
Chapter 13

Wyatt and Emma go to class in the morning, like usual. Everyone but Jackson arrived early, and Jackson barely made it to class before Refus entered the room. "Couldn't sleep?" Aeris asks.

"No" Jackson says, "thanks to a couple people I know...".

"Oh come on" Jessica says, "you're overreacting. It's a date, not a forced marriage. If it's really as bad as you think it'll be, all you guys have to do is agree to cease dating. And honestly, doesn't seem like it'll be that hard of a thing to do in YOUR position...".

"Good morning!" Refus says as he enters the room, "thank goodness it's Friday, right everybody?". A few students nearly cheered to the idea of having a weekend off, as plenty other students began murmuring about going to the festival after school. "Calm down, we still have work to do. I promise I'm still going to go easy on you guys today. Also, I realize this is strange timing, but I'd like to introduce a new student today!". A girl walks into the class with a new school uniform on. She had short, bright red hair, white eyes, wore glasses and seemed to stand at an average height. "Her name is Emily Bernnigan" Refus says. "She was set to start school here at the same time as the rest of you, but her family had some... complications. However, Principal Schafold allowed them to remain enrolled, as her family took the time to meet the proper conditions for sending her to this school. Do you want to tell the class anything about yourself?".

"Not... really" Emily says.

"That's fine" Refus says, "you don't have to. Find a seat, and try to get comfortable. Sit anywhere you like".

Emily finds a seat in the back row, but refuses to sit next to any of the other students, including The Rejects. "Aw man" Jessica complains, "why can't the new student be a cute boy or something?".

"Is... is that what you're focused on?" Aeris asks. "I wonder if the class will start talking about her, for sitting in the back, as if she's already a Reject by nature...".

"Should we... try helping her?" Emma asks. "We could invite her to hang out with us during lunch. Maybe she'll need some friends".

After the next few classes, as lunch break was beginning, Emma and Wyatt asked Emily if she wanted to join them on the roof. "No" Emily said. "I just need somewhere quiet to eat...".

"Are you sure?" Emma asks. "I think the roof is a pretty comfortable spot to be. You can stay around us, and maybe we can all be friends".

"I don't need friends" Emily says as she stands up and walks away.

"Is she... okay?" Wyatt asks.

"I don't know..." Emma replies, "but... I think I understand how she feels at least. At some point, I was the same way".

When Emma and Wyatt meet with the rest on the roof, Jackson asks "So it's a no go? I'm assuming she would already be here if she didn't decline".

Emma shakes her head and says "I think she's just having a rough patch. She says she doesn't want friends, and all that".

"Maybe she's just a nervous laibah" Jessica says. "She might not be used to life in the city yet...".

"Probably" Jackson says.

"Oh right, I've been thinking" Aeris says, "and I think I've come up with a good plan!".

"A plan to help the new student already?" Jackson asks.

"What?... no..." Aeris says, "I've been thinking about our date".

"Oh no..." Jackson responds.

"I was thinking" Aeris says, "if Wyatt and Emma are up for it, why don't we try a double date?".

"A double date?" Wyatt asks, "that sounds a little... awkward".

"You're always awkward..." Jackson says.

Aeris pulls out her notebook and marks down another tally. "It's no big deal" Aeris says, "we can just go on a normal date, but like... as a group. That way, Jackson feels less uncomfortable with the idea of a date".

"Are you kidding!?" Jackson asks, "that sounds more uncomfortable!".

"The more, the merrier" Aeris says.

"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" Jackson asks.

"I dunno..." Emma says as she thinks, "it could be fun...".

Aeris leans in, as if to prepare to whisper, as she says in a voice that's not even remotely a whisper "I could also give you guys tips on dating. It'll help you guys out too!".

"Do you even know what a date is!?" Jackson asks. "Because I feel like you're going to use this as an excuse to beat me half to death!".

Emma's eyes nearly lit up with a flame. "I'll do it!" She says. "T-that is... if Wyatt wants to also".

"Sure, I guess..." Wyatt says. "If you want to, then I'll go for it".

"How about tomorrow?" Aeris asks.

"How about never?" Jackson asks.

Aeris marks down another tally and says "It's Saturday tomorrow, so we don't have to worry about school the next day. Does that work?".

"No!" Jackson says.

"Yeah" Emma says.

"No!!" Jackson complains.

Meanwhile, Refus had run into Emily in the hallways during lunch. She was eating alone in the hallway, and Refus offered to let her stay in the classroom with him. He couldn't take her to the teacher's lounge, so he sat in class with her. "Are you finding this school to be okay?" Refus asks. "Have you made any friends yet, or are you doing well with any classmates?". Emily refused to answer. "Look, I know about your situation... I've heard about it from the principal".

"You know nothing..." Emily replies.

Refus sighs and says "I know you came from a laibah family". Emily looks up as Refus continues, "and I know you're not a laibah".

