
Chapter 231 - Phoenix Jade Hairpin

The girls ahead of them failed the test one by one. There were a few disciples with some sword training experience who were able to cut a few of the sticks, but none of the non-swordsmen disciples in the line seemed to be learning from their success. They all just seemed to be preoccupied with the jade Phoenix Hairpin that was securely placed at the top of a podium for everyone to see.


"Wow, look how pretty it is."

"It's so red~"

"I'd do anything to get my hands on that."

The girls admired the Phoenix Jade hairpin endlessly.


Xiao Fang wasn't the kind of guy to covet the things that other people wanted, nor did he have any interest in a fancy hairpin, but hearing the way the girls described it reminded him of Li Lian. Even the name itself made it sound like it was something crafted specifically for her.

'Dammit, is getting my wife such a coveted present really worth it? But when was the last time I did something nice for her? Would anyone even know which sect I came from?' He thought.

There were at least a dozen different sword sects in this province alone, and there were 3 Major sects, besides the Divine Sword sect, that used a sword as their primary weapon. However, those sects used spirit cultivating swords while the Divine Sword sect used body cultivating swords. Although they are used in different ways, they are very similar in practice.

'Would anyone even know the difference? I must be out of my mind to be considering it,' Xiao Fang thought.

In the middle of that thought, he suddenly felt his lightning spirit attribute acting strangely from within him. It felt like it was trying to active on its own, but Xiao Fang was very easily able to suppress it before anyone could notice.

'Strange. What was that all about?' he wondered.

Xiao Fang didn't immediately notice anything strange, but then he began to feel the Qi in the room begin to climb. A few other girls who were sensitive to Qi like him also took notice, but no one but the Host seemed to know where it was coming from.

The Host looked back at the Phoenix Jade Hairpin on the podium with a slight frown.

'Why is it acting up now of all times.'

The host used one hand to make a sealing hand sign while her other hand was reaching into her spatial pouch to take out a talisman. However, before she could use it, the surrounding Qi began to settle down, then all the Qi unexpectedly returned back into the hairpin.

The host finally sighed in relief.

Meanwhile, Xiao Fang was staring at the hairpin with his blindfold covering his, now, blue eyes.





Suddenly, more and more girls were starting to come in. Eventually, the whole room was packed.

It seemed that the Phoenix Jade Hairpin was extremely popular amongst the disciples. Some even spoke about it having special properties, and that it could do miraculous things.

Xiao Fang didn't think that it was anything as good as the other disciples made it out to be, but see that it contained a tremendous amount of Qi inside of it, he could tell that it was anything but ordinary.

Meanwhile, it was finally Bai Fan's turn to do the strength test. She walked up to the stage, picked up the sword, then attempted to cut the bamboo sticks.

Before she went up, she had seen a few people pass the test who were likely the daughters of swordsmen. Based on what she saw, it seemed like going slow and steady was the best way to do it.

With careful movements, she cut the sticks diagonally as straight as she could. Her sword cut the first stick surprisingly smoothly, but it eventually got stuck on the 2nd stick.

"Congratulations. If you are interested in joining the club, please walk to the counter over there to receive your swordsmen club identity token," the host said kindly.

After Bai Fan walked off the stage, Zhao Pan walked up next.

Zhao Pan had her own idea about how to beat the challenge. Based on what she saw, hitting it as hard as she could wasn't as effective as keeping the blade steady.

Zhao Pan went up next, but unlike Bai Fan, she didn't hold back on her swing. She knew how and where she was going to cut it, so she let her body do the rest.

1 stick was cut, but the sword had partially cut the 2nd one as well.

Xiao Fang was impressed. Hearing her attempt, he could tell that she had a natural talent for being a swordsman. If he were her teacher, the only thing he would tell her would be to not confuse steadiness with stiffness, and to focus on the movement of her wrist.

The host told Zhao Pan the same thing she told Bai Fan, so she got off the stage and received her prize.

It was finally Xiao Fang's turn, but he still didn't decide on what to do yet. He walked up the stage then picked up a sword.


"Who's that?"

"Why is there a blindman doing the test?"

"Who let him have a turn? He's just wasting our time!"

"Hurry up and swing already!" The girls screamed at him.


Keeping a low profile had always been his main objective, but when did he ever achieve it. Thinking back to when he was in the outer court, he was always the most sought after person since he got there. Even now, he became a Phoenix-Class disciple, but still no one asked him about his background even once.

'Was this really one of the 13 Major sects in the country?' He began to wonder.

Coming from a Major sect himself, he thought he knew how they operated, but nothing he did seemed to trigger any of their red flags. Truthfully, if Xiao Fang was to the same thing in the Divine Sword sect, he wouldn't even last a week till his background was investigated.

'They know what I've done, and they know who I've killed, but still they don't come after me.'

The more he thought about it, the more convinced he became that they never really care about where he came from.


"Young man, are you going to swing or..." the beautiful host asked curiously.

"Ah, right. I'll swing. So, all I need to do is cut these 5 sticks and you'll give me that Phoenix Jade Hairpin, right?"

"That's right, but I must warn you, cutting these sticks aren't nearly as simple as it seems. If you swing too hard you might injure yourself," she kindly cautioned him.

"I understand, but there's nothing for me to worry about anymore."

As he spoke, his Qi began to thinly coat his blade as if he was an experienced swordsmen. His Qi made his sword incomparably sharp, then the host's eyes began to widen in shock. She never expected him to be this proficient with the sword.

Even though he was using Divine Sword Qi to sharpen his blade, to everyone else it just looked like ordinary Qi. The only way to know that it wasn't, was if they cultivated the same Cultivation Method as him or used a visual technique like [ Spirit Perception ].

Finally, with a simple swing of his sword, he smoothly cut through the bamboo sticks as if he were cutting butter. If one were to look closely, they would've seen that the bamboo sticks were being cut before his blade could even touch it. This was a sign that he had already mastered the [ Divine Sword Cutting Air ] technique.

The girls were all shocked at first, but then they became envious of him.


"No way!"

"Damn it! Does that mean that he gets the hairpin?"

"That's a woman's hairpin. What good is it to a man!?"

"He probably plans to sell it."

"Lets combine our wealth to buy it off of him."


Many were in shock by the outcome of his swing because he made it look so easy. However no one was more shocked than the host. She couldn't stop staring at him in disbelief.

She replayed the swing in her head, over and over again, but her conclusion remained the same. His swing, his grip, his style, but most importantly his Qi that coated his blade... she recognized it all.





'... A Divine Swordsman.'

Chapter 232 - Divine Swordsmen

'He's... a Divine Swordsman.'




Divine Swordsmen:

A cultivator who practices the Divine Sword Method. A fierce Cultivation Method only taught by the most infamous swordsmen sect of all, the 'Divine Sword sect'.

Within the country's swordsmen community, the younger generation often like to use the term to refer to those who were so exceptionally talented with the sword, they could even be mistaken for a real Divine Sword sect disciple.


Although the host could be considered to be a part of the younger generation, in this particular case, she didn't mean it in that way. The moment she saw Xiao Fang's Qi, she almost immediately knew that he was practicing the [ Divine Sword ] Method.




Xiao Fang put his sword down then approached the host.

"Did I win?" he asked.

He could sense that the host was still in shock, but he only assumed it was because she didn't expect him to do so well.

"Huh... ah right. Come with me," she eventually replied.

Xiao Fang followed her to the podium where the Phoenix Jade Hairpin was placed, then waited as she took it out of the transparent container.

"If you join our club, this hairpin will be yours," she said while holding out a golden identity token.

Xiao Fang didn't like the idea of joining the swordsmen club, but he knew they wouldn't let him have it without being a member.

He eventually took the golden token then passed his Qi into it till it glowed. Once that was done, she finally handed him the Phoenix Jade Hairpin.

Xiao Fang began to play with it in his hands as he inspected it, but he couldn't find anything extraordinary about it. All the Qi he saw it release earlier couldn't be detected either. Even if it was just a scam, he could tell that the hairpin was made of a precious grade of Jade, so he still felt like it would be a nice gift to give Li Lian the next time he saw her.

