The robbery at Ardent Industries.

Dwayne and Shelly driven off down the quiet road in the stolen Lotus Elan at dawn as they headed to their next destination. Feeling bored he quickly fiddles with the radio. "And this is BBC news! Last Night Milton City was at the scene of terror as a supernatural battle ensues, resulting in many casualties and 6 million dollars in damages. Spokesman, Mr Tod Kelland, told interviewers just now that the mayor has been notified about the situation and is coming to give a talk tomorrow at 3:00 pm in the Brigham Palace, 5:00pm UK time to our British listeners( It's basically like the White House). He expressed his condolences to those lost in the fight and is working with the victims families in the case. As for now, Milton City is still on lockdown as they search for two perpetrators whom fled the scene." Bryony silences the radio as she feared, "They are after us." Shelly glances at her phone, seeing messages from Zoe whom expresses her concern regarding last night.

"You alright? I saw you and Dwayne in that crazy footage. The class chat group is going crazy over what had happened."

She quickly creates a reply to her, knowing that school would start soon, "Zoe don't worry about me I'm fine." She puts down her phone as she tells Dwayne and the others that their friends may be in trouble.

"What do you mean?" Bryony asked. "Since our cover is blown and we are hunted by the authorities, they will do anything to find our positions!" Shelly gets more frustrated as Dwayne assures everyone saying that they will get them later on as they continued driving down the road towards a dirt path to another lookout point. It viewed the amazing ocean and the Ardent Industries building. The building was completely different from several years ago. The building now has reinforced fences, guard towers from the outside and many security guards roaming about. She won't be surprised that the Military would be here as well. "Ok the only way to access this place undetected is by going through the sewers by the bay." Bryony led the way as they went down the slope, nearly caught several times by the watchtowers as they continued towards the sewers slipping inside with ease. They swam up the building's piping into the very office that her father worked at. "Do you know which way is it?" Hektor questioned her as they slipped out of the piping into a crossroad of cubicles and chairs. She closes her eyes, trying to remember to location of the office as she roamed to the left direction. They followed her until she stops at an office. Shelly opens her eyes to realize her dad's name is still there but the place was nearly cleared. They entered the room as Shelly sat down to activate the computer. "Remember Shelly, we are finding three blueprints that are stored in your dad's computer. These weapons are capable of defeating Katz and her misfits." She starts up the computer to see a password message, she had flashbacks on how she back then memorized the password thinking that it would be useless, until today. But the problem was that she already forgotten one and it was the one at the start. She thinks carefully of her choices hopping that it wouldn't lock them or set an alarm off while looking at Dwayne guarding the door. "Bryony do you think that her father got sick of the program so he created a failsafe?" Dwayne asked as Bryony quickly replied, " Probably so but he may use the weapons for his own benefit." Eureka. Shelly found a break and managed to enter the password, logging in to the network.

She scoured the background looking for the right file as she plugs in her own thumb drive. (She took her pencil case and her PC as she escaped) She uploads the blueprints but is disappointed by the loading times. Dwayne was dreaming a little, wishing that it is all over when he spots two glowing yellow eyes in the darkness followed by several pink eyes.

"Who are you? Show yourselves!" He gets his hammer at the ready, prepared to toss it and smash evil people's faces with it. A pink, glowing eyed creature then stepped out of the shadows. "I've expected your arrival Bryony."

"Katz." She growled as Katz draws out two blades from the hosts' arms. "You may had did well killing Chomp but your still both nothing to me. For today I won't be fighting you." She withdraws her blades and points at the shadow behind her, "He is." Dwayne was shocked to see Jack as he dropped down from the ceiling. His body even tougher than before with yellow glowing veins and eyes. "What have you done to him?!?" Dwayne seethed with anger, he knows himself that he hates Jack for all he had done but Jack didn't deserve this kind of punishment. Katz laughed hysterically before commanding them to attack.

Shelly watched as Dwayne ran to meet the horde. The transfer is now at 80%. She watches it impatiently, eagerly to quickly remove the thumb drive of these files. Dwayne stomped most of the horde but struggled with Jack. "I SMELL FEAR IN YOU JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHERS THAT HAD FALLEN." 'Jack' mocked Dwayne as Dwayne tells him to suck it. The loading process was finally done. She quickly took out the thumb drive informing him as they tried to get away. Suddenly the alarm sounds. Katz had triggered the alarm. "Everyone retreat, let the authorities deal with them." She said as they slide back in as Katz reverts to Mr L. Cambridge to the utter shock of both Dwayne and Shelly. Behind him, soldiers pointed their rifles at them. Demanding them to surrender.

They immediately shrink to small size as the men started firing at them. "You ok sir?" A lieutenant asks Mr L. Cambridge. "Yup I'm ok. Found them stealing information. Anyway where is my helicopter?" The pair listened in disgust knowing the truth. They quickly slid into their slimy forms into the pipes as one throws a grenade. Causing an explosion and the breaking of pipings. They quickly slide down as they come out alive from the sewers, hiding in the bushes from the watchtowers. Eventually making it back to the lookout point. They quickly get into their ride as they make their getaway.

"So do we get them?" Dwayne asked. "Yes but we must ditch the car first." Bryony replied as they drove past several armored vehicles.