
Chapter 20

  "No two people are the same, Emma" Emma's mother, Jasmine says to Emma. "Don't let bad people stop you from being a good person. In the end, we can only look back on what we've done, and not what had been given to us".

  "But mom..." Emma says, "why do people do bad things?".

  "Somethings can not be easily explained" Jasmine says. "No one really has the answer to what is good or what is bad. It's up to you on how you view the world, and you're special, honey. There will be a time where the world itself feels like it's weighing down on your shoulders. It's up to you to decide if that's a blessing or a curse".

  "What makes me so special?" Emma asks.

  "It's all about how you see it" Jasmine says.

  "Mom?" Emma asks. "Mom!? MOM!". Suddenly, Emma's head shoots up from the bed, nearly hitting Wyatt in the chin. "Oh..." Emma says, sorrow in her voice, "it was just another dream".

  "Er-... you okay?" Wyatt asks as he slowly wakes up.

  "Y-Yeah... I'm fine" Emma says.

  "Bad dream?" Wyatt asks.

  "It's... well" Emma says, "no, not really. Just... memories, I guess".

  Wyatt thinks to himself, worried about Emma. "Does remembering things make you worried or sad then?" Wyatt asks.

  Emma sighs and says "I guess... sometimes it does? Depends on the memories... you know?".

  "Yeah..." Wyatt says, "I think I get it". Wyatt throws his arms around Emma and says "Just remember, if you ever need to talk, I'll be here for you".

  "Yeah" Emma says, "t-thanks!".

  The two of them head to class together, and the morning classes pass by quickly for them. Suddenly, when lunch period began, Emily pulled Wyatt to the side. "I need to ask about something" Emily says.

  "I actually wanted to ask about something as well" Wyatt says.

  "Really?" Emily asks. "Well, I'll go first then. Has Emma been acting... strange... to you?".

  "I... was actually going to ask about the same thing" Wyatt says. "I was hoping one of you could tell me if you knew if there was something bothering her lately. Do you know anything about that?".

  Emily pauses as she thinks about the conversation she had with Emma last night. "N-no... no I don't" Emily says. "I guess... if she hasn't said anything... then I guess everything is fine?".

  "Fine?" Wyatt asks. "That's kinda weird, considering how she wanted to help you even though you refused to-".

  "Anyways" Emily interrupts, "I'm just making sure there wasn't something going on between you two. I guess as her friend you could say I'm just worried about her?".

  Wyatt pauses for a moment, then says "Well... uh... should we see if the others know about anything?".

  "N-no!" Emily says. "I-I mean, like... I've asked around already. I guess there's just something at home that's been bothering her lately".

  "At home?" Wyatt says to himself.

  "Well, anyways" Emily says, "that's all I wanted to know".

  "Wyatt?" Emma asks as she comes back down the stairs towards the roof, "are you coming?".

  "Oh, yeah. I'll be right there!" Wyatt says. "Something is definitely bothering Emma" Wyatt says to himself. "I'm not sure what it is, but Emily is acting weird too... what is going on?".

  As everyone gathers in their usual spot, Aeris and Emily began talking to each other privately. "So Wyatt really has no idea?" Emily asks.

  "Mhmm" Aeris says, "but don't try going out of your way to make it obvious that you want to help. You never know when someone might start picking up on suspicious behavior. If anyone needs to tell Wyatt, it has to be Emma. She'd be heart broken otherwise".

  "I know, I know" Emily assures. "I've already talked to her about that. She sees herself as a liar, and would probably feel betrayed if we went out of our way to tell Wyatt. But I can't shake the feeling that it'd be better if we just... tell Wyatt sooner, rather than later".

  "And if that backfires?" Aeris asks.

  "I don't know..." Emily says.

  "So..." Jessica says, looking around at the oddly silent group of Rejects. "Tomorrow's Friday... anyone wanna do anything fun this weekend?".

  "That's it!" Wyatt thinks to himself. "If I can find something fun to do, it might help Emma cheer up and not focus on whatever might be bothering her!". Wyatt then turns to Emma and asks "You want to try hanging out with a few friends this weekend?".

  "O-oh... yeah, sure" Emma says. "Do you have anything in mind, Jessica?".

  "No, not really..." Jessica says. "I was kinda hoping we could start making suggestions on something fun to do... You guys are oddly quiet today, what's up?".

  "I've never really liked talking though" Jackson says.

  "And yet, you take every chance you get to be a smart ass..." Aeris says.

  "Better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass" Jackson says.

  "I've got... other things" Emily says.

  "What about you, Aeris?" Jessica asks.

  "Well, how about another-" Aeris begins to say.

  "Don't suggest another group date thing" Jackson interrupts. "Besides, Jessica is still a loner, so we'll just be making her feel less comfortable. So no, I do not plan on doing anything this weekend".

  "Well... maybe I was overthinking things. You guys are your normal selves" Jessica says. After a short second, Jessica comes to the realization and says "Wait! I'm NOT a loner!".

  "Took you that long to catch on?" Jackson asks. "Wow, maybe you're the one not being their normal self. You've gotta speed up your thinking if you don't want to be insulted all the time".