Happy with the item, he pretended to put it into his spatial pouch before storing it into his spatial ring, where all his most valuable items were kept.

"I didn't catch your name," the host suddenly said.

"Long Wang."

"We're lucky to have someone as talented as you join our club. My name is Chu Yan, I'm in charge of this place while my master is away. I look forward to working with you."

"Yeah... see you around, Chu Yan," Xiao Fang said before walking away.

Even though he was a part of the club now, there was no rule saying that he needed to attend club meetings. He didn't have any hard feelings for Chu Yan, he just didn't have any interest in being a part of this club.

Chu Yan was a bit annoyed to see him walk away like that. The Chu family was one of the 3 strongest families in the province governed by the Divine Sword sect. She assumed that Xiao Fang was a spy sent by the Divine Sword sect, so she wanted to use her family name to intimidate him. Unexpectedly, Xiao Fang didn't react at all.

The reason Xiao Fang didn't react was because he didn't think she was from his province in the first place. Although it crossed his mind, he knew that the Divine Sword sect had never sent any of their spies to Black Paradise sect. That was one of the biggest reasons why he chose this sect as opposed to any of the other Major sects.

Girls could be found in any sect, city, or village. Although he liked the idea of being in a sect full of women, if he wanted to keep the secret of his eye being healed from his grandfather, he knew he had to go somewhere that wasn't being monitored by him.

Furthermore, Xiao Fang knew all of the Divine Sword sect's spies by name. He even crossed blades with them. If Chu Yan was really a spy sent by the Divine Sword sect, he would've known the second he saw her. Since he was confident that she wasn't spying on him, it didn't matter whether she was from his province or not, so he paid no attention to her.


Since Xiao Fang won the main prize, the girls who were only there for the Phoenix Jade Hairpin all started to leave their spot in the line.

Bai Fan and Zhao Pan waited for Xiao Fang at the door, but before he could reach them, he found himself in the middle of a swarm of girls all trying to buy the hairpin from him.


"How much are you selling it for?!"

"I'll give you all my merit points!"

"Merit points or spirit stones? I have plenty of both!"


The girls that swarmed him were relentless. They pushed and shoved each other just to get closer to him. Bai Fan and Zhao Pan were still amazed that he was able to cut all five bamboo sticks in one go, but they became amused when they saw him getting swarmed by so many girls.


"Big Brother, why won't you sell it to me. Don't you think I'm cute?"

"Big Brother, don't listen to her. If you sell it to me, I'll let you do whatever you want to me."

"Ah, me too. My body is better than hers. Come feel."


Things very quickly got out of hand, and he was starting to have trouble moving through the crowd.

'Weren't these the same girls that were insulting me earlier?' Xiao Fang thought.

This was probably the first time he had been surrounded by women but disliked it. Xiao Fang finally stopped walking when he reached Bai Fan and Zhao Pan who were standing by the door.

"Listen up, all of you. This Phoenix Jade Hairpin is not for sale. I'm giving it to the woman I love, so hurry up and scram," Xiao Fang tried to shoo them away.


"Wow, are you really giving it to your woman?"

"What do you think of me? Do you think I could take her place?"

"What about me?"


'Too shameless,' Xiao Fang thought.

"Bai Fan, Zhao Pan, I think I did enough club searching for today. What about you?" Xiao Fang asked.

"I'm done as well," Bai Fan said.

"The sooner we get out of her the better," Zhao Pan replied next.

"Alright, let's go."

With that, Zhao Pan and Bai Fan followed him outside.




It had been a long day, but the sun was still up and wasn't going to set for a few more hours.

"What now?" Bai Fan asked.

Without even realizing it, Bai Fan and Zhao Pan were following Xiao Fang even after they left the Club Center.

"Elder Su wanted us to practice the [ Illusory Clone ] technique. Maybe we should start doing that," Zhao Pan suggested.

Bai Fan enjoyed the idea of training, so she didn't oppose it. However, the sun was still up, so she wanted to spend a little more time with Xiao Fang.

"Practicing what you learned while it's still fresh in your mind is a good idea. Since I already learned the technique, I could help you practice it if you like," Xiao Fang suggested.

"Long Wang, would you really help us learn the technique?" Bai Fan asked.

"I won't be as good of a teacher as Teacher Su, but I'll do what I can."

"That's fine, any help from you would be fine," Bai Fan said happily.

"What about you, Zhao Pan. Will you be joining us?" Xiao Fang asked.

Although Zhao Pan hated receiving favors from people, she didn't like the idea of Bai Fan getting special training from Xiao Fang. The last thing she wanted was for Bai Fan and Xiao Fang to leave her behind.

"I… wouldn't want to be an inconvenience to you."

"I have time to spare," Xiao Fang said.

"In that case, I'd appreciate it if you could train me as well."

Xiao Fang was a bit amused that it took her this long to accept his kind gesture.

"Alright, follow me. I know a place where you could train."




Deep in the middle of a forest, Zhao Pan and Bai Fan stood behind Xiao Fang as he was walking towards a large guild house.

"That house... where are you taking us?" Zhao Pan asked.

"This is my guild," Xiao Fang replied.

Bai Fan and Zhao Pan both knew that he was in a guild after witnessing his confrontation with Chen Li, so neither of them were surprised by his words.

"It's so big," Bai Fan said in awe.

"I'm a man with a lot of big things," Xiao Fang proclaimed, but neither of them seemed to catch the hint.

Xiao Fang was about to open the door when Zhao Pan suddenly stopped him.

"Long Wang, are you sure about this?" Zhao Pan asked nervously.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we aren't exactly members of this guild. You should at least ask your guild master if we could enter."

Finally understanding what they were worried about, he proceeded to open the door.

"Don't worry, the master of this guild has no problem letting you in."

"How could you be so sure?"

Xiao Fang opened the door then turned to face them before saying,

"That's because I, Long Wang, am the master of this guild."

Chapter 233 - Sleep With Me

"That's because I, Long Wang, am the master of this guild."




In the Nameless guild's public training room, Bai Fan and Zhao Pan were practicing the [ Illusory Clone ] technique under Xiao Fang's guidance.

"Am I doing it right?" Bai Fan asked.

"Not quite," Xiao Fang replied before giving her a hand.

He traced his finger along her arm then pressed on a meridian.

"Try to flow your Qi through here," he instructed her.

Bai Fan did as he said then immediately noticed the difference.

"Ah, it worked!" she said excitedly.

Xiao Fang lightly smiled from her excitement. There were still a few more things she needed to learn before she could try the real thing, but it was still nice to see her getting excited over the progress she made.


To their surprise, Xiao Fang was even better of a teacher than Su Lingxi was. At the rate they were going, they didn't think it would take more than another day to learn the technique. They could hardly contain their excitement.

What Xiao Fang discovered pretty early on was that he could use his [ Spirit Perception ] technique to see where their Qi flows were being restricted as they were training. It took awhile for him to figure out how he could use that information, but once he did, he was able to teach them at a pace that wasn't too different from his own. In a way, this was as much of a learning experience for him as it was for them.




A few hours later, Rong Shi, Su Yun, and Jiang Mei finally came back from work, so Xiao Fang concluded their session saying that his guild members took precedent. He could tell that they were reluctant to stop training after such a productive study session, but they didn't complain since they were already grateful that he took so much time off his day to help them.

"Long Wang, I know it isn't much, but please accept my merit points," Zhao Pan said.

Xiao Fang paused when he saw her holding out her spatial pouch.

"Keep it. I already have more than I need," Xiao Fang replied.

Zhao Pan and Bai Fan were both confused by his words, but before they could ask him about it, he quickly spoke again.

"Do you remember what I said outside of the Bathhouse last week?"


They didn't reply so Xiao Fang reminded them.

"We are the only 3 Outer Court disciples to make it into the Phoenix-Class this year. If we stick together, we'd have a much easier time getting through it, wouldn't you agree?"

