Chapter 18: Plans of Infiltration

Many things happened after the fight with Black Assassin. No one dared to take a break at such a crucial moment in their plan. Black Assassin is weak, incredibly weak, nothing is stopping them from attacking. How ever now is still not the right time to try and defeat him since they still had to defeat Black Lilac. It will be hard but with Black Assassin weak it should be easier, but at the same time sometimes you just have to risk it as you never truly know what's going to happen, unless you're an oracle.

-In the high meeting room-

The high meeting room was split into three sections. One section sat people under the Royal Family's control so Josh and Arthur Celeste sat there, Claude and Alfred Galaxious sat in the section for the Galaxious Group and the Five Roses' along with The Rose sat in the section for the Rose Group.

"Let us begin this meeting", said Rosa as she looked around to see everyone present. "Now what should our first plan of action be?"

"We should infiltrate their main base since their main focus right now is trying to help Black Assassin with his loss of an arm", said Arthur with authority.

"But they might have moved him somewhere else to avoid us so we should look for all of their other bases first so that way we have somewhere else to go if Black Assassin is not at their main base", said Alfred with power.


The Galaxious Group and the Royal's group started to have a heated conversation on some possible plans while the Roses' thought about what the most efficient and best plan of action would be. "How about we combine both ideas", said Rosa in a strong voice.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Claude.

"Well we could first identify all of their bases then infiltrate their main base and cut of all of their communication. Afterwards we can destroy their main base and if we find Black Assassin there we will... Get him. If he is not there we can destroy all of their other bases so while doing so we will be looking for Black Assassin and get rid of Black Lilac at the same time, after all it is about time that we get rid of that mafia", replied Rosa.

Everyone thought about that plan and after a few minutes approval could be heard. "Then shall we go with that plan?" Asked The Rose.

Everyone in the room raised their hands and Rosa smiled. "Great, then lets continue planning", smiled Rosa.

They continued to plan and Josh of course wanted to contribute too so he suggested some ideas.

"Well since the origins of Black Lilac starts in Adler Kingdom they will most likely have a lot of bases there, and Adler Kingdom will want to get rid of them too so we could work with them to get rid of the other bases, and they also probably have more information on them as they really do despise Black Lilac and wish to destroy them too", said Josh with confidence.

Rosa once again smiled at the boy's thinking, despite being the same age as him she couldn't help but feel like as if she was listening to someone younger suggesting smart ideas and surprising everyone. "What a smart idea, lets get the Adler Kingdom's help with this too then", said Rosa.

They continued to plan and after a while the meeting ended. They had to plan well and quick as they might never have an opportunity like this again.

When the meeting had ended Josh couldn't help but wonder about why he was assigned to Selena before this since he would have never been able to help fight Black Assassin if he wasn't in the capital.

As he saw Rosa leaving he decided to ask her about it so as he ran up to her and asked, "wait Rosa! Why did you assign me to Selena?"

The Rose turned around and said, "the reason why I assigned you to Selena is because I wanted you to do something with more action, and Selena happened to be in Vas at that time so I thought why not get you to work with her".

Rosa then left as Josh stared at her back. He felt like she was hiding something.

-With Rosetta-

"Diana Faye, what are you trying to do and what do you know", whispered Rosetta as she looked at the people running around below her.

The thing Rosetta hid was that last night she got a note from the past saying to assign Josh to a group in the capital, who knew it would lead to fighting Black Assassin with Josh. Not only that but it was from Diana Faye.

Rosetta bit her lip then sighed. She changed to Ariana's form and decided she had to give Josh a good magical lesson. From what has happened so far Josh can have very high skill in magic and thinking. If they were to teach him more the more better he would become and the more useful he will be when they infiltrate the bases.

Ariana jumped out of her tower and onto the ground and made her way to the guest house and knocked on the door.

"Josh, may I come in?" Asked Ariana.

"Ariana?" Said Josh.


"Oh it's you. Sure come in".

Ariana turned the door knob and entered the cozy guest house to see Josh lounging around on a velvet red sofa. "Did I interrupt anything", asked Ariana as she closed the door.

"No, not really", said Josh as he looked at Ariana.

Today she wore her uniform which is a dark pink, long coat which has a rose on the back, a pastel pink top with the Rose Group crest on it which is tucked into her light purple skirt. For shoes she wore knee high, metallic purple boots and she also wore white finger-less gloves with a rose on them.

"Um... So what are you here for?" Said Josh as he tried not to look too much.

"Well I haven't given you a magical lesson for a while so I thought I might teach you some special spells for when we infiltrate Black Lilac's bases", replied Ariana.

"Special spells?"

"Yep. Some spells that not many know about, but they aren't here, they're in the Galaxious Mansion so we will be staying there until we head out to Black Lilac's main base".

This was also because she wanted to use the libraries in the Galaxious Mansion since they are much more better than the ones at Vas, after all the Galaxious Group has hundreds of years in knowledge.

"Okay then!" Replied Josh cheerfully.

He really wanted to look around the magical side of the Galaxious Mansion so he readily accepted, plus he also got a lesson from it too so he got his stuff and met Ariana who was waiting at the gate to outside of Vas.

"Do you have everything? We might not come back to Vas after this", said Ariana.

Josh was sad to leave Vas but he really wanted to see more of the Galaxious Mansion and get that lesson so he sadly said goodbye to Vas and said, "yes".