  The rest of the day passes like any other. However, the next morning, Refus showed up a little early to class. As soon as he gets in, he walks up to Emma and says "Emma, the principal and I would like to talk for a couple minutes".

  "I-is there something wrong?" Emma asks.

  "No, don't worry" Refus says. "Principal Schafold just wants to ask about a few things".

  The two of them, Refus and Emma, walk out of the class together. Upon leaving, rumors immediately started spreading. "Do you think she's in trouble?" One of the students ask.

  "Her?" Another student replies. "I don't see why. Even for a Reject, she's entirely too quiet. I don't see what she might've done".

  "Maybe laibah still hold onto grudges against humans after all" a different student says.

  "They're spreading rumors again..." Wyatt says in irritation. "I thought we were done with this".

  "Looks like we won't be done until we find a way to change people's minds about laibah" Jackson says. Jackson then stands up and says "Can you guys chill? I doubt those laibah even have the luxury of hating humans anymore. Don't you think it's about time you guys stop spreading rumors like that? I get you guys are paranoid, but geez, ease off the trigger a little. This is like... a whole new low, even for you guys. I thought you guys were used to laibah by now, seeing as to how our homeroom teacher is one. Like, seriously, when is the last time a laibah has ever picked on you?".

  The class fell silent for a while. Jackson felt a little triumphant for a second, until "Do we have laibah classmates?" A student asks. "That sounds like a thing a laibah would say".

  "Is that guy a laibah?" Another student comments. "No wonder he's one of The Rejects".

  "Are all of The Rejects laibah?" A different student says. "I guess that would make sense, but then why does Principal Schafold want to talk to one of them?".

  "Maybe the Principal doesn't" a student says, "and maybe the teacher is just playing favorites!".

  Jackson sits down, both angry and disappointed at the class's reaction. "Looks like that backfired" Aeris says. "Now we've got this to deal with".

  "I'm sure they'll shut up eventually" Jessica says.

  "Why are you so relaxed about this?" Jackson asks.

  "Because" Jessica says. "Try as they might, they're not gonna do anything to my friends as long as I'm here".

  "A-are you sure you're prepared for something like that?" Aeris asks. "You know most humans- I mean... people. You know most people can act rather... violent towards laibah and laibah supporters, right?".

  "What are they gonna do? Insult me?" Jessica says with a laugh.

  "Burn your house down" Emily says, "or maybe attack you outside of school?".

  "E-Emily!" Aeris says.

  "What? Just saying" Emily responds.

  "No... Jessica is right" Wyatt says. "These people will never change unless we can find a way to change their minds about you guys. Seeing as how stubborn they are, it'll probably have to be something big... but maybe not something crazy. So don't go postal on people, Jessica".

  "Argh! Fine" Jessica says. "I won't go crazy... but they're not touching you guys... I mean it".

  "Thanks... Jessica" Aeris says. "It means a lot".

  Meanwhile, at the Principal's Office, Refus shows up with Emma. "Emma Frey?" Ryan asks as he stands up to shake her hand. Emma stands awkwardly, and nervously stares at his hand. "Sorry" he says, "I just figured manners would be a great start. Look, I'll cut to the chase. Refus and I, we both know you're a laibah. We also know about your bloodline".

  "What about it?" Emma asks, with a stern voice.

  "I don't mean to be rude" Ryan says. "You can trust me. We didn't want to have to go out of our way to try and reach out to you... but we fear the worst for your safety. I know about the ability called quarter shifting. Do you have it?".

  "I don't... really want to" Emma says, shuffling her feet, "... talk about it".

  "Let me reword this" Ryan says. "Do you have troubles controlling your human form?". Emma refuses to answer, then Ryan continues to say "I want to help. I'm on your side, Ms. Frey".

  "Don't... call me that" Emma says.

  "Is Emma fine, then?" Ryan asks gently. Emma once again refuses to answer. "Look" Ryan continues, "if you need any support, we can give you your own personal room. It'll be away from everyone, where you can try getting more comfortable with your ability and-".

  "No" Emma says.

  "I'm sorry?" Ryan asks.

  "No thank you" Emma says. "I don't... want people getting in my way".

  "In the way of what?" Refus asks. Emma once again refuses to answer. "Emma, please let us help you".

  "I already have the help I need" Emma says. "I don't want anyone getting in my way... of trying to repay that kindness to the people I owe it too".

  "Repaying the kindness, huh?" Ryan asks. "I get that much, and I don't want to force you to do something that you don't want to do... but, if you ever need the help, we will be right here. Don't be afraid to ask".

  "Thanks..." Emma says, "but no thanks. I'm fine".

  Emma then slowly leaves the office on her own. Refus and Ryan were left staring at each other in confusion. "She's a rather... driven child" Ryan says.

  "I'm sorry" Refus says, "I don't think she meant to sound rude, but-".