Zhao Pan felt him struck her deep with those words. She had been getting picked on all week, so she ended up staying home till the first day of class. During class, when someone called Xiao Fang out, Zhao Pan sat back quietly as he was getting called names, all she could think was that she was lucky it wasn't her. As for Xiao Fang, she assumed that he would've just taken the insults, but instead, he fought back and won. Seeing that he was able to resolve the problem all on his own, Zhao Pan began to think that she really might have an easier time this year if she stuck by his side.

"Now that we're done with that, if would like a tour of the place, come follow me," he offered.




Xiao Fang changed into a new set of clothes before giving them a tour of the guild house, but not long after he started it, Jiang Mei confronted him and whispered something into his ear. Xiao Fang whispered something back to Jiang Mei before continuing the tour. Bai Fan and Zhao Pan didn't know what that was about, but it wasn't their business to ask.

Bai Fan was curious about a lot of things in the guild house, but Xiao Fang didn't always have the answers to them. Zhao Pan, on the other hand, was rather quiet during the tour, but she eventually asked the question that was always on her mind.

"Long Wang, why are you wearing a blindfold? Is it to hide your identity, or did something happen to your eyes?"

Xiao Fang was a bit surprised to hear that question, so it took him a second to think about how to answer it. After a few seconds, he suddenly stopped walking then began to unravel his blindfold. Once it was off, he finally turned to the girls then opened his eyes. They immediately recognized his glowing violet eyes as soon as they saw them, and for a second, it reminded them of the lewd things they did with him in the Outer Court.

"As you can see, my eyes are fine."

As he spoke, he noticed that their pupils were dilating, so he put his blindfold back on.

As if snapping out of a trance, Zhao Pan and Bai Fan both noticed that their heartbeats were beating a little faster and their tongues were a little wetter. Since the changes were too subtle, they didn't think much of it. All they could really think about was how mesmerizing his eyes looked.

"I don't understand. Why do you cover them up?" Zhao Pan asked.

"As you know, I was quite infamous in the outer court, so there are many who are still seeking me out. It can be a bit troublesome at times, so I'd appreciate it if you could keep this between us," Xiao Fang said.

Since he was asking, they had no problem keeping that secret for him. After today, they felt like they had gotten closer to him, so hearing him tell them his secret just strengthened that bond.

Despite how he made it seem, Xiao Fang didn't really care if people knew that he wasn't blind. Although it would become a bit of nuisance, he knew it was going to happen sooner or later.




Xiao Fang's tour eventually came to an end. Seeing how nice the place was, Zhao Pan even considered starting her own guild.

"How much did it cost?" Zhao Pan asked.

"10,000 a month, but the price goes up the more people I have join the guild."


After hearing how much it cost, Zhao Pan started to have second thoughts about buying her own guild house.

"So, what do you think? Are you thinking about getting your own guild houses now?" Xiao Fang asked.

"It's nice, but 10,000 merit points is a bit too much. We only get 15,000 a month for being Phoenix-Class disciples," Bai Fan said.

"What about you, Zhao Pan?"

"I agree with Bai Fan. It's really nice, but I wouldn't spend 10,000 a month for it, and I don't think you should either," she said honestly.

"You're right, it isn't cheap, but there is another way you can live in a place like this without having to spending anything at all."

"Another way?"

They both stared at Xiao Fang as if he was going to tell them an incredible secret.




"If you like, you can sleep here with me."

Chapter 234 - I Want To Go Too

"If you like, you can sleep here with me."




"Y-you want us to sleep with you?" Bai Fan said with reddened cheeks.

"Mn, there are plenty of rooms here to choose from, so you can pick whatever you like," Xiao Fang said as if he didn't catch the sexual connotation of his earlier words.

Realizing what he meant, Bai Fan started to settle down.

"For a moment there, I thought you meant..." Bai Fan paused.

She didn't want to finish her sentence, but Xiao Fang wasn't done teasing her. He smirked as he said,

"You thought I meant for you to warm my bed? If you would rather share a bed with me, that would also be fine too. I enjoyed our first time together, Bai Fan."

Bai Fan's face turned red once again. Zhao Pan, on the other hand, only coughed twice as she quickly composed herself. With a cool and level head, Zhao Pan finally asked,

"Would you not expect us to split the rent with you?"

"You won't have to worry about paying rent. I own this place. Since this is my guild, I will also offer you an allowance to join it," Xiao Fang added.

Realizing that he wanted them to become a member of his guild, Bai Fan became hesitant. She was worried because she didn't know how her mother would react if she found out that she joined his guild. It was already bad enough that there were rumors going around in the outer court that she had slept with him. If her mother found out, she didn't know what she'd do.

Bai Fan was convinced that she would only be putting Xiao Fang in danger if she joined his guild, but she also really wanted to get closer to him as well. She didn't know what to do.

Zhao Pan, on the other hand, was thinking about joining his guild even before he invited them to stay.

Similar to Xiao Fang, Zhao Pan was given poor offers or flat out rejected for being a body cultivator. Even her adopted family's guild wouldn't even offer her more than a few hundred merit points a month to join. Even if their offer was still better than the rest, she still declined it since she didn't like many of the girls in that guild. She did, however, like Xiao Fang. So, to her, this was also an opportunity to get a little bit closer to him.

"How much of an allowance will you be giving us if we join?" Zhao Pan asked.

Despite her trying to hide her eagerness to join, Xiao Fang could still hear her heartbeat beating like crazy, so he knew that he had already won her over.

"1,000 a month, but it could go as high as 3,000 depending on the guild missions you do."

Although he said it could go up to 3,000, she knew that she would likely only receive the minimum he offered which was 1,000, but even that much was a lot.

"Can you really afford to spend that much?" Zhao Pan asked skeptically.

"I can," he replied simply.

Zhao Pan found it hard to believe. She knew that he had to spend more than 10,000 merit points a month for the guild house because he had other members already in this guild. Still, she preferred to be here than anywhere else.

"Alright, I'm in," she finally said with a smile.

"Ah... you already decided," Bai Fan said in surprise.

"What about you, Bai Fan? Will you be joining us as well?" Xiao Fang asked.

"Ah, that... I-I can't," she replied, sounding as if she was disappointed by her own words.

Xiao Fang was curious to know what she was thinking, but couldn't figure it out.

"That's unfortunate. If you ever change your mind, let me know. My offer will still stand."

Bai Fan nodded, but found it hard to look up at him.

Xiao Fang handed Zhao Pan a 'Nameless' guild nameplate, made her pass her Qi through his Black Guild Stone, then she tied it around her waist.

Zhao Pan's name appeared on the bottom of the list of names on his Black Guild Stone.

"I had fun today," he said with a light smile, "there are a few things I need to do, so I'll leave first. I'll see you tomorrow, Bai Fan."

"Thanks again," Bai Fan said, trying to make herself not seem sad.

Xiao Fang nodded once then left.




After Xiao Fang was gone, Bai Fan accompanied Zhao Pan back home to her old house to help her gather her belongings.

"Is that everything?" Bai Fan asked.

"Yeah, that should be it. Thanks for the help, Bai Fan."

"No problem."

"Are you really going to keep living in that house?" Zhao Pan asked.

"I'll probably join a guild tomorrow when I have time. Right now, I just want to go to bed," Bai Fan smiled beautifully.

"I see. Alright then, sleep well, Bai Fan. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah. See you tomorrow."


Bai Fan had been getting invitations to join major guilds ever since she got into the inner court. The only reason why she didn't accept any of them yet was because she wanted to live close to Xiao Fang. Since Xiao Fang was no longer living here, she no longer had a reason to stay.

As Bai Fan watched Zhao Pan leave, she suddenly felt a pain in her neck and heart that she couldn't explain. Suddenly, a single tear finally streaked down her face as it was being illuminated by the moonlight.

"I want to go too."




Back at the Nameless guild, Xiao Fang stood outside of his bedroom door, as he took a moment to hear who it was waiting for him inside.

Earlier, when he was giving Zhao Pan and Bai Fan a tour of the guild house, Jiang Mei whispered into his ear that there was a disciple outside that wanted to see him, so he told her to make her wait in his room. It was only now that he was standing outside his door that he could faintly detect who it was.