"Perfect, then follow me".

Ariana raised her hand and pointed it at the gate then suddenly a necklace which hung around Ariana's neck glowed. "Whoa, is that your key to Vas?" Asked Josh.

"Yeah, this is how us Roses' get to Vas. It has an enchantment where only the owner can wear it and use it otherwise something happens", said Ariana as she held a golden locket with a pink rose on it. "Actually this is a gift from my brother but The Rose enchanted it into a key", smiled Ariana with blank eyes.

"It's really beautiful", said Josh.

"Probably because he got the best jewelry maker to make this. I laughed so much when hearing him talking about all of the trouble he went through to get this to later on find out that the jewelry maker is the one who makes their special jewelry. The man was playing a trick on my eight year old brother at that time and we all laugh so much when someone brings up that story now".

"You'll have to tell me that story one day".

"Definitely", laughed Ariana as the sun shone brilliantly on her blonde hair.

When she opened her eyes again she met Josh's eyes and they locked. After a few seconds they quickly looked away with a tinge of red on their cheeks. "Ahem, anyway lets go before the gate closes", said Ariana.

"Yep", replied Josh.

Josh and Ariana walked through the galaxy path and after a few seconds they made it back to the surface. They walked through the Forest of Vas with the sound of animals and the rustling of trees in the background. When they got out Ariana teleported them to the entrance of the Galaxious Mansion where they were greeted by the butler, Sebastian. "Welcome back my lady", said the butler.

"Hello Sebastian. Is mother, father and brother home?" Asked Ariana.

"Yes, and so is Adrian", responded Sebastian.


"Yes, he came over to discuss some things with your father and brother".

"I see... Sebastian could you please show Josh where his room is".

"Of course my lady", Sebastian bowed and then faced Josh. "Please follow me".

"Okay", replied his highness.

"Sorry about this, I just need to do some things right now okay?" Said Ariana.

"Okay", said Josh as he followed the butler to his room on the fifth floor.

"Your highness, this is the room you shall be staying in for the next three days, if you need anything feel free to call someone. I shall be taking my leave now", said Sebastian as he exited the room.

Josh looked around the room which had dark blue walls, white carpet and roof, an oak wardrobe and drawer, a mahogany desk, a purple sofa and a king sized bed.

Josh unpacked his luggage and decided to do some work while waiting for Ariana. He decided it was not safe to read Diana's diary in the Galaxious Mansion so instead he decided to do some more research about Black Lilac.

Black Lilac is a mafia founded by the demon king Troy Adler. They are incredibly powerful and whoever their leader is, is always the king of the underworld. Thanks to the black market Black Lilac has earned a lot of money and were able to obtain many things, including forbidden objects. When Troy Adler was still alive he used Black Lilac to get materials to make a powerful forbidden object called the Wand of Theft. It took two years to build and Black Assassin used it to steal magic from his people which lasted for a month before the other kingdoms took action and stole the wand.

The wand is made out of wood which is frozen just before it's death, a spider ruby gem from the depths of earth, the skull of the first king of the Adler Kingdom, an emerald snake and a tiny bottle of eternal flame mixed with the blood of a Fire and Water Bird (the breed of bird Misty is). However even if you have all of the materials it is still difficult to craft the wand properly for it to work.

As Josh continued to read Black Assassin cursed Rosetta while he sat in bed with tubes stuck in him. Fury overwhelmed him as he thought about his real arm no longer being there while his servants shook while hearing their master's anger.

"That female dog! She actually cut my arm off! I swear on my life that I will tear her limbs of one by one the next time I see her! You! Tell me if you have finished the prosthetic arm!" Shouted Black Assassin.

"Umm", said a nervous doctor.

"Master", said an old woman with pitch black hands. "Due to the seriousness of the forbidden magic Ariana used we have to make a special type of prosthetic which will take three months".

"Three months! We can't wait that long! What if the enemy attack us!" Shouted Black Assassin.

"Black Lilac is not that weak, we can defend while you rest. If you use too much magic or move your body too much it will make that wound worse".

"Tsk, that little Ariana. Her kidnappers should've killed her when they had the chance. Fine then, but if you fail me, I will not let anyone live".

"Understood". The old woman bowed and left the room, leaving an annoyed Black Assassin and scared workers.

-With Ariana-

"Mother, father, brother, I am back", said Ariana as she saw her family.

"Ariana! You're home! Come and give your mother a hug", said Sophia as she ran up to Ariana.

Ariana and Sophia hugged until Claude said, "could you give me a hug too Rosy?"

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that", complained Ariana.

"But you loved it so much when you were younger".

"Well now I don't and because of that I won't give you a hug".


"Ahem, now now. Lets all sit down and-", said Alfred before he was interrupted.

"Rosy!" Shouted Adrian as he hugged Ariana.

"Adrian. Let. Me. Go", said an annoyed Ariana.

"Yikes, that's unlike the Pink Rose everyone knows and loves", said Adrian.

"Gee I wonder why, it's definitely not because I'm not with others".

"Right, no need to wear a mask when with others!"

"Adrian let go of Ariana before I strangle you", threatened Claude.

"Gosh what's with you guys", replied Adrian.

"Come on, lets not talk of topic now", said Alfred.

"Okay", said everyone else in sync.

"So anyway, what is this all about?" Asked Ariana.