
"Hey, Dad..."

Clark's putting Cj in the bed when suddenly Cj talk with a sad tone.

Clark looks at the kid's face and brushed Cj's hair using his fingers.

"Is Mommy... with another guy?" Cj asks while he covers himself with the quilt.

Clark's face went shocked.

What made Cj ask such question?

And why does it bother him?

"Why?" All he can ask is why because he can't guarantee a no.

"Because... I saw her with a guy earlier and they are both crying, I wanted to tell you but you were busy with your e-mails."

"What? You should've told me," Clark's voice suddenly raised, shocking CJ.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout..."

Cj's wide eyes flooded with tears as he kicks his father.

"I hate you! I hate you! You're always busy and you don't want me to disturb you!" Cj yelled as he pulls her blanket and covers himself with it.

"Look, Cj, I'm sorry, I was just shocked," Clark said in a soft persuading voice.

"No! This is why Mommy's always sad! You're always busy to notice us!"

Clark stops from pulling Cj's blanket.

Is it true?

That he's too busy to notice the people around him.

Their feelings.

Their words.

Since he grew up alone, all he ever thinks about is himself.

What is good for him.

His needs and wants.

He didn't even glance at other people since they all have their own world.

"I'm sorry, Cj," Clark stands up and turned off the lights at Cj's room.

He can't say anything else.

He doesn't know what to do.

Cj doesn't usually get angry with him since he gives everything Cj wants.

"Dan, where are you? Can you come over my place, I need someone to talk to," Clark said as he drinks alcohol.

He called Dan in the middle of the night when he can't take thinking about his actions anymore.

"No, Clark. It's not working time, dude. I can't just leave Bea alone in her apartment."

"I see..."

"But you can tell me, what's wrong?"

"Nothing... I'll tell you tomorrow."

"Okay, sleep now, it's late."

"Yeah, sorry to bother you."

"No problem, Clark."

Clark turned off his phone and sighs.

He almost finishes the whole bottle of Chateau d'Yquem and he began feeling dizzy and he suddenly felt the urge to see Sheen.

He went out with the door wide open, leaning on the wall while walking towards Sheen's space but as soon as he turn right, he stumbles upon her.

His vision's too blurred to see her and everything slowly turns black.

Sheen hurriedly catch him, supporting his head to avoid hitting the ground.

Her swollen eyes make it hard to see so she just carried him back to his room but Sheen felt nervous when she saw the door wide open.

She looks at Clark, thinking that he might've left it open but she knows something's not right.

She hurriedly went upstairs while supporting Clark but she saw Cj's room widely open.

She peeks inside while she passed by and she felt as if her heart stopped beating and she felt her body freeze.

She immediately put down Clark on the floor and ran to Cj' room.

"Cj," she shouted while staring at an empty bed.

She felt as if her soul left her body when she already checked the closet and the bathroom but no 6-year-old black haired boy is around.

"Clark, why now?" She said with a shaky voice and trembling hands as she stands beside the knocked out man while dialing Bea's number.

It took long before pick up but it was Dan who answered.


"Dan! Cj's missing! I can't find him anywhere. I saw Clark outside drunk and when I took him to his room, Cj's gone! The door was wide open and I knew something was not right so---"

"Okay, okay, relax. I'm going there," Dan said while he breathes heavily.

Sheen heard him waking up Bea.

"We'll be there in five minutes, put Clark to his bed and wait for us. Don't turn off the call, tell me if you hear something with you. If Cj was taken by someone, we might not know if if there's someone with you," Dan said.

"Sheen, just relax okay. It's not good if you suddenly have panic attacks," Bea shouted.

Sheen bites her lips and took Clark to his room.

She walks back and forth in his room while her hands are fidgeting.

"Where are you?" she whispers.

She decided to call Wyn about what happened which he replied that he'll go to her.

It only took five minutes before Bea and Dan arrived.

"Sheen," Bea said and ran to her.

Bea felt that Sheen's sweating and her skin is ice cold while trembling.

"Relax, we'll find him. Gosh! Why does Clark have to be drunk now?!" Bea screamed while kicking Clark's leg that hangs from the side of the bed.

"Chill, I'll talk with the security and surveillance. Bea, stay with Sheen," Dan said and hurriedly went out.

"I called Wyn, he's coming here," Sheen said as she takes a deep breath.

Clark's phone suddenly rang, Sheen took it from his pocket and saw an unknown number.

Bea looks at Sheen and took the phone, it's not good for Sheen to talk with someone now.

"Hello?" Bea asks with a tensed expression then put it in a loudspeaker for Sheen to hear.

"Oh? Where is Mr. White? I would like to talk to him, please?" A woman's voice.