  "No, it's fine" Ryan says. "She's said enough for me to understand. You're dismissed. You have a home room to attend to". Refus takes a short bow, then leaves. "She reminds me so much of Remi and Tera... it makes me wonder if they're related. However, even though I know that she should be fine on her own... I can't help but to feel like I need to help. I still have something of my own to repay, and I'll make sure I'll pay my dues". Ryan then takes a sigh and says to himself "I'll pay off my dues one day at a time... I wonder if you're still alive, Tera. I wish I knew where you left to, so I could have the chance to apologize... for Remi".

  As Emma walks down the halls, she says to herself "I've got to find a way to get closer to Wyatt. I'm not letting anyone separate us like that... I know they're trying to help, but I can't... I can't allow myself to fall behind. I have to tell Wyatt, but I still need time".

  Soon after, Emma enters the classroom. The class stared at her silently, as she entered without the teacher. "W-What?" Emma asks.

  "Where's the teacher?" A student asks.

  "Do you think something's up after all?" Another student asks.

  "Sorry it took a little longer than expected" Refus says as he enters the classroom. "Everyone take your seats. That means you too, Emma".

  After what felt like a while of listening to rumors spread between the shift of classes, lunch period began. "So what did they have to talk to you about?" Jessica asks.

  "Nothing important" Emma says. "Just asking about stuff like... family things and stuff. You know how schools worry all the time".

  "I... guess if you say so" Jessica says. Emma walks over to Wyatt and sits next to him. "You still wanna do something this weekend?".

  "Yeah, sure" Emma says.

  "What do you guys want to do?" Wyatt asks.

  "Well, we could just go for a walk" Jessica says. "You know, explore the area a bit. There's that forest right outside of town. We can go looking through there".

  Jackson, Aeris and Emily glance at each other, all thinking the same idea about how that's a terrible suggestion. "I'd rather not" Emma says.

  "Come on, it'll be a fun way to get away from people" Jessica says.

  "Are you really that hellbent on getting away from people?" Jackson asks.

  "Yes" Jessica says rather promptly.

  "I don't really want to go to the forest" Emma says.

  "Fine, fine" Jessica says. "How about something like a picnic out at the clearing by the forest?".

  "I... guess that could be something to do" Wyatt says.

  Emma takes a deep sigh and says "Alright... I guess".

"Didn't you say you used to live in the forest before?" Wyatt asks.

Emma nearly spits out her food in surprise. "I-I-I did, but I was homeless. I didn't really have a h-home in the forest. I-I just kind of stayed there!".

"Homeless?" Jessica asks. "This is news to me. Why didn't you ever tell us about that before?".

"I guess Wyatt isn't totally clueless" Jackson whispers. "Maybe it's only a matter of time before he figures it all out".

"I hate to agree" Emily says, "and it's nothing against Wyatt, but Emma does need to hurry up".

"Calm down" Aeris says. "Let her handle this".

"I-I just... didn't want people thinking less of me" Emma says.

"No matter what position you were in before" Wyatt says gently, "you're still Emma, aren't you? I still love you for who you are".

Emma begins to blush as she says "Y-Yeah... I guess you're right".

"Then it's settled" Jessica says. "Let's go there! Maybe revisiting your old... homeless shelter isn't the best idea, but it's always good to look back at the past and see how much you've grown!".

"I guess you've got a point..." Emma says.

Later that night, when Wyatt left for work and Emma stayed in the dorm room, Emma thought to herself about what Wyatt said. "I'm still me..." Emma says to herself. "I'd like to hope that Wyatt really means that. Then again, maybe I'm closer to my goal than I realize...". Emma then goes back to working on stitching. Suddenly, Wyatt's words "I still love you for who you are" came to mind. Emma began to feel a warmth inside that seemed almost overwhelming, as her fox ears and tail popped out again. "Dammit!" Emma says to herself. "Get a grip... I need to get better at holding this form". Emma sighs to herself then says "I can't think straight. On one hand, there may still be hope. But on the other, I might still mess this up... I don't know what to do".

After a few hours, Wyatt came back from work. "I'm back" Wyatt says. "Sorry to keep you waiting".

Emma shakes her head and says "It's fine! I've finished at least one thing to sell to Matilda tomorrow!".

Wyatt sits down on his bed and releases a long sigh of relief. "I've been thinking" Wyatt says, "and I figured something was bothering you lately, and that's why I wanted to go do something this weekend. Sorry if trying to drag you along seemed... bothersome. I just wanted to help".

"You did?" Emma says. "Y-you don't have to worry, I'm just... I'm sorry I'm being weird. I know I haven't been completely honest with you, and there are some things I can't quite tell you... at least, not yet. B-but I promise! I promise I'll let you know whenever I need help! You don't have to worry about me so much!".

Wyatt laughs and says "I'll take your word for it, but I don't mind trying to help. Which is also why I was thinking, if you want, to try going on another date on Sunday or something?".

"Yeah" Emma says, "I'd love that".

"I was thinking we could just go do something simple" Wyatt says. "Just the two of us. Something like hanging out by the forest like we're doing with Jessica tomorrow, but just the two of us".

"Anything" Emma says, "as long as it's time spent with you, I'm fine with anything".