BEAST RANK's (Rarity)

Beasts/animals also evolve and have their ranks, beasts in a direct confrontation are much stronger than the humans of the same rank due to the corporal enhancement and powerful lineage. Consuming the blood essence of creatures with powerful lineages can strengthen their own lineage which in turn makes them stronger, consuming strong lineages can make one become a noble of their own lineage (or awaken lineage).

• Common animals-they are common animals to meet in any location;

• Unusual animals (chance to appear 1/50) - are animals that do not usually appear as much as the common ones, they are seen from time to time, they are often mutants of common animals;

• Rare animals (chance to appear 1/200) - are animals that we do not normally find, but we know they are there, they are varied between low tier, middle tier, high tier and special tier;

• Distinctive animals - are strong animals, they may not be rare because they are classified as distinct and bring great impact by themselves, usually have their own territories, also have a tier, low tier, Middle Tier, Tier High, Tier special;

• Epic-mythical animals (chance to appear 1/100 000 000) - are animals described in myths and epic books also have ratings among themselves, Low tier, Middle Tier, High Tier, Special Tier;

• Legendary animals (chance to appear 1/1 510 252 128 000) - are something they may have once seen by chance, perhaps a mere glimpse to be marked in the hearts, and that almost nothing is known about them, also have ratings among each other, Low Tier, Middle Tier, High Tier;

• Ancestral animals;

• Immortals animals;

• Special animals - are animals that do not have normal logic, may well appear in front of a sentient being and he does not realize it, usually have very irrational powers and are beings that go against the skies and are daughters of destiny.;

• Unique animals - They are animals as their title says, they are creations that are close to as existences as the old heavens villains and destiny.

Beast/animal battle power

•Rank 0 beast - Battle power at rank 2 Acolyte

(lvl 1-9)

•Rank 1 Beast - Battle Power at rank 3 Acolyte

(lvl 10-19)

•Rank 2 Beast - Battle power at rank level 1 Magus

(lvl 20-29)

•Rank 3 Beast - Battle power at rank 2 Magus level

(lvl 30-39)

•Rank 4 Beast - Battle power at rank 4 Magus level

(lvl 40-49)

•Rank 5 Beast - Battle power at rank level 5 Magus

(lvl 50-59)

•Rank 6 Beast - Battle power at rank 6 Magus level

(lvl 60-69)

•Rank 7 Beast - Battle power at rank 7 Magus level

(lvl 70-79)

•Rank 8 Beast - Battle power at rank level 9 Magus

(lvl 80-89)

•Rank 9 Beast- Battle power at rank level 10 Magistrate

(lvl 90-99)

•Rank 10 Beast- Battle power at rank level 12 Magistrate

(lvl 100-109)