"He's not available at the moment, tell me who is this?" Bea looks at Clark with a bitter expression.

"Okay, we have the kid, we won't sugar coat anything since you're not Mr. White - we want 900 million by 8 pm tomorrow. Take it to the Rose garden, leave it by the fountain then we'll give back his kid. Tell him that we won't wait for another minute. If he's late, you'll see the kid next time inside his coffin," the caller said and immediately turned off the call.

Bea and Sheen weren't able to say anything.

The caller talks way too fast to even interrupt.

"Cj," Sheen sits down on the bed while covering her face.

She can't think straight while feeling nauseated.

Bea called Dan while they heard Wyn shout downstairs.

Sheen stands up and ran down.

"The kidnapper called, she said she needs 900 million by tomorrow at 8 P.M," Bea said while covering Clark with the quilt.

"What? A woman? What else did she say? I'll call the police."

"That's all... Yeah, we have to talk to the police since the Kidnapper has already called."

Sheen ran to Wyn and hugged him tightly while she's trembling.

Wyn can't even move while feeling Sheen shaking.

"There," he pats her back while hugging her.

"Bea, have you called the police?" Wyn asks while hugging Sheen.

"Dan's calling them. The kidnapper called, she needs 900 million or else... Cj will.." Bea looks away.

"Where's the dad? Where's Mr. White?" Wyn asks while letting Sheen go.

"He's drunk. He went out and left the door wide open to go to Sheen. And when she went back with the boss, Cj's already gone."

They all have a serious expression, thinking about who it might be.

"Can it be Dona?" Bea suddenly blurted out, "Or Cj's grandmother."

Sheen looks at Bea, "What? Why would they do that?"

"Sheen, all they want from Boss is money. They don't care about Cj... and why are your eyes swollen?" Bea raises her eyebrows.

"Nothing... We have to find Cj then, they might be hurting him already," Sheen bites her lips.

"Dona... The one you told me about, Bea? The one who sleeps with directors? I know where her company is, let's get her," Wyn said while calling his bodyguards.

"We have to wait for Dan and for the police. We can't just accuse someone," Bea dials Dan.

"Yeah, it might even cause a bigger problem for Clark," Sheen whispers while looking at Clark's bedroom.

Kady suddenly called Sheen, she was hesitant to answer but knowing Kady, he will not call just to annoy her.


"Sheen, remember the kid I told you Mr. White has?"

Sheen froze, "Yes?"

"I saw him being dragged by someone in the car earlier while I leave the cafe. I thought it's nothing but it makes me feel weird. He was not crying but the guys with him seem suspicious."

"He's missing, Kady! Someone took him!" Sheen yelled.

Bea and Wyn look at Sheen, "Kady? He saw Cj?"

Sheen nods, "Where are you? Can you go to the condominium near the cafe?"

"Yeah, since I can't keep the kid out of my mind I stayed here unconciously."

"I'll get him," Wyn said and hurriedly went down.

"Wyn's going down to get you. Did you see who took him? Did you see the plate number?"

"The guys look like... bad guys. I mean, yeah. I remember their face since it even scares me. The plate number...no, I'm sorry."

"Okay, just get your ass here, Kady," Bea shouted.

Sheen turn off the call.

"Dan's on his way here. The police are coming too," Bea sits and rests her back.

"Sheen, we'll get Cj back."

Bea knows that Sheen feels afraid for Cj.

She knows how abductors act.

She knows it too well even though it's their relatives who took her.

Her worried and scared eyes.

Her trembling hands.

Bea sighs, "Sheen, jut be strong for Cj. Clark will be fine by tomorrow morning, he doesn't get hangovers like normal people do no matter how much he drinks."

Sheen looks at Bea with a soft smile, but her eyes are still full of worries.

Bea brewed tea for Sheen while they wait for Dan and the others.

After a while, Kady appeared with Wyn, Dan, and the police, along with Wyn's bodyguard.

They all look like they came out of an action movie that Sheen suddenly forgot her worries and tries to keep in mind their appearance just in case she needs it in her novels.

"Clark's still asleep?" Dan asks and went upstairs.

The police went to Bea and ask what exactly happened.

Wyn and his bodyguards decided to talk with the other police about Cj's grandmother and aunt.

Sheen and Kady look at each other awkwardly, "This feels... nostalgic," Kady whispers.

Blue, Kady, and Sheen were once kidnapped before.

And they all escaped because the kidnapper is stupid.

Sheen was the one who worked as the bait for Kady and Blue to escape and call the police.

Sheen was able to follow them since the Kidnapper believed that they can give him more money than he needs if he let her go.

The both smiled but they still are full of worries, not all kidnappers are stupid.