Chapter 12

"That's just a bigger storm than we expected, it's not that big of a deal," I lightly spoke after another thunder crack. "No Carla, it's more dangerous, higher wind speeds, bigger waves," Madelyn explained, "We'll pass out of exhaustion fighting a storm this big." "We can do it, we have more people helping us than just the 6 of us teens," I happily stated. "The adults are helping?" Madelyn asked. "Yeah," I answered. "Is my dad helping? We need his hydrokenesis to help you with the waves," Madelyn asked, she sounded panicked and nervous. "You'll have to ask him, I have no idea who all is helping," I explained, "We're going to be okay, I'm sure of it." "How are you so sure?" Madelyn nervously asked. "The visions I've been having." "Carla those are just nightmares you have when you pass out." "No, because I saw you all's powers before you even knew you had them, I'm sure that they're real future events." "You never see anyone else but us six teens, how can you be so sure everyone's going to be okay?" Madelyn argued. "They have to be, there's no way we would survive on the mainland without everyone," I explained. "Well Carla, you keep dreaming and I'll just tell you we'll be okay to make you feel better. I doubt that everyone is going to survive this, if any of us survive." "Negative Nancy much? Have you been spending too much time with Cornelius lately?" I asked. "Carla I'm not joking, this is serious and we need to think of serious outcomes." "I know, so we either all die or we all survive, we're not going to lose anyone okay? I won't let it happen." I explain. "Carla I'm just asking you not to do something stupid. None of us can swim so don't fall off the boat, and don't jump into storm waves to save someone. You'll drown." "Everyone's going to survive," I repeated. "Carla..." "Madelyn," I paused, "Everyone is going to survive, we're going to be okay, all of us." "Please don't get yourself killed," Madelyn softly said. "What are you two arguing about?" Nathan asked as he walked over. "Nothing serious Nathan, we're okay," Madelyn answered. "Some adults have volunteered to help out, I briefed them on what to do and how to say out of the water," Nathan explained. "We're going to be okay," I repeated. "Yeah, we'll be okay," Nathan said back, "We've got this handled." I looked at Madelyn who was looking at me already. Her face was as pale as snow and she looked terrified. I looked down at the floor before standing up and walking away from them. I patted Nathan's shoulder as I walked past him and walked to the front of the boat. Carter came upstairs while I was talking to Madelyn and continued to run on the water for practice. All the other teens were downstairs with everyone else. I sat down with my feet dangling over the side of the boat and the waves were inches from my feet. It was almost time to get everyone who was helping out and bring them upstairs. My heart was in my stomach and I had this wrenching feeling in my stomach. Madelyn's fear was affecting my positive attitude towards this situation. She is a genius and if she's scared then there must be something terribly wrong. I shook my head, We're all going to be okay. We have to be... The thunder started to get louder than more frequent. It started to rain. With each thunder blast my heart would beat faster, my stomach would turn tighter, and my body would get numb. Eventually Carter walked up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. I turned and looked at him. He had water dripping off his brow and was soaked, so was I. His voice was shaky, "Its time to go." I nodded and stood up. We walked over to a group of people. It was Jane, Dave, Jack, Nathan, Madelyn, and Kathy. Carter and I joined the group. Everyone was talking about their roles and how they're going to fight against the storm. "Guys," Madelyn's shaky voice broke out, "look." She was pointed dead ahead where land was starting to form in the far distance. "I thought you said five days, it's only been 3," Carter said looking at Madelyn and Nathan. "It'll take a day to get there," Nathan said, "We might get there sooner if the storm doesn't blast us to the middle of nowhere." Kathy looked at Liam, "Take the sails down so we don't blow anywhere, we have to make it to shore." "What if we get to shore before the storm?" Jane asked loudly, she was trying to be louder than the noise the rain was making as it hit the deck. I turned towards the door that led to the basement and made a run for it. I ducked down the stairs and looked at the kids who were sitting pretty close to the doorway. "Is there a storm?" Kate asked. "Yeah sweetheart, there's a storm, we're gonna be okay though." I answered, "I need you all to stay down here until we tell you to come outside, we're almost to shore." The remaining adults and children cheered when I said that. I walked back up the stairs and shut the doors leading downstairs. "What'd I miss?" I loudly said as I walked back over to the group. "We won't make it to shore before the storm, so we have to fight it," Madelyn explained. It was starting to downpour and the wind was almost blowing us over. Nathan was sitting on the ground so he wouldn't be blown away. Carter stepped out and in a loud, leadership voice spoke, "We should get to out spots and start doing our jobs before this storm gets out of hand." Everyone nodded and walked to specific positions on the boat. Kathy and Madelyn stood facing the storm with their hands out and started to blast the storm. Madelyn's hand glowed white and a concussive blast shot out