Emily's face grows from an expressionless posture, to a frown that looked as if it were trying to hold back tears. "You don't know what it was like...".

"Do you hate your parents?" Refus asks. "I know you're adopted, but that's not a reason to-".


"If that's true..." Refus says, "then why did you refuse to come to Harrison for so long?".

"Because..." Emily says as she holds back tears, "they had to send me away... just to go... here".

"They wanted what's best for you" Refus says, "that much should be clear".

"I don't care about what's best for me!" Emily yells, "... I just wanted to stay with them... to make sure they were happy. They given me the world, regardless of me being human... they deserve the world back. But instead, I'm here, away from them! I don't care about getting a good job!".

A few tears managed to escape Emily's eyes. Refus walked over and sat in a desk next to Emily and tried to comfort her. "I know it's hard" he says. "There's times when young adults like yourself have to make a hard choice... and there's times where parents have to make the hardest choice. I don't know your parents, but if I had to guess... I'd say it was a very hard thing for them to do, and they probably didn't want to see you go either. Just know that they did it out of love". Emily couldn't respond, as she began to break out in tears, crying out loud. "If I can..." Refus says, "I'll see if I can arrange a way for your parents to come visit you, at least once. I know it's hard, but at least try to get comfortable with the house you're staying at. I know you're staying with someone else in the city that your parents once knew, and it's probably unfamiliar to you, but try to make your parents proud. For their sake... it's what will make them even happier in the long run".

After school, Wyatt goes to work as Emma stays in the dorm and works on clothing. The night passes, Wyatt returns from work and the two go to sleep. When the next day arrives, Emma prepares the clothing she had made, to be sold at Savvy Threads. As the couple begins to leave the school grounds, they meet with Aeris and Jackson at the gate. "I didn't know it was already time..." Wyatt says.

"We didn't exactly decide on a time..." Emma says, "now that I think about it".

"I got bored" Aeris says, "so I came out for some fresh air. I guess Jackson is more excited about this date than he would like to show, because he came runnin' out not long after that".

"I WAS gonna go for a walk to clear my mind..." Jackson says as he crosses his arms. "I guess that's too much to ask".

"Right... whatever you say" Aeris replies. "By the way, Emma and Wyatt, if you weren't coming out to join us, then why are you already out together?".

"Ah, uh..." Emma says as she takes her backpack off of her arms. Emma opens up her backpack and shows them the clothes she was about to sell. "I was taking these down to Savvy Threads".

"And Wyatt is just coming with you for THAT?" Jackson asks. "Do you guys go everywhere together?".

"I-I mean..." Emma says, "I guess... we do".

"Why shouldn't we?" Wyatt asks, sounding confused.

Jackson and Aeris glance at each other for a quick second. "Maybe they don't need dating advice after all..." Aeris says. "They seem to be doing fine".

The four of them walk together to Savvy Threads. When they get inside, Matilda says the usual "Welcome!" before she notices it's Emma. "Emma!" Matilda shouts, "Welcome back! Brought some more already?".

Emma laughs and says "It's already been another week, Matilda!".

"It has?" Matilda asks, "I guess when you're this old, you lose track of time much more easily!".

As Emma was showing and handing over some clothes to Matilda, suddenly Emily walks out from the back of the store. "Matilda, it looks like we-" suddenly Emily stops walking and talking as she notices her classmates. "What are you guys doing here?" Emily asks with a sour look.

"E-Emily?" Emma asks.

"Oh, you guys know each other already?" Matilda asks.

"No" Emily says as she begins to walk away, "and no thank you".

Matilda watches as Emily walks away. "Odd..." Matilda says, "she's usually a lot more... loving". Matilda then looks at Emma and the rest. "Don't worry" Matilda says, "she's usually very sweet. She's just going through... a rough time".

"What happened?" Emma asks.

"Oh, don't worry about that" Matilda says, "that's my job. I'm the one taking care of her, after all".

"Is she your granddaughter, miss?" Wyatt asks.

"Me?" Matilda asks, "oh, ho ho ho! No, that's not it. Her parents have... troubles with moving to the city, but wanted to send her to college. They used to be customers of mine... frequent customers. I talked to them all the time. Lovely family, by the way. I agreed to take her in so she would have a place that's close to the school. Is she in your class?".

"Yep" Aeris says, "although, she doesn't really... talk to us at all".

"She'll warm up to at least one of you, eventually" Matilda says. "She just needs... Well, she needs time".

"Is she a laibah?" Jackson asks.

"Erm... no, not really" Matilda says, "but it's complicated...".

Before Wyatt and the rest leave, Matilda pulls Emma to the side. "What is it now?" Emma asks.

"I know you and Wyatt went to the festival together" Matilda says, "so I was just curious. Is everything okay? How are things going?".

"Oh... that" Emma says. "I was able to eventually tell Wyatt... or rather, he told me first... but".

"Have you been honest with him?" Matilda asks. "Have you already told him about... that?".