Once he opened the door, her image became clear. He could sense her figure and he could tell that the fabric she was wearing was both light and loose.

"Yan Mei," he said.

Hearing him say her name in that deep voice almost switched on a primal instinct from deep inside of her.

Yan Mei finally turned around, then saw the man she couldn't stop thinking about. When she saw him close the door, she finally let her clothes slip off her beautiful body. Xiao Fang had seen her naked once or twice before, so he knew what his eyes were missing, he had never been so tempted to take his blindfold off more than this very moment.

There were no words needed to be exchanged, they shared the same thoughts, and they knew they had unfinished business to settle.

Xiao Fang walked over to Yan Mei then lightly pushed her back, making her lie back on the bed.

Faced-up on the bed, she watched as Xiao Fang slowly took his clothes off, making her craze with anticipation. She bit her lower lip erotically as she saw his strong waist and abs, then eventually the rest of his upper body. When his upper half was completely exposed, he finally crawled on top of her, kissing her neck as his masculine hands caressed her waist then thighs.

Her body began to heat up as she moaned to his touch. Without realizing it, her hands were now on his body, feeling the tightness of his skin and the warm of his core. The feeling of it, along with the way he was touching her, was already making her virgin pussy moist.

This was his first meal of the day, so he was as hungry as a beast. He started kissing down her body till he reached her smooth pussy lips.

"Ahhaa!~" She moaned to the feeling of his tongue.

Her hands ran through his long hair as he started digging deeper into her sensitive little pussy.

After a few minutes of making her feel good, he finally made her cum, but he made her squirt all of her yin Qi into his mouth. Feeling the Qi go straight into his dantian made him feel like he had finally tasted water after spending several days in a dry desert, but this amount was hardly enough to quench his thirst.

At some point while he was eating her out he had taken off his lower half, but she was so distracted by what he was doing with his mouth that she hadn't even noticed. It was only when he finally stood up that she saw the monster rising from below.

She gulped in hesitation, but her shyness was only a front. She was in fact extremely eager to feel what he could do with such a beast.


Current Guild Members

Black Guild Stone:

1. Xiao Fang (rank 9)

2. Jiang Mei (Elder)

3. Su Yun (Elder)

4. Fei Lin (rank 47)

5. Ye Ming (rank 43)

6. Ruo Shi (rank NA)

7. Zhao Pan (rank NA)

Chapter 235 - Optional Smut : Yan Mei

Xiao Fang slowly crawled onto the bed till his body was hovering over hers. Suddenly, she could feel him tracing his fingers down to her pubic area before caressing her bottom lips. At the same time, she started stroking his erect southern pole, curiously trying to see how hard he could get.

'It's so big,' she thought. 'Is he really going to put it inside of me?'

Just as the thought crossed her mind, Xiao Fang curled his finger inwards, peeking his finger into her virgin hole.

"Ahha~" she moaned.

Xiao Fang caressed her moist and squishy walls, making her body squirm. But no matter how much she moved, Xiao Fang held her tightly as he fingered ruthlessly. Before long, he added a second finger into the mix.

Yan Mei couldn't understand how he was able to make her feel so good with his hands, when she couldn't even do the same. What she didn't consider was that Xiao Fang was far more skillful, and his hands were also a lot bigger than hers.

The more vigorously he thrusted, the more her breasts jiggled. She was feeling so good she could even stroke him anymore. However, just having her soft hands around his wood was enough for Xiao Fang to pleasure himself. He thrusted his between her fingers as his 2 fingers picked up speed.

"Ahh~ ahha~ ahh~"

It didn't take long for him to find her weak spot. Once he did, he released some of his Dual Cultivation Qi through his fingers to stimulate that area even more.

Her breathing became unsteady, her heart raced wildly, and her body trembled as she tried to fight the coming climaxing.

"I can't hold it in. I'm going to cum!~~"

At the last moment, she raised her butt off the bed, as her stomach convulsed. At the same time Xiao Fang dug his two fingers deep inside and caressed her G-spot as if he was petting it. In the moment, her sweet nectar squirted out as her butt clenched.


She squirted a few times uncontrollably, each time thrusting her waist up into the air.

Yan Mei was squirting all over his abs, but Xiao Fang let it happen as he focused on squeezing one of her breasts and sucking the other one.

When her climax ended, her nicely shaped butt finally returned back down to the bed, then she saw his finder dripping with cum after he finally slid it out.

'I came so much. How could I cum so much?' She thought in disbelief.

The room was so quiet Yan Mei could even hear the sound of his heartbeat. However, unlike hers, his heart was beating so calmly, which reflected his confident demeanor.

Yan Mei was infatuated with Xiao Fang, and it was evident from the way she was looking at him. She had the same innocent but eager expression on her face ever since he first walked in. It didn't matter if his clothes were on or off, she had the same look in her eyes Xiao Fang was familiar with.

At that moment, it was difficult to say whether he was seducing her or if she was seducing him. All he knew was that he wanted her, so he wasn't going to let her go.

'I've already taken it this far. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take it all the way,' Xiao Fang thought.

She didn't understand why he was taking it off, but she waited patiently to see what he was going to do.

As he was hovering over her body, he slowly removed his blindfolds. When she finally saw his glowing violet eyes her eyes widened and her pupils dilated. His [ Charm ] was having an immediate effect on her.

Mesmerized by his eyes, she suddenly started touching him again.

Her soft feminine hands wander up his body to feel every inch of his muscular torso. But before she could finish, Xiao Fang gently raised her chin back up to make her look back into his eyes.

"Close your eyes," he said.

His deep seductive voice sent warm tingles throughout her body. She didn't understand why it was making her feel this way, but she liked how it made her feel.

She did as he said and closed her eyes. Once it was closed, she started to feel a bubbling sensation in her core as she patiently waited for him to make his next move.

Xiao Fang gently kissed her neck as his hands slid down from her waist to her thighs. Since his hands were still coated in Dual Cultivation Qi, her body reacted even more strongly than they normally would have.

It was at that moment that she finally felt it. The tip of Xiao Fang's Naked Sword was rubbing comfortably between her smooth pussy lips. She was still feeling sensitive from her last climax, so feeling him rub between her naked slit was making her feel too good.

"Wang~" she moaned.

He was still kissing her neck, so she rested her hands on the back of his neck as she gasped to each thrust.

His body was so strong, but he didn't overpower her. Still, she could feel his dominance from the way he was caressing her. With every casual thrust, she felt like her mind was going hazy. She wanted it now, more than ever. Her legs finally reached up and wrapped around his waist.

Xiao Fang finally raised his head from her neck, then she opened her eyes.

"Yan Mei, are you ready?"

Yan Mei took a moment to look into his eyes. Thinking about his big Naked Sword, she became a bit worried. However, she came too far to back out now. Her body was craving way too much for it. She wanted him to mess up her inside and pump his long dick inside of her till she couldn't ask for more.

Yan Mei nodded as she cutely bit her lip.

In the next moment, Xiao Fang pressed the tip of his penis against her juicy virgin hole. The way her pussy lips rubbed his glans was already stimulating enough, but it felt even better when he felt his dick finally stretching her tight virgin hole open as it slid in.


She wrapped her arms around him tightly as if she needed him to comfort her in this precious time of her life. Luckily, when Xiao Fang released his Dual Cultivation Qi around his body, she started to feel more comfortable in this position.

She was so moist he felt like he could push it right in, but he took his time with it. The deeper he went the more Dual Cultivation Qi he released.

'This is my first time, but it doesn't hurt,' she thought. 'How could it feel this good.'

Xiao Fang knew she could take it, but he still moved patiently. There was no rush to this session, so he moved at a pace he knew she would enjoy.

Chapter 236 - Optional Smut : Yan Mei (2)

For the past 10 minutes, Xiao Fang had been taking it slow because it was Yan Mei's first time. When she was eventually able to get into the groove, he began to pick up the pace.

"Long Wang~" she moaned, as the two of them performed a special dance in the sheets.

