in this world,' she thought.

Maybe when she had the time, she'd consider going down to the outer court to learn more about this man called Da Long.




Outer Court, Jiang Mei's residence.

Jiang Mei and Xiao Fang stood in her courtyard, and in her hands she held a special scroll.

"Xiao Fang, I assume you know what a cultivation method is. This cultivation method is known as the 'Illusory Body' method, and it is recognized to be the strongest method in this province."

As grand as Jiang Mei made it seem, Xiao Fang already knew everything about this cultivation method, including its weakness. He also knew the thing she didn't want to tell him, which was just how poorly this sect stood against the other big sects in the 13 provinces.

After giving it a decent introduction, she handed him the scroll.

"Read it, understand it, and comprehend it. I have a few lectures I need to teach today, so I'll be back later tonight."

Xiao Fang nodded, then she left.

Once she was gone, Xiao Fang started to read the scroll.


'The path that can be experienced is not the true path, the body that can seen is not the true body...'


As Xiao Fang read through the scroll, he felt a great deal of comprehension contained within its words, so he sat down and meditated on them.




Less than an hour later he opened his eyes and stood back up.

He was surprised, because he had already broken through to the 1st stage of the [ Illusory Body ] Spirit Foundation realm.

'That was easy,' he thought.

Since he was reading the incomplete version of the Illusory Body method, he assumed that was why he was able to make a breakthrough so quickly.

With this incomplete version, he wouldn't be able to exceed the 9th stage of the Spirit Foundation realm. He knew this, because the Divine Sword sect did the same thing with their outer court disciples. The real cultivation method was only given to those that passed the inner court exam.

Since it was still early in the day, he left Jiang Mei's house to do some 'charity' work. However, he didn't stay out for long, because he wanted to spend more time with his 2 girls back home.




Later that day, Xiao Fang went back home to check up on them.

Li Lian was still in closed door training, and Xiao Hei was running around as if she was chasing something. Only Xun Wei was missing.

He took a step into Xiao Hei's direction and appeared next to her as she ran.

"Xiao Hei, where did Xun Wei go?"

Even though he was talking to her, she didn't stop running.

"That's what I'm trying to find out. We're playing a game."

"A game? What kind of game?" Xiao Fang asked.

"If she touches my back, she gets a point. If I touch hers, I get a point," she explained.

"That hardly seems fair. You're 2 realms above her."

"You'd think so, but I'm losing. I haven't even gotten a single point yet. That's why I'm running like this so she doesn't catch me," she giggled as if she discovered a cheat.

"Why don't I see her?"

"You can't see her unless you get close to her."

Xiao Fang found that hard to believe, but he didn't think she'd lie about something like that.

So he started to echolocate the house, but he came to the same conclusion, Xun Wei wasn't here.

Xiao Fang was a bit amused.

'It seems Xun Wei ditched Xiao Hei in the middle of their game.'

He didn't blame her, Xiao Hei was pretty much cheating by running around like this.

He finally stopped running next to Xiao Hei.

"Why did you stop? She's going to catch you," Xiao Hei warned him.

"I already checked the whole house, Xun Wei isn't he-."

Suddenly, Xiao Fang felt a hand on his back.

It was Xun Wei.


"I win," Xun Wei smiled as her body reappeared out of thin air.

Chapter 99 - Mastered Technique

"I win."

"Were you using your air spirit attribute just now?" Xiao Fang asked.

"No. I gained the new ability [ Stealth ] after absorbing the purple rank beast core," she told him.





The ability to avoid detection through any means. It doesn't use up any qi, but it does come with its limitations.

Going into Stealth is like going under water. She could use it for a short period of time, but every now and then she'd need to come out to take a breath.

Although using Stealth made her impossible to see from afar, it was much less effective at close range, but completely unreliable if she stood less than a few meters away.




Xun Wei explained.

"I see. So, it only works if there is some distance between us. I guess I don't have to worry about you going ghost on me during sex," Xiao Fang said jokingly as he cupped her nice ass.

"Yeah? I thought you were looking forward to having sex with a ghost."

"What made you think that?"

She reached into his robes then gently started stroking his long erect meat with her two delicate hands.

"Because you've been hard this whole time."

He took one hand off her ass then started fingering her sensitive meat sleeve before giving her a kiss on the lips.

She pulled away first.

"Xiao Fang, let's make a bet."

"What kind of bet?"

"Let's continue the game I was playing with Xiao Hei. If I win, you have to make me feel good. If you win, I'll make you feel good."

As she spoke, she guided his finger to her 2nd hole.

"We already tried, it will never fit."

"It will this time."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. What are the rules."

She explained the game to him then they agreed to make it first to 30 points. They talked a bit longer to change a few rules till they were happy with it.

