The Beginning

When Yurnero opened his eyes he saw the clear and blue sky full with ambiance and life. As he stands up he scans his surroundings and was shocked for what he saw, "Where am I? I am supposed to be exiled from the Isle of Masks for defying the Lord". This place is totally new and foreign to Yurnero he begans to roam around the place and saw lots of greenery and wild life that's entirely different from where he came from. "What happened to me after touching that ball of light? Where the fuck did that thing brought me?".

He checked his body and it is still as muscular and fit like the last time and he is still carrying Kantusa the Script Sword which his master had once given him before getting exiled. Next thing he did is checked what's his level now becsuse last time he is at the legendary and max level of 25 that only few can achieve. As he opened his stats he saw:

Yurnero the Juggernaut

Level : 25

Race : Human

Equipments : Kantusa the Scipt Sword (Black)

Sigil Mask of the Bladekeeper (Black)

Blackened Armor of the Bladekeeper (Black)

Pantaloons of the Bladekeeper (Black)

Blackened Boots of the Bladekeeper (Black)

Title : Strongest Juggernaut of the Isle of Masks

Strength : 999

Agility : 999

Intelligence : 999

The grade of equipment are arranged accordingly starting from the strongest grade Black, Red, Orange, Green, and White being the weakest grade. As all are correct Yurnero started to head North and try his luck to find a town to inquire needed information on where the fuck he is. "Damn that ball of light if I ever see you here you're done". After walking for almost half a day he begans to see a town that's full of people lining up at the gate seeing this Yurnero got curious and started to run at amazing speed reaching the gate under a minute that spans almost a kilometer away. As he arrived he asked one of the people what are they doing here and what's the name of the town. "What are you doing here and what's this town called?". "We need to pay 5 coppers to enter the town Zarukina that is being governed by the elusive Harpies" said the person. Harpies have a body and face of a human female and has wings and claws that can easily tear any flesh. Harpies didn't even faze Yurnero because he is confident that killing those chickens is as easy as eating them. "Thank you i will go now" replied Yurnero as he went directly to the guard and glared at him. All it taked is a glare full of killing intent that pressured the guard that sweat like crazy and began to tremble just from that eye conctact alone. "Uhhmm... Honored Sir you may pass without paying the entrance fee" said the guard with trembling voice fearing that he may get killed from offending this monstrous person. "Well thank you" said Yurnero as he entered the town suddenly one of the lining people said "what gives him the right to go in and cut the line before us we waited for too long just to get inside the town". The guard wanted to rebuke and punish that man but as soon as he was about to do it he felt a chill running down his spine and thought that man is dead meat. "What did you just say to me? asked Yurnero with a tinge of killing intent." What gives you..." the man stopped talking because there is already a hand up his neck and he was already above the ground." Will you repeat what you just said to me? "." Uhmmm shir shir I'm very shorry for offending you I'm blind I'm sho shorry" the man can't even talked properly because of the pressure Yurnero is releasing unto him. "Then don't ever act that you're the boss here understand?". After he said that he have thrown the man high in the air but not too high that it will kill him. As the commotion is now over he know entered the town Zarukina with a smiling and anticipating face." I can't wait that this town can offer me I'm tingling with excitement" he said as he run straight to the center of the town leaving a trail of dumbfounded people.

He went straight to the town center for there is a lot of people there and hope to gather some useful information but as he walked in a dark and cramped alley, there are three men with knives at their hands with obvious intentions to steal and kill! "Hand over your things so that you will die without pain" the robber said with a laughing tone. "Yeah just follow us obediently" said the other two. "I have never expected that my first encounter in this place would be you unlucky robbers". "What did you just say" said the three of them but as soon as they finished what they're saying, their heads are already flying up in the air all at the same time they didn't even have time to react it is just way too fast to notice with the naked eye. "Foolish, it is bad luck that you encountered me today