[ Naked Sword Beating Sun ]

Xiao Fang's body gradually heated up, making her feel like she was melting into an orgasmic soup. Her body and hair became drenched in sweat, making it harder for him to maintain his grip.

"Ahh~ Right there~"

Suddenly, Xiao Fang cupped her breasts a bit more firmly as he thrusted a bit deeper. The feeling of her nicely shaped breasts was making his little brother throb as he thrusted. There wasn't anything about Yan Mei that wasn't perfect.

"Long Wang, does it feel good? My body feels so hot," she said in a seductive tone.

Xiao Fang could feel her pretty feet rubbing against his legs as he thrusted deep inside of her.

"Yan Mei," he said before kissing her neck.

"Your thing feels so good. Make me cum. Make me cum lots."

Hearing that, Xiao Fang began to thrust at a pace she could no longer keep up with, making her body shake in ecstasy. Xiao Fang quickly surpassed every expectation she had.

Suddenly, her back arched making him go even deeper. For a second, Xiao Fang almost thought he had lost control and had gone in too deep, but the expression on Yan Mei's face made him realize otherwise.

'Fuck, her pussy feels so good,' he thought as his thrusts got shorter. The feeling of her plump buttcheeks squishing against his crotch was turning him on so much. Eventually, their lower bodies never separated as he squished her meaty ass with each thrust.

Lost in the moment, Xiao Fang turned her head and gave her a kiss. As soon as she felt his lips, she immediately stuck out her tongue to rub it against his.

"Mym~ mymm~~"

Her lips felt so soft, her mouth felt so wet, and their tongues made lewd sounds as they caressed each other sloppily. Xiao Fang was surprised because he never expected her to be this much of a freak.

Her tits felt amazing, her kiss felt hot, and every thrust he made was making him want to cum more and more. There were only a few girls that could make him feel this good without any experience at all. With a little more practice he wondered how good she might eventually be.

Xiao Fang was going to use a dual cultivation technique on her, but then she broke away from his lips.

"Ahh!~ I can't. I'm going to cum! Ahhaaa!~~"

She clenched onto the bed sheets tightly, as her legs stretched and her toes curled.

Seeing that she was already at her limit, Xiao Fang was quick to react. In the next moment, he pulled her in by the waist.

[ Naked Sword Thrusting Heaven ]

Her body became tight, stiff, and mute and her pussy gripped his penis as it emitted a strange but pleasurable aura. Finally her juices began to pour as it leaked out her stuffed pussy and drenched his balls. She was climaxing.

Her beautiful pussy quivered as more fluids uncontrollably poured out of her. At the same time, Xiao Fang tried pushing his dick a bit deeper through her tight walls against the river, but when he reached her womb he finally stopped.

"Yan Mei," he said in a seductive tone before kissing her lips and massaging her fat sweaty breasts.

Her body was mostly unresponsive. Since she had been thrusted into heaven, nothing in this earthly plane seemed to matter.

Suddenly, his cum shot out of him like a broken dam, pouring directly into her narrow womb. The more he came the harder he pushed.

"Mm," he moaned as he kissed her lips, cumming in her pussy felt so good he didn't want it to end.

Eventually, he could feel the entrance to her womb opening up, but not even enough for his tip to fit in. Resisting the urge to push past this point, he rubbed his tip in and out of her womb's entrance for the duration of their climax.

Feeling all the cum that was pouring in, her climax slowly subsided. However, what took its place was an insatiable desire to do it again.

As if waking up from a wonderful nap, she stretched her body then turned around to give him a kiss and hug.

Feeling her kiss, he didn't immediately start thrusting. Instead, he gave her nice ass a little slap before he grabbed those two wonderful cheeks and started squeezing them. All the while, he could feel her nice breasts squishing and sliding against his chest.

"Long Wang. I know you just came, but... do you think we could do it again?" She asked embarrassedly.

She was worried that he might think he wasn't good enough to satisfy her urges. However, Xiao Fang was only just getting started.

"Ahh!" She screamed playfully as he changed positions. Then he kissed her beautiful lips before pushing his dick back inside of her.




Half an hour later, Yan Mei had lost count how many times he had made her cum, but she still couldn't get enough of it. She loved the feeling so much she couldn't help thinking that there might be something wrong with her. What she didn't know was that she was only able to keep going because of the Yang Qi he kept shooting into her dantian.




When he thought she finally had enough, he finally let her go from the endless cycle of pleasure. As soon as his dick slipped out, streams of cum could be seen flowing out of her gaping pussy. It seemed that her dantian couldn't take all the Yang Qi he was giving her, so some of it was starting to come back out in the form of Yang Qi before it dissipated.

Ignoring all the cum that was drooling out of her, Yan Mei suddenly hugged Xiao Fang once she had the strength to move.

Feeling the way Xiao Fang lightly massaged circles on her naked back, she could feel her eyes getting heavier. However, the last thing she wanted to do was fall asleep.

The first time Xiao Fang met Yan Mei, she flashed him in the Bathhouse. However, when he took her home that night, she fell asleep before they could even do anything. A few days later, she had another chance to sleep with him, but once again she fell asleep before anything could happen.

Thinking back on that day, she remembered when she woke up she discovered that he had left his Nameless guild nameplate behind.

Thinking about the guild nameplate, she suddenly asked him.

"Long Wang, do you still want me to join?"

"I do."

"... if I join, do you think we could do this again?" She asked him sleepily.

"Any time you want," he replied before kissing her head.

Despite her being a few years older than him, she felt so comfortable laying by his side. It made her feel safe and loved.

"I want that," she finally said.

Xiao Fang took out his Black Guild Stone then asked her to pass her Qi through it. After a moment of hesitation, she eventually did it, then her name and trial pod test ranking appeared under Ye Ming.

Black Guild Stone:

1. Xiao Fang (rank 9)

2. Jiang Mei (Elder)

3. Su Yun (Elder)

4. FYe Ming (rank 43)

5. Fei Lin (rank 47)

6. Yan Mei (rank 51)

7. Ruo Shi (rank NA)

8. Zhao Pan (rank NA)

After handing him back his Black Guild Stone, she rested her head on his chest as sleep overtook her.

Chapter 237 - Imaginary Master

Once Xiao Fang was sure that Yan Mei was asleep, he quietly left the room then walked downstairs to the public bath.

'What a long day,' he thought as he took his blindfold off.

He would usually begin his midnight training routine about now, but he wanted to take a few minutes to relax before he did.


Meanwhile, a jaw-droppingly beautiful woman stood outside of the Nameless guild as she waited for someone to answer the door. She wore a gorgeous white and purple trimmed robe, signifying that she was of the status of a Supreme Elder, and her cultivation was so high she seemed significantly younger than she actually was.

Ye Ming answered the door since everyone else was busy.

"S-Supreme Elder," Ye Ming said with wide eyes.

"Hello, young disciple. May I come in?"

"Yes, of course," Ye Ming immediately replied. "What can I do for you?"

"Is Long Wang around? There's something I need to speak to him about."

"You want to speak to Long Wang? I'll get him right away."

Ye Ming knocked on his bedroom door, but there was no response. Assuming he wasn't there, she quickly checked around the guild house. Eventually she went into the training room and found Zhao Pan and Ruo Shi sparring against Xiao Hei. Despite fighting her 2v1 Xiao Hei seemed to be having an easy time against them.

Ye Ming quickly approached Xiao Hei and asked.

"Fei Lin. Have you seen Long Wang anywhere? I can't seem to find him."

"If he's not in his room then he's probably taking a bath downstairs," Xiao Hei replied.

Suddenly, Xiao Hei noticed both Rong Shi and Zhao Pan getting tense as they stared at a certain direction.

"Junior greets Supreme Elder," they all bowed.

Supreme Elder Quan was used to this kind of greeting so she didn't think much of it, but when she saw the way Xiao Hei was looking at her she got a bit annoyed.

She didn't bow like the rest of them. The moment Xiao Hei saw who it was, she simply frowned.

"Granny Quan. What are you doing here?"

No one, including Ye Ming, could believe how Xiao Hei was addressing Supreme Elder Quan. They believed such blatant disrespect would surely not go unpunished.