<< Xiao Fang wasn't allowed to run around like Xiao Hei did, and they could touch anywhere on their bodies for a point >>

With the rules set, she jumped back, then her body quickly disappeared.

'That will never get old,' Xiao Fang thought as he watched her disappear into nothing.

As she moved around, Xun Wei was confident that he wouldn't be able to react in time to her attack, so she didn't think much into it and just attacked at the first sign of an opening.

However, before she could touch him, he suddenly grabbed her wrist.

"What!? How did you..."

"That's 1 point for me. If you want to win, you'll need to do better than that," Xiao Fang smiled mysteriously.

After saying those words, he let go of her wrist.

She wasn't upset that he already got a point, instead it only ignited her competitive spirit.

She released her air spirit attribute as she walked away.

Xiao Fang had a light smile on his face as if this game was going to be as easy as taking candy from a baby.

She wasn't offended, she didn't say anything, but the smirk on her lips and the look in her eyes said everything she was thinking before she went into 'Stealth'.

No matter what, if he was going to look down on her, she would certainly make him regret it.

However, Xiao Fang wasn't underestimating her, he was just trying to get under her skin. In every competition, the mental game was just as important as the battle itself.




Xiao Fang started with the lead, and was getting more and more points after it, she couldn't even touch him once.

'I don't get it, I was fine against Xiao Hei, but Xiao Fang is dodging me so easily,' Xun Wei thought with a deep frown on her face.

It was at that moment she remembered what Xiao Fang always told her.

[ Your emotions make you predictable. Suppress it, or people will use it against you ]

She was too frustrated, but the moment she remembered those words her wrinkled brows became relaxed. She was just about to sneak up to him, but stopped herself to clear her mind. However, the moment she stopped herself was the moment he reacted. Till now he only reacted perfectly to her attacks, this was the first time he was reacting to nothing.

Xiao Fang smiled, as he stared into nothing, but the nothing he was staring into was Xun Wei.

'Does he see me? No that's impossible,' Xun Wei thought.

She was right that he couldn't see her, but he left himself open for her to attack from that area. This whole time when she thought she was making her own moves, she was only moving the way he wanted her to. He was in her head, and the way he smirked at her when she was supposed to be invisible only confirmed that thought.

"That's my girl."

Even though he was happy that she was finally using her head instead of her emotions, that also meant things would start to get harder for him.

Since Xun Wei was using her spirit attribute, she was much faster than she was against Xiao Hei.

Now that her attacks were less impulsive, she was finally gaining points for herself.




Several minutes later, she passed him in points and was starting to pull ahead.

Xiao Fang didn't want to quit, but he was slowing down. He was nearly out of spirit qi to fuel his speed, but he didn't want to lose.

When the game seemed lost, he thought about tapping into the power of his curse.

Was Xiao Fang so prideful to risk killing himself just to win a little game? A better question would be if there was a single person in this God forsaken land that was more prideful than this deranged lunatic.


Xiao Fang looked like he was too exhausted to keep playing, so Xun Wei started teasing him.

"Xiao Fang, you're 2 realms above me, but losing. Don't tell me that you're also getting tired before I do."

Xiao Fang smiled, "I was only holding back because you were 2 realms below me, but since you like to talk I'll show you what I'm really capable of."

Xiao Fang's body started to emit a black smoke, and the curse mark started to burn his skin as it spread down his body. All the marks that disappeared after he killed those cultivators were slowly coming back, and the longer he used it for the more painful it got. Far more painful than it already was.

Xiao Hei panicked when she saw the dark aura circling him.

{"Xiao Fang don't be reckless."} Xiao Hei sent him a spirit transmission, but he ignored her.

Seeing that he was regaining his strength, Xun Wei used [ Stealth ] and circled around him.

Xiao Fang's violet eyes became darker and darker till they were a haunting purple. Suddenly Xiao Fang moved to the side and Xun Wei appeared where he used to be.

'So fast!'

Xiao Fang was even faster than before, and with it came insight. He never been this fast before so he felt like he could understand the Heavenly realm movement technique better now than ever.

He was so fast he felt untouchable.

Whenever she came close to him, he would only have a fraction of a second to react. Before, he would have to predict it to have a chance of dodging, but now he was able to dodge her attacks even without predicting it. This was real speed.

The more times he dodged with his 'Floating Leaf Rushing Tide' technique, the more insight he was able to gain from it. Eventually, he felt like he had comprehended the technique like never before.

Out of the blue, he nearly coughed up blood, but stopped it in time. He had been using the curse's power for far too long. The curse marks had nearly completely covered his body now, so he stopped using it.

Xiao Hei felt relieved. She knew about the curse mark since it came from her previous master, so she understood the risks in using it.