of her hand and out into the storm, it temporarily created a hole in the storm cloud. Kathy's energy blast did the same thing. Mr. Jack, Madelyn and Liam's dad, sat down by the fence and extended his hand down at the ocean. Mrs. Jane and Mr. Dave, Carter and Nathan's parents, stood towards the back of the boat. Mrs. Jane started to attempt to make the hurricane smaller while Mr. Dave used his ice powers to freeze some of the water so the waves would be smaller. Nathan sat down on the deck right behind the steering wheel and attempted to keep the boat straight. Liam sat in front of the steering wheel and waited for the storm to dissipate so he could man the sails. Carter took a running jump off of the boat and ran on the water towards the storm. I walked to the front of the boat and leaned off the side to do my job. The waves were strong but we managed to keep them at a steady pace so they wouldn't tear apart the boat. I had full concentration until I heard a crack and then screaming coming from downstairs. I stood up and sprinted down the stairs where water was gushing through the side of the ship. A chunk of ice had broken the hall of the ship. I tossed the children behind me and put my hand on the ship's hall and started to rebuild the hole so no more water would come through. After I finished I turned around to see Will evaporating the water with his fire powers. He did it carefully so he didn't catch the boat on fire. I ran back upstairs where the wind made the pouring rain feel like needles hitting your face. I pushed through the wind over to Mr. Dave. "Use your fire power to evaporate the water instead of freezing it," I yelled through the loud crashing of thunder. He nodded and switched to using his fire power. I pushed back to the front of the ship and started to slow the waves again. The wind blew me backwards and to the other side of the ship. I crawled back over to where I was sitting before and held onto a fence post with my legs. The waves were getting bigger and the rain was stinging my face. I was starting to get exhausted: I was dizzy, I felt like I really needed to sleep, and I could feel my powers weakening. My eyes were getting heavy and my throat started to get tighten. Not now, now is a horrible time to have a vision. I tried to fight passing out but it was no use. My head hit the deck. "Really I really really don't need to be in this vision now," I yelled into the darkness. Nobody answered. "Come on!" I screamed, "I need to get back to my friends!" Again nothing answered. "Come ooonnnnnnnnn!" I yelled as I spun around in the darkness. I was so angry I had passed out, I didn't want to be the liability on this fight too. I started to run aimlessly into the darkness, I couldn't see anything, there was nothing. "Slow down." A voice broke out. I jumped because the voice scared me. "Carla, slow down," the voice repeated. I didn't recognize the voice. "You're not Liam, you don't fight with your hands. You're not Carter, you don't fight with your legs. You're not Kathy, you don't fight with your energy. You're not Madelyn, you don't fight with your brain. You're not Nathan, you don't fight with your tech. You're Carla, start fighting the way Carla fights." "Who are you? Where are you? And what the heck do I fight with then, you just named everything you can fight with." "Carla..." "What?" "Fights with her soul and conscious. Fight like Carla fights." I woke up and sat straight up. I was by the steering wheel and Nathan was sitting next to me. I stood up and used the fence for balance. "You shouldn't be awake yet," Nathan's voice echoed through my brain, "Its only been 5 minutes." "I just needed some perspective," I yelled loud enough for him to hear me through the rain and thunder. He nodded and I sprinted over to the spot I was standing and instead of evaporating the ocean I focused really hard on moving the ocean. It didn't work but I was trying and that mattered. I had no idea who that voice was but perfect timing on that vision. Everyone else was getting tired, the boat was getting smacked hard with waves. Carter was still running around but I'm sure he was getting tired. Kathy and Madelyn were sitting and shooting instead of standing and they weren't shooting their powers as quickly as before. Even the adults were getting tired and looking like they were going to pass out. People started laying down on the deck because they were exhausted. I laid my head on the railing but turned to look at the door that leads downstairs when I heard it open. My mom was escorting the children outside. Will, Penelope, and Grant walked in front of my mom. I ran over to meet them halfway. "This is stupid!" I yelled through the rain. "Its our only choice, look at everyone!" My mom said back. I looked around, our team was down and the only other person still doing what they were assigned was Carter, everyone else was passed out or laying down. I looked back at my mom and nodded. I sent Penelope over to where her dad was to use her ice powers and sent Will to where I was to use his fire powers. Both of them started to do their separate jobs. Both of them were having a blast helping out. I told my mom to take Grant back downstairs and she did. A huge wave rocked the boat, and Penelope screamed Will's name. I spun around to look at them and Will wasn't on the boat anymore. I sprinted over to the side of the boat and leaned over the side. There was splashing water towards the back of the boat. I ran to the back of the boat, climbed the fence, and drove into the storm waves after Will.