"Is that any way to address a Supreme Elder," Supreme Elder Quan replied calmly.

"Hmph, the last time you were here, you pulled me through the front door. I still haven't forgiven you for that."

Hearing Xiao Hei's words, Ye Ming finally understood how the guild's front door was broken. To think, it was a Supreme Elder all along.

"Girls, please leave the room. I would like to speak to Fei Lin alone,"

Ye Ming, Rong Shi, and Zhao Pan did as she said and left the room. They couldn't help but think that Xiao Hei brought whatever punishment upon herself.

Once the others left, Supreme Elder Quan finally sighed helplessly.

"To answer your question. I came here to speak to Long Wang. Tell him that I brought what he asked for."

Despite her general dislike for Supreme Elder Quan, Xiao Hei was quite amazed by her ability to get things done.

"Can I see it?" Xiao Hei asked.

"I could, but you'll have to promise that you will only address me as 'Supreme Elder Quan' from now on."

Xiao Hei nodded spiritedly.

"Very well."

Supreme Elder Quan took the items out of her spatial pouch then Xiao Hei's round eyes widened when she saw them.





Xiao Hei came running into the bath place looking for Xiao Fang. When she saw him, she quickly ran over to him.

{"Fang, Supreme Elder Quan is here,"} she said through a spirit transmission as she ran.

Once she reached him, she squatted down behind his head and waited for his response.

Xiao Fang still had his back to the wall with his head tilted on the ledge. It hadn't been long since he got in, so he was a bit reluctant to get out so soon, but he eventually opened his eyes and looked up at Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei tilted her head curiously.

"Help me put this on," he said as he gave her his blindfold.

She wrapped it around his face as best as she could. When she was done, she put her hands on his cheeks then gave him a cute little kiss.

"Do you know why she came?" Xiao Fang asked.

"She brought the stuff."

She had come with it a lot sooner than he was expecting her to, so he was a bit surprised by the news.

"Tell her I'll be there in a minute."

"Un," she nodded before leaving.




Supreme Elder Quan was waiting in the training room when Xiao Fang came in wearing a white robe with a towel over his head.

"Supreme Elder, I hope I didn't keep you waiting for long," Xiao Fang greeted her.

"I don't mind. But it would've been nice if that brat, Fei Lin, hadn't disrespected me in front of the others. The next time you see her, will you teach her some manners for me."

Xiao Fang smiled bitterly as he tried to skip past the topic of Xiao Hei.

"So, is it true? Did you bring what I asked?"

Supreme Elder Quan reached into her spatial pouch and took out 5 High-Grade Spirit Pendants.

Each pendant was made of high quality gold, high-grade jade, and contained a profound inscription that radiated profound energy. They were truly a sight to behold.

"Is that it?" Xiao Fang frowned slightly.

"This is all I could get my hands on at the moment, I'll be able to get the rest to you soon."

The truth was, Supreme Elder Quan could easily get the 10 High-Grade Spirit Pendants he asked for, but getting them all at once without anyone noticing was a bit too difficult.

"When will you be able to get them?" He asked.

"4 days."

"Then return to me in 4 days with the rest of what I asked."

"Ah, what about my benefactor?"

"I'll tell him to come see you in 4 days. If that's everything, I'll have someone show you out."

"Ah, but..."

Before Supreme Elder Quan could say anything, Xiao Fang had already left. She came here today to tell him that she'd give him the other half if he introduced her to her benefactor, but Xiao Fang didn't even give her a chance to do so.

'I suppose I get what I want either way,' she thought.




Back in the public bath, Xiao Fang had taken off his blindfold to get a better look at his high-grade. After inspecting it for a few seconds, he was able to determine that they were in fact real.

His eyes shined greedily at the thought of what he could do with them. Since learning that he could cultivate much faster if he used more than 1 spirit pendant at a time, it became his personal goal to gather as many high-grade spirit pendants as he could.

When Supreme Elder Quan asked him about her benefactor, Xiao Fang told her that it was his master, and that he would prefer to keep his identity a secret.

When asked why he helped her, Xiao Fang randomly said that his master thought she was too beautiful to die in a place like that. Unexpectedly, her face blushed and her heart raced even when she tried to conceal it... It was at that moment that Xiao Fang realized why she was so desperate to find him. Xiao Fang knew it sounded crazy, but for a second it really seemed like she felt some sort of way towards his imaginary master.

As shocking as it was, when she asked him if she could meet with him alone, Xiao Fang's suspicion became a reality.

Being as opportunistic as he was, Xiao Fang knew Supreme Elder Quan could easily get him a high-grade spirit pendant if he asked for another one, so he daringly asked that she get him 10 instead.

Although she initially tried to play it off as being impossible, Xiao Fang could hear the change in her heartbeat, so he knew she was lying.

He made the excuse that he was only putting a high price on it because his master strictly told him not to reveal his presence to anyone. In addition, Xiao Fang also agreed to put a good word in for her too. Hearing that, she eventually agreed to the deal.

It all seemed to be working out nicely, but he didn't expect her to be able to get him the pendants so soon.

Xiao Fang had 4 more days to somehow fake a meeting between her and his imaginary master.

'How am I supposed to fake a meeting between her and my imaginary master anyway,' Xiao Fang thought.

He stored all 5 high-grade spirit pendants into his spatial ring, then began to think.

Chapter 238 - Tan Songyun

In the White Jade guild's guild house. A meeting was held for all the disciples in that guild to gather. Since it was only a bit past midnight, most of the girls were still up training, while the few that were asleep were woken up.

The newer guild members didn't understand what was going on, but the more experienced members understood the situation perfectly.

Once everyone was gathered, 3 Dragon Class disciples suddenly made an appearance. The murmuring finally died as they waited to hear what they were going to say.

"All of you, look to your left, then to your right. Who is missing?" The Dragon-Class disciple named Tan Songyun suddenly said.

"P-Pan Hong isn't here," one guild member said.

Tan Songyun looked down at the Black Guild Stone in her hands then quickly tried to find Pan Hong's name on the list.

"I'm here!" Pan Hong quickly said from within the crowd.

At the same time, Tan Songyun found her name on the Black Guild Stone, which contained all the names and ranks of everyone that was a part of their guild.

Tan Songyun frowned.

"Is this a joke to you!? I'll ask you all one more time! Who... isn't... here!?" Tan Songyun pronounced every syllable clearly.

Most of them had never seen Tan Songyun get this angry before, so they were all on edge.

Chen Li knew what was happening, but she didn't concern herself with what was going on. However, after a brief scan of the room, she suddenly knew who was missing.

"It's Yan Mei," Chen Li said calmly.

Chen Li was not standing in the crowd with the rest of them, since she was ranked 1st on the trial pod test, she wasn't treated much different from the other 3 Dragon-Class disciples in this guild.

Tan Songyun's frown lessened considerably when she looked at Chen Li.

"Chen Li, are you sure?" Tan Songyun asked.

Chen Li suddenly looked down at the crowd below.

"Yan Mei, if you're here, show yourself," Chen Li said, just wanting to get this meeting over with.

The room became silent as the other guild members looked around. It seemed that no one knew where Yan Mei was.

Tan Songyun's eyes widened when she saw how quiet the crowd was being, so she started looking through the names on her Black Guild Stone.

It was true. Yan Mei's name was no longer on it. The only way someone's name would disappear from the Black Guild Stone was if they had joined a different guild.

A creepy and menacing smile appeared on Tan Songyun's face as she clenched the Black Guild Stone tightly in her hand.

"Listen up, ladies. It looks like we have a deserter on the loose, and you know what we do to deserters. The first to bring her back here in one piece, will be rewarded one medium-tier guild item of your choosing," Tan Songyun declared.

Hearing that the reward was a medium-tier guild item, many of the girls became excited. Even though it was as dark outside, many of the girls were tempted to begin their search right away.

Chen Li knew that Yan Mei was in the Phoenix-Class, so she knew many of the disciples here didn't stand a chance against her. However, Chen Li didn't bother to tell them that because she didn't really care about them to begin with.