In Xun Wei's perspective, it just seemed as if he was powering down.

"Do you give up?" She asked.

The score was 29 for her and 28 for him. The game ends at 30.

Xiao Fang only barely had enough qi to use his Heavenly realm movement technique one last time.

'It is over,' Xiao Hei thought, but his next action surprised her.

The grass blew away from him, his clothes and hair fluttered, and his eyes glowed a piercing dark purple.

He started to hover 2 inches off the ground, as he prepared to use his Heavenly realm movement technique one more time.

"You're 1 point away. Xun Wei. If you touch me one more time, it will be my loss."

"You don't need to tell me that. I've been keeping count myself."

She used [ Stealth ] and began to move unpredictably.

Even though he was standing still, Xiao Fang felt the air caressing him and tickling the small hairs on his skin.

In his mind, he was looking up at an endless sky while free falling down through soft white clouds. Despite how alarming that might sound, he felt light, and in complete control.

He felt at peace.

During the time that he was using the power of the curse, it gave him plenty of insight on his Heavenly realm movement technique whenever he used it.

Till now, he assumed the harder he pushed off the ground the faster he would go, but that was only half the equation. This wasn't only a Body Cultivation technique, it was both Body and Spirit movement technique. Which means that he wasn't supposed to just move, he was also supposed to be moved.

As if he was a floating leaf on a rushing tide.

"Come," he said.

There was nothing special about the way he said it, but it still shook her soul.

However, Xun Wei wasn't one to be easily intimidated.

The exact moment he said those words, Xun Wei appeared next to him, but before she could even feel his clothes, he disappeared. His body didn't shift in any one way, he was just... gone.

Not only Xun Wei, even Xiao Hei's jaw dropped. He moved much faster than she ever could. He was only in the 1st stage of the profound body realm, but he moved as fast as a peak Divine Body realm expert, maybe even faster.

This was the true extent of the first stage of Heavenly realm movement technique, 'Floating Leaf Rushing Tide'.

'He mastered it... he actually mastered it,' Xiao Hei thought in disbelief.

Suddenly, Xiao Fang reappeared behind Xun Wei, then spoke,

"It's over."

Xun Wei heard his voice coming from behind her, so she immediately swung her arm around to touch him first, but it went right through his body as if she cut him in half, but it was only his afterimage.

Xiao Hei couldn't believe what she just saw.

He used the Heavenly realm movement technique twice when he only had enough qi to use it once, this was a sign that he had truly mastered it.

Finally, Xun Wei felt his hand on her back.

"I win."




[ Score: 29-29 ]


Technique name: Heavenly Ascension

Type: Movement skill

Realm: Heaven Realm


1st level: Floating Leaf, Rushing Tide


> Prerequisite: Solid Body Realm & Spirit Core Realm.

> A burst of energy that allows a cultivator to accelerate and decelerate with breakneck speed


2nd level: ---


3rd level: ---

Chapter 100 - Xun Wei's Taboo (18+)


"I win."




Xun Wei was shocked.

Xiao Fang seemed so much more confident.

She knew this could've just been another one of his mind games, but something really did seem profound about him now.

"Are you afraid?" Xiao Fang asked.

"No, I'm just feeling tired, that's all. Let's stop here and call it a draw."

"What? Aren't you being a sore loser?" Xiao Fang frowned.

"Hmph, aren't you 2 realms above me, how could you bully me like this. Besides, I was playing with Xiao Hei before you came, so I really am too tired for this now.".

"I see. Well, it's a shame. I was looking forward to sleeping with you tonight."

Hearing those words, she gave him a look before loosening her robes.

"You still can," she spoke shyly.

"Didn't you say you were tired?" Xiao Fang teased.

"I'll never be too tired for... you know."

She knew she was being shameless for asking for the reward without admitting defeat, but she hated losing as much as he did. Xiao Fang knew that, so he didn't hold it over her head. She is his woman after all.

He slowly lifted her chin, then gave her a kiss.

His hands moved down her body, feeling her nice slim figure and soft round ass. He eventually picked her up by her thighs then carried her back inside.

He laid her down on their bed then took her robes off. Her beautiful plump breasts rested in his hands as his mouth enveloped their peaks.


She got his naked sword out of his robes then guided it into her moist pink cave.


He started kissing her neck as his meat slowly slid in.

Her hands slid up his broad back, hugging him tightly to feel his natural warmth.

"You're so warm," she told him as her breasts squished against his hard body.

Xiao Fang's right hand caressed her smooth thigh and butt before his lower body started moving.

"Hah~ hah~"

She moaned to his slow deep thrusts, even without using any qi. She was merely reacting to the raw thrusts of a loving young man, but it still felt amazing.