Emma smiles and says "Don't worry so much, everything is fine!".

Matilda looks at Emma as she thinks "That better not mean what I think it means". Eventually Matilda just smiles and says "Alright then, that's good to hear. You two love birds take care of yourselves!".

"Thanks, Matilda!" Emma says as she begins to walk away.

"You take care too, Matilda!" Wyatt says as he waves at her.

"I'm assuming the other two are also a couple?" Matilda asks. "Are you guys going on a double date?".

"We are NOT a couple!" Jackson protests.

As the group leaves the store, Matilda giggles and says to herself "You didn't deny the latter... kids these days...".

The four move on with their double date, visiting places around the town of Reyo. After a while, the group came to a stop as they decided to eat together at a nearby restaurant. Emma and Wyatt paid for most of the bill, as Jackson and Aeris don't usually get much money to spend. While eating, Aeris asks "So if Emily has been staying with the lady at the store, then have you met her before, Emma?".

"No" Emma says. "Then again, Mr. Maloney did say she only recently arrived here... so I'm guessing she just moved in this week. Perhaps just a couple days ago".

"It would've had to been a couple days ago" Wyatt says. "I was at Savvy Threads when I got my suit that I wore to the festival".

"She seems so... spiteful" Aeris says, "but that lady at the store says she's usually sweet... I just don't see it".

"Maybe you need new glasses then..." Jackson says.

Aeris swings her fist at Jackson, but stops just before she hits him. Jackson flinches, and Aeris says "That's two for flinching!". Aeris then hits Jackson twice on the shoulder, then says "but I'm still marking that one down...".

"Oh, come on!" Jackson complains.

Wyatt and Emma begin to laugh, then Aeris asks "So do you guys see each other often, outside of school?".

"Oh... yeah" Wyatt says.

"Do you guys ever spend the night with each other?" Aeris asks, with a expression worthy of making someone worry about what Aeris is thinking. "You know, a romantic night together... alone?".

"W-w-What!?" Emma panics, "n-no!".

"Oh calm down" Aeris says, "I'm not talking about... that. There are other things you guys can do to... you know, get a little closer".

"You're giving the poor idiots weird ideas" Jackson says.

"For the love of-" Aeris says, "I'm not talking about sex! They can simply share a bed, stay up all night and talk, maybe work on school stuff together! Geez, you really have your head in the gutter...".

"I think we all know by now" Jackson says, "that you just like messing with people like that... gods only know you were probably only half joking".

"Oh, shut up!" Aeris yells.

As Jackson and Aeris argued, Emma and Wyatt thought to themselves. Eventually, the sun began to set, and they all decided it was about time they went to their homes. Emma and Wyatt stayed up together, but eventually decided it was time to sleep. Wyatt crawled into his bed, but Emma sat on the ground in front of Wyatt's bed, thinking to herself. "Emma?" Wyatt asks, "are you alright?".

Emma's face begins to grow bright red, as she twiddles her thumbs and says "I was thinking... and I wanted to know if I can...". Then Emma begins to mumble something inaudible.

"What?" Wyatt asks.

"I wanted to..." Emma began to say, but then mumbled again.

Wyatt laughs and says, "Emma, I can't hear you if you mumble. Come on, talk to me. You can ask me anything!".

"I wanted to know..." Emma began to say as her face began to grows even more red, "if I can... share you bed with you?".

"Huh!?" Wyatt asks, now his face growing red.

"I don't mean..." Emma tried to explain, "do anything... funny... you know what? Never mind, I don't want to make you feel awkward".

"No! No no no no no" Wyatt says, "it's not like I think it's a bad thing... s-sure you can... I mean- I guess it's alright".

Emma takes her blanket off of her bed and wraps herself up individually. Emma then sees the beanie that Aeris had given her before, and wears it on her head. That way, if she suddenly looses control of her shapeshift ability, Wyatt won't see her ears pop out. After Emma lays down next to Wyatt, Wyatt asks "I'm not bothered by it, but what made you suddenly want to share a bed?".

"I just..." Emma says as she thinks of the right words to say, "wanted to find ways... to become closer to you...".

"Emma..." Wyatt says, "you don't have to push yourself, you know that. I'm fine moving at whatever pace you're comfortable with, because it's you I care about the most". Wyatt throws one arm over Emma, to hold her as they fall asleep. The surprise made Emma's ears pop out. Luckily, Wyatt didn't notice because of the hat. "I love you Emma" Wyatt says, "and because of that, I'm fine just being able to see you. If you get uncomfortable with anything, please, let me know".

Emma nods her head and says "Alright".

"Goodnight" Wyatt says.

As the two go to sleep, Emma kept hoping, thinking "Please don't let my tail slip out, please don't let my tail slip out" over and over to herself. It was difficult at first, but eventually, they both found sleep. Little by little, and occasionally taking big steps, the two of them grew closer.