"How could there be someone so foolish? She didn't just destroy her own future but also the future of the guild she just joined."

"She probably thinks they'll protect her."

"Ha, is there even a guild out there that can hold a candle to ours. That Yan Mei girl is finished."


Everyone believed that Yan Mei had joined a different Major guild because it wouldn't make sense for her to join a Minor guild after being a member of one of the most prestigious Major guilds in the Inner Court. However, Chen Li believed otherwise.

After the General Lecture today, Chen Li watched Yan Mei hold Xiao Fang's hand as she escorted him to the 5th Divisional Classroom. The more she thought about it, the more she was convinced that she joined his guild.

'So she's joined his Nameless guild. It seems things just became a little more interesting...'




"Chen Li, come here," Tan Songyun said as she pulled her off to the side.

"I was told that you gave a disciple a public invitation today. You should know that you can't be giving out invitations like that, especially not without our permission. What's her name?" Tan Songyun asked.

"His name... is Long Wang."

"A man?" Tan Songyun frowned.

"Yes. He was one of the 3 outer court disciples to get placed directly into the Phoenix-Class. As of now, he is the first man ever to make it into the Phoenix-Class."

Tan Songyun was actually impressed by the news, but she still didn't like the idea of having a man in her guild.

"I still refuse. What will the others think if they hear that we let a man join our guild. Quickly, find this Long Wang, and take his White Jade guild nameplate away. I don't want this incident staining our record," Tan Songyun said before turning to leave.

"There's something else," Chen Li said calmly.

Tan Songyun turned back around.

"What else is there?"

"Gao Xiumin... was defeated by him on the day he passed the inner court exam."


The fight Chen Li was referring to was the brief interaction Xiao Fang had with her messenger after the inner court exam. The fight happened when he rejected the messenger's invitation to go see Chen Li, telling her that she'd need to come herself if she wanted to speak to him.


A serious expression finally appeared on Tan Songyun's face.

"Isn't Gao Xiumin in the Phoenix-Class 2nd Division."

"She is."

"And you say she was defeated by an Outer Court disciple?"

"She was," Chen Li replied simply.

Tan Songyun began to think.

"I see, he certainly isn't ordinary. Alright, he can stay in our guild, but I want you to learn everything you can about his background. In the meantime, I need to speak the the other 2 about this," Tan Songyun said, referring to the other 2 Dragon-Class disciples in the guild.

However, before she could leave, Chen Li said something that made her stop again.

"I can't do that."

Tan Songyun frowned even more deeply than before as she replied,

"Why not?"

"That's because he isn't here?"

"Then go find him," Tan Songyun immediately replied as if she was running out of patience. However, Chen Li still calmly replied,

"What I meant to say was... he rejected the invitation."

The ground beneath Tan Songyun's feet began to crack and her blood boiled. No one had ever rejected an invitation to the White Jade guild. Certainly not by any man.

Tan Songyun's overwhelming aura leaked through her pours as her brows began to wrinkle.

"He certainly doesn't know what's good for him. Make that son of a bitch wish he were never alive," Tan Songyun said as she looked dead into Chen Li's eyes.

"Leave it to me," Chen Li said with a slight bow.

With that, Tan Songyun left. Once she was gone, the corner of Chen Li's lips finally curled upwards into a scheming smirk.

'How predictable.'

Chapter 239 - Optional Smut : Morning Session

After a long and intensive training session, Xiao Fang's body was in so much pain he eventually called it a night. However, since Yan Mei was sleeping in his room, he went into Jiang Mei room instead, and saw Su Yun sleeping next to her.

They were both completely naked, but when he took his blindfold off to admire it he realized the room was too dark to see that well with his eyes.

He finally approached the foot of the bed then took his clothes off before comfortably positioning himself between them. When Xiao Fang arrived, they both started cuddling with him as they used his arms as a headrest.

Feeling their sexy naked bodies pressing on his naked body, considerably lessened the pain he felt after his midnight training session. Before long, Xiao Fang finally fell asleep.




A few hours later, before the sun was up, Xiao Fang was awoken by the feeling of his erect cock rubbing against someone's smooth moist pussy. It only took a moment to realize who it was. When he opened his eyes he saw the beautiful woman with beautiful golden hair.

"Su Yun," he said as he slid his masculine hands down her smooth thighs. At the same time, she finally guided the tip to her hole then sat on it.

"Mmm~" she moaned to the feeling of her tight innards being stretched, and his young hard dick filling her moist dick-hungry pussy.

Her soft feminine hands pushed down on his abs as she thrusted her waist back and forth.

"Mymm~ mhm~ mymm~" she moaned quietly.

Her nice large breasts bounced in his face as she thrusted more vigorously. Seeing her lower half start to go up and down, he finally reached down then gave her fat ass a squeeze.

His hands were firm, his body was hot, and their bodies were in sync, but the one thing that drove her crazy was how his dick rubbed against her sensitive pink walls.

She had only just started but she was already losing strength. Before long, her body finally collapsed and her waist slowed down.

Xiao Fang caressed the back of her head as his other hand slid down to her lower back.

"Mymm~ mymm~ mymm~"

Xiao Fang began to move, making her moan a bit louder than before.

"Ahh~ Fang~ use my slutty holes to stroke your long hard penis. Cum inside of me as much as you want."

He finally stopped caressing the back of her head, letting her raise it to give him a kiss. Feeling her familiar lips, their tongues caressed each other as if nothing else mattered. At the same time, Xiao Fang brought his hand down and spank her jiggling ass before he grabbed it.

'Fuck, her pussy feels too good,' he thought as her cum-hungry pussy squeezed his dick as if she was trying to milk the cum out of him.

"Su Yun, I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum inside of you."

"Ahha~ me too! I'm going to cum~ ahhh~ Fang!~"

Xiao Fang thrusted faster and faster before making her ass squished against his lap, and his dick poked against her womb. Her eyes were shut tightly, she gritted her teeth in pleasure, and her tits squished between their hug.

In the next moment, Xiao Fang filled her womb with thick warm cum as her pussy poured down his shlong. The more her tight pussy jerked, the more came out. Eventually, she had completely drenched his balls with her clear sparkling nectar.

Her body shivered pleasurably, but Xiao Fang's hand light massaged her back, making her body relax. Eventually, her body was no longer shivering, but she still laid on top of him comfortably.

She couldn't help but feel like she was incredibly lucky to be sleeping with a man like Xiao Fang. They had only started a few minutes ago, but he was already able to make her cum so much. She couldn't help but feel like he knew her body even better than she did herself.

Xiao Fang was too tired so he slowly massaged her back as she continued laying on him. Even though he was too tired he'd never refuse to satisfy his women's urges.

Jiang Mei suddenly woke up then saw Su Yun's naked body resting on top of Xiao Fang. Realizing that Su Yun woke him up again, Jiang Mei began to frown.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" Su Yun smiled beautifully.

"Su Yun, I thought I told you not to wake him up when he's asleep."

"He was so hard when I woke up, I thought he was already awake," Su Yun said in her defense, but Jiang Mei knew Su Yun knew better.

Seeing that Jiang Mei was still disappointed, Su Yun sat back up then leaned back to show Xiao Fang dick sliding in and out of her wet pussy.

"Common, why don't you join us? I know you want to?" Su Yun teased.

Xiao Fang and Su Yun both knew that Jiang Mei loved voyeurism, so seeing Xiao Fang's dick stretching Su Yun's tight pussy was instantly turning her on.

Jiang actually felt a bit apologetic because she knew it was a bit too early for him, but she so desperately wanted to join in on the fun.

"Is... is it really okay?" She asked Xiao Fang.

"Mn," he nodded.

Seeing that he was okay with it, she moved her hair behind her ear revealing her beautiful face, then leaned in to kiss him on the lips. The longer kiss lasted, the more her naked body got on top of him.

Feeling her fat breasts on his chest, he eventually reached down and started giving her the pleasure she desired.

The moment his fingers caressed her moist pussy slit, Jiang Mei started moaning between their kisses. Eventually, she broke away from their kiss when she felt him curling his fingers into her drooling pink cave.