Xiao Fang knew her body even better than she did, so he didn't need to use his dual cultivation techniques to make her feel good. He took his time with her, but he still made her build up a sweat.




Seeing that they started their dual cultivation session, Xiao Hei decided to leave them alone. She had something else that was fresh in her mind.

After witnessing the true form of the [ Floating Lead Rushing Tide ] technique, she felt like she gained some insight from it, so she started running around on the grass.




Some time later, Xiao Fang felt a strange qi coming from Xun Wei's body, but it was so faint he could hardly tell what it was.

"Fang, make me cum. I want to cum," she begged.

Xun Wei was about to orgasm, but he didn't let her. He kept her just before the line of climax, so she assumed he was doing it on purpose. He was doing it because she wouldn't accept defeat.

She knew if she admitted defeat then he would let her cum, but she wasn't the type to submit so easily.

Xiao Fang almost chuckled when he saw that she realized what he was up to. He knew she wouldn't give up easily and was curious to see what she would do about it.

She began to change position, so he let her. She turned her body around and laid on her stomach.

Just when Xiao Fang was about to guide his penis back inside of her wet pussy, she reached down to cover that hole.

"Xun Wei..."

"Fang, are you scared? Let's try it."

He knew what she was referring to, but, like always, he was a bit hesitant to try it. Not for himself, but for her sake.

He brought the tip of his sword up and rubbed it against her 2nd hole.

"Alright, here goes nothing."

He started to push.

With some resistance, he was able to get his spearhead inside.

Xiao Fang was shocked. That was much easier than all of their past attempts.

'Did something change? This might actually work,' he thought.

He slowly began to push more of it in, but he took short breaks so that she could get used to it. Eventually he managed to get half of it in. That was deep enough.

He started breaking this virgin hole in. Slowly thrusting because he didn't have ohis dual cultivation qi to ease her pain. She eventually started moving as well, and before they knew it she was taking his entire dick up her tight ass.

"Hahh~ hahh~ hahh~"

She moaned with a bright smile on her face. Even if it pained her, she looked as if she was finally getting what she wanted.

Meanwhile, Xiao Fang wore a painful expression on his face, but he was feeling extreme pleasure.

He never felt anything so tight before. Even though they were moving so slowly, he already felt like cumming inside of her.

His body fell on top of hers and he started hugging her from behind. Her soft ass squished against his crotch, he clenched her boob, and he dug his 2 fingers deep into her pussy while ruthlessly thrusting into her asshole.

She couldn't even move her legs because they were being squished between his thighs.

"Xun Wei~"

Suddenly, cum started rushing out from the tip of his penis deep into her clenching asshole.

Feeling his cum pouring in and his fingers intensely caressing her G spot, her stomach convulsed, her pussy quiver, and her naughty juices began to jet out of her tight pussy.

The moment he made her cum, the strange energy within her dantian suddenly returned, but this time he could feel it much more clearly.

He took his dick out of her asshole then plunged it back into her slobbering pussy.

'Fuck, her pussy is so tight and wet,' he thought as he was pumping his dick back and forth deep inside of her squirting fuck-hole.

His arm wrapped around her neck, his fingers rubbed her clit, and his crotch repeatedly smacked against her plump round ass.

She held onto the arm that was around her neck as she was gritting her teeth in pleasure. He was prolonging her climax.

Xiao Fang felt too good, he couldn't stop pounding her small gripping wet pussy, but he didn't let himself get distracted. He quickly started absorbing the strange energy that was in her dantian and he swiftly absorbed it.

The moment he did, he felt the fundamental nature of his own qi begin to change, and it quickly matched hers.

When he was done absorbing it, he stuffed his dick back inside of her little asshole then came inside of it again.




Back in the Courtyard, Xiao Hei stopped running around because she felt the same thing Xiao Fang felt. Her body was also tingling allover.

She looked down at her hands and body as if to check to see if there was anything wrong, but she couldn't find anything.

The strange tingly sensation only got stronger, so she began to panic.

She quickly went back inside to find Xiao Fang, but when she did, she discovered that he looked just as confused as she did.

However, the moment they looked down at each other's body they finally realized what was going on.

Small areas on their body were disappearing and reappearing. Although Xiao Fang could guess what was happening, Xiao Hei knew for sure because she recently witnessed it when Xun Wei was absorbing the power of the beast core.

They were gaining Xun Wei's [ Stealth ] ability.

It was around that time that Xun Wei's climax ended, and she realized that something was off.

"Xiao Fang, what's wrong?"

Xiao Fang was still in disbelief, but after hearing Xun Wei's voice, he looked down at her then smiled bitterly.

"It seems you weren't the only one to benefit from the purple rank beast core."