My lungs felt as if they'd explode as I swam deeper and deeper into the ocean to grab Will. There was a deafening boom that we could hear in water that launched us further way from eachother. He was thrashing but still sinking. He was reaching his arms towards me while violently thrashing his legs. The water was getting darker but I wasn't going back up without Will. I swam harder downward to get to Will. I reached out and grabbed his hand and pulled him to my level. I started to kick my legs like Cleo taught me but Will seemed to be passing out. I panicked and started messing with the water around him and removed the hydrogen around him. He breathed in heavy and started coughing. The air bubble I created covered the front of his face. I put Will on my back and swam upwards with every muscle in my body. We broke the surface of the water and the boat was about one hundred meters away. I started to swim with Will on my back in the direction of the boat when a flash of yellow light bursted in front of me and the next thing I knew, I was on the boat. Carter was holding me and carefully set me down. Madelyn came over and playfully punched me in the arm, "I told you not to try to swim." She tried to say seriously but broke into laughter. The storm was gone, completely gone. I looked around and Carter was sitting on the ground panting really hard. His shoes and shirt were ripped to shreds. Mrs. Jane and Mr. Dave pretty much tackled Will, they hugged him and checked him to make sure he wasn't hurt. Will was still coughing really hard.

I looked at Kathy and Carter, "What happened? What did I miss?"

"Well," Madelyn started, "You tried to drown yourself to save Will, then Carter ran so fast that he created a sonic boom."

"That's what that sound was?" I surprisingly asked.

"You heard it underwater?" Carter said in between heavy breaths.

"Yeah, it blasted me further away from Will." I explained.

Nathan came over and hugged me, "Glad you're alive and Thank you for saving Will."

Madelyn walked over to Will to check him and Kathy walked downstairs. Carter and Nathan were standing in front of me. "You didn't even hesitate, have you had a vision of that before?" Nathan asked.

"No, I just knew he couldn't swim," I softly explained.

"You can't swim either though," Carter said.

"The only thing going through my mind was I don't care if I drown as long as Will doesn't." I explained.

"I'd appreciate it if neither of you drowned," Carter laughed.

"Me too," I laughed back.

Nathan still seemed kind of out of it.

"You okay?" I asked.

"It feels to good to be true, that fact we're a day away from being on the mainland. It feels like a dream," Nathan said.

"Its definitely a dream come true," Carter added.

I looked over to the shore where trees were starting to form. The water was a pretty light blue color and the sky was gray. I looked back over to Carter and Nathan, Liam was walking towards us.

"I'm excited," Liam smiled.

"We are too," Carter responded. Kathy came back with two full plates of food and handed one to Liam.

"Hungry?" Nathan laughed.

"Very," Liam responded, "I haven't eaten much."

We laughed.

"We need to make sure the people we meet like us," Kathy explained, "We need them to not hate us."

"If they hate us then we're screwed," Nathan answered.

"They probably won't be happy with us in the first place if we're trespassing," I explained.

"Well," Kathy responded, "I didn't think of that."

"We need to be extra friendly then," Nathan said.

"Maybe we could help them with something," Carter said.

"Like build them some houses," Liam said.

"Of course you'd say that," Kathy laughed.

Liam laughed too.

"We could build them houses though," Nathan agreed.

"That's if there are even people there," Madelyn said as she walked towards us.

"Good point," Liam agreed as he took a side step closer to Kathy so Madelyn had a place to stand with the group.

"Carla, you never told us what your vision was," Carter said.

"It was just darkness, I probably passed out of exhaustion not a vision," I responded.

"Oh," Madelyn said.

"Yeah," I responded.

"So what's up with you getting yourself and Liam food but nobody else?" Nathan teasingly said to Kathy.

Kathy blushed really hard. We laughed to make it less awkward for her.

"I'm just teasing," Nathan laughed.

Kathy laughed too.

"Is anyone else hungry?" I asked.

"Starving," Carter laughed.

"Anyone else?" I asked again.

Madelyn and Nathan shook their heads.

"Okie dokie, I'll be back," I said and then walked away. I walked across the boat and down the stairs to the hall of the ship. Everyone but one person was sleeping. I grabbed two plates and filled one with more food than the other. I wasn't that hungry. I walked back upstairs and back to my friends I handed the plate with more food to Carter and I sat on the floor with my plate. I had two potatoes on my plate and a fork.

"Thank you," Carter laughed, "You didn't have to."

"I wanted to," I responded.

I lifted my fork to my mouth but my stomach winced. I stopped and looked at the potato, nothing looked weird about it. I lifted the fork back to my mouth and my stomach winced again. I eat the potato piece regardless. Within a few seconds, I was getting sick over the side of the ship. I picked up the other potato and handed it to Madelyn, "Check this for chemicals and nobody eat the potatoes."

I ran back downstairs. The one person who was awake was now drinking a cup of water. I walked over to Grant a shook him, he didn't wake up. I shook him harder, he still didn't wake up. I checked his heartbeat, it was faint but still there. I started checking everyone's heartbeats, all were the same faint heartbeats.

"What happened to them?" I loudly asked the one person who was awake. She had her face pointed at the wall.

I got no answer.

"What happened?" I asked again.

Still no answer.

I walked a little closer and finally recognized who it was.

"I should throw you off this boat into the waters," I spite fully said, "How are you even alive."