She moaned with one hand on his abs and the other squeezing her own breast.

He knew exactly where she liked it, and he could tell by the way her pussy squeezed and became more slippery.

A few seconds later, Xiao Fang felt Su Yun's soft hands pull his dripping wet cock out of her pussy. In the next moment, he could feel her trying to stuff it into her even tighter hole.

Jiang Mei looked back to see why Xiao Fang suddenly stopped, but when she saw Su Yun trying to put his long dick in her asshole, she started to get turned on even more.

Once Xiao Fang felt the head of his penis being pushed inside of Su Yun's closed butthole, he nearly moaned.

'Fuck, it's so tight.'

At the same time, Xiao Fang could feel Jiang Mei's pussy squeezing and rubbing his stationary fingers inside of her.

"Jiang Mei, bring your butt up here."

Jiang Mei's eyes lit up when she heard those words. She swung her legs over then brought her ass down to his face.

While Jiang Mei was positioning her pussy on his mouth, Su Yun's pussy quivered as she felt his long dick exploring deeper into her tightly gripping asshole. Once he could feel ass sitting on his lap, Xiao Fang gave it a firm spank.


Feeling his masculine hands squeezing her ass made her body shake, tits bounce, and back arch. Despite how deep his dick was, Su Yun still had an erotic expression on her face.

Xiao Fang started thrusting his dick deep in her asshole, making her moan breath through her mouth. At the same, Xiao Fang wrapped his arms around Jiang Mei's thighs to pull her ass down to stuff his mouth with her dripping wet pussy.

[ Electric Tongue ]


Jiang Mei moaned loudly from the feeling of his tongue as it vibrated inside of her.

"Fang~ ahhhhh~"

When she opened her eyes, she saw Xiao Fang's lower half ruthlessly fucking Su Yun's tight asshole. Seeing the ecstasy on Su Yun's face, Jiang Mei became turned on to the max, especially when his vibrating tongue was trying to taste more of her sexy pussy.

Before he knew it, Xiao Fang was making both of them scream out in pleasure. They were cumming almost every other minute, but Xiao Fang never stopped.

Jiang Mei's pussy felt so nice on his tongue, while Su Yun's asshole felt so warm and tight on his dick. He endlessly and mercilessly fucked his women, not holding anything back.

Whenever he needed to cum, he would just do it. He would unhesitantly vandalize Su Yun's pink spongy walls with his thick oozing cum, and he wouldn't stop thrusting for even a second.

Xiao Fang loved the feeling when he ejaculated for real, especially when he was inside of them. He simply couldn't get enough of it.

Chapter 240 - Optional Smut : Morning Session (2)

For the next hour or so, loud moans and lustful claps filled the room as Xiao Fang alternated between filling each of their pussies and assholes with his thick white sperm and Yang Qi.

Before long, he had made them cum so much they were only shooting out blanks. However, Xiao Fang wasn't finished.

Since they had already passed their limits, Xiao Fang decided to use Jiang Mei's massive tits to satisfy himself.

Jiang Mei always got embarrassed when he used her indecently large L-cup breasts, but she was also happy that she could please him in this way.

Watching Xiao Fang thrust his cock between Jiang Mei's fat tits, Su Yun eventually crawled over to them then started sucking his dick as it poked out on the other side.

Feeling Jiang Mei's tits squeezing his thrusting cock was already an heavenly experience, so Xiao Fang almost lost it when he felt Su Yun's lewd mouth and tongue caressing his glans at the same time. Seeing the way Su Yun stuffed her face between Jiang Mei's tits to suck his dick, he thrusted even faster.

'Fuck, I'm gonna cum. This feels too good,' he thought as he squeezed Jiang Mei's breasts even tighter.

Only a few seconds later, Xiao Fang already felt his cum rushing to his tip.


Unable to hold it back, he reluctantly ejaculated all over Su Yun's warm slimy tongue and got a bit of it on her beautiful face as well.

He slowly stroked it into Su Yun's mouth, but then Jiang Mei suddenly opened her mouth as if she wanted some too. Xiao Fang guided his tip into her mouth next then let her skillfully suck his warm popsicle. Xiao Fang had to admit, Jiang Mei was a lot better at this then Su Yun was, so he closed his eyes as if to savor this moment.

When he was done, they both swallowed his sperm, then smiled happily as if they both did something dirty with him. However, when they looked back down at his cock, they realized he was still as hard as he was in the beginning.

They both looked back at each other in amazement. They knew he had ridiculous endurance, but they were always surprised when they saw it.

Su Yun smirked then got on her stomach. Following Su Yun's lead, Jiang Mei did the same, then they both started sucking his dick and balls together.

Xiao Fang rested his hands on their heads as they both continued to pleasure him. He knew he needed to get some sleep, but he was feeling too good.

Some may say this was Xiao Fang's guilty pleasure. Guilty in the fact that he was only pleasuring himself by using amazing tits and mouths. What he didn't realize was that they enjoyed it as well, but more in a playfully dirty way.




After cumming one last time, he rolled back to the center of the bed, then Su Yun immediately followed him there to cuddle. Feeling her sexy body on his, Xiao Fang gave her a kiss on the forehead. Seeing that, Jiang Mei also started cuddling with him, then she looked up at him submissively. Xiao Fang noticed her expecting gaze, so he gave her a kiss on the forehead as well.

Even though Jiang Mei knew they needed to take a bath and leave for work soon, they still stayed in this position waiting for Xiao Fang to go back to sleep first.

"Ah, I almost forgot. I scheduled an appointment for you with Elder Mao tomorrow. Do you think you can make it?" Su Yun asked.

"When is it?" Xiao Fang asked.

"Tonight, after midnight."

Xiao Fang thought for a moment then replied.

"That's fine. But in the future, try not to schedule me with anyone after midnight."

"Does that mean we're back in business?"

"Mn. I'll give you the times when I'm available during the week."

Su Yun smiled brightly from his word, then started snuggling her naked body even more tightly against his.

Su Yun was an extremely beautiful woman, especially compared to the other elders in the sect. Even though her body couldn't compare to Jiang Mei's, he still felt good all the same when she was hugging him like this.

"Seems like you're happier about this than I am," Xiao Fang smiled.

"Take a look," Su Yun said while giving him her spatial pouch.

Xiao Fang became impressed when he saw the contents inside.

"And that's just from 1 person. We're going to be rich," Su Yun said excitedly.

"Ah... it seems our Su Yun has become quite the hustler. My cut better be in there somewhere," Xiao Fang laughed.

Jiang Mei sighed and shook her head as she watched the two of them laugh like evil businessmen.

"Alright, Su Yun let's go, he needs to get some sleep or he won't be able to focus in class," Jiang Mei said.

Su Yun complained as Jiang Mei tried to pull her off of Xiao Fang. Xiao Fang smiled as he watched his two girls wrestle each other naked, but then heard something strange.

"Ah, Fang, where are you going?" Jiang Mei asked when she saw him walking towards the door.

Xiao Fang didn't say anything when he opened the door, so they were going to follow him out, but the moment he opened the door, they saw someone curled up into a ball and sleeping on the ground.

"Ah, it's Fei Lin. Why is my cute little disciple sleeping on the ground like that?" Su Yun wondered.

Xiao Fang sighed, picked her small body up, then he carried her to their bed.

He never told Xiao Hei that he would be sleeping in Jiang Mei's room tonight, but she still found him and slept outside of his door like some kind of household pet.

Xiao Fang put her head on a pillow then a new blanket on top of her as she slept.

"Alright you two, let's not wake her up," Xiao Fang said quietly.

Even if Xiao Fang said nothing, the last thing they wanted to do was wake up such a cute looking girl from her sleep.

Jiang Mei and Su Yun eventually left the room, then Xiao Fang quietly climbed into the sheets. However, as soon as he did, he felt Xiao Hei trying to cuddle into his warmth.

"Daddy," she mumbled quietly in her sleep.

Seeing that she was still asleep, Xiao Fang sighed in relief as she cutely snuggled against him.

When she finally stopped moving, he finally closed his eyes then began to